The Shelter Game: Me, Starting with a Tenfold Drop Rate

Chapter 130: The Betrayer That Cannot Be Defended Against

At the trance of Ocean Group headquarters, Bjamin led the special assault team in forming an impermeable defsive formation.

Any emy trying to break through the special assault team's defse would pay a heavy price.

"Who are you? Do you know where you are? If you don't want trouble, leave immediately!"

Bjamin, hiding behind the defsive formation, shouted through a megaphone at the unidtified figures in the distance.

Bjamin was certain that his words could be heard by the unidtified figures.

However, those figures neither answered Bjamin's questions nor disappeared from his line of sight.

This situation made Bjamin slightly uneasy.

"You two, go scout it out! See what's over there!"

Bjamin ordered two members of the special assault team to investigate the direction of the figures.

After the two team members left, Bjamin and the rest of the special assault team kept a close watch on them. If those scouts countered any danger, they would quickly provide covering fire.

Wh the two team members reached the location of the unidtified figures, they were surprised to find that there was nothing there.

What they had se earlier seemed to be some sort of illusion.

One of the special assault team members turned a and waved toward Bjamin.

This gesture meant that they had found nothing at that location.

Bjamin felt ev more puzzled.

"They found nothing! So what were those unidtified figures we saw? I couldn't have be mistak! Ev if it was an illusion, I should have be able to tell!"

Bjamin was very confidt in his [Far Sight] skill.

In Bjamin's view, ev in the shelter game, those monsters adept at hiding couldn't escape his sight. It was ev less likely for someone to escape his sight in the real world.

Faced with this situation, Bjamin furrowed his brow in thought.

In an instant, something occurred to Bjamin.

He quickly turned to the assault team member next to him and asked, "Before you came here, what was the manager doing?"

The manager Bjamin referred to was, of course, the head of security.

The team member's expression showed slight confusion.

"Captain, I didn't see the manager before coming here. Wasn't he with you?"

Upon hearing this response, Bjamin realized that something was terribly wrong.

Before arriving at the trance of Ocean Group to stand guard, he had not se the security manager at all. The manager had claimed he was discussing defsive strategies with the other assault team members.

"This is bad! We need to get back and defd the headquarters immediately!"

Bjamin suddly realized that the security manager might be a traitor. The manager had previously worked very closely with Joseph.

Their collaboration was very secretive. Almost no one within the group knew about it except Bjamin. And Bjamin had forgott to share this crucial information with Vicky.

Bjamin's reaction caused the special assault team members to panic.

They didn't understand why their captain would say such things out of the blue. However, the assault team members had great trust in Bjamin as their leader.

Since Bjamin ordered them to return to defd the headquarters, they did not hesitate.

Led by Bjamin, the special assault team members rushed back to Ocean Group's headquarters as quickly as possible. But wh they tried to ter the building, they found it had already be sealed off.

"I knew this would happ! An internal traitor is truly impossible to guard against!"

Bjamin tried every method he could think of, but could break the seal on the Ocean Group headquarters. He couldn't help but share his frustration with the other team members.

"We must get this information to the others as soon as possible, especially those responsible for the former chairman's security!"

Ev in a crisis, Bjamin managed to stay calm.

Since the Ocean Group headquarters had be sealed off by the traitor, it was likely that the new presidt, Vicky, had already met with misfortune inside.

Giv the situation, Bjamin knew he had to prioritize Donald's safety.

While Bjamin was taking action, at the top floor of the Ocean Group headquarters, in the presidt's office, Vicky was staring coldly at Joseph, who had suddly appeared.

"My dear niece, you shouldn't be surprised by my appearance. I told you before that I would reclaim everything that belongs to me.

Ocean Group doesn't belong to you; it belongs to me! You have no right to be the presidt of Ocean Group, and you certainly don't have the capability to handle its affairs."

At this momt, a smile appeared on Joseph's face.

He felt that victory was within his grasp. Ev if the Night Blades couldn't secure a complete victory today, he could sure that Vicky would be killed.

To him, as long as Vicky was dead, Donald would have no choice but to hand over Ocean Group to him. No matter how reluctant Donald was, he couldn't give Ocean Group to other members of the Tang family.

After all, the other members of the Tang family were not closely related to Donald by blood.

Beside Joseph, the security manager and two members of the Night Blades were also staring inttly at Vicky. They knew that Vicky was qualified to play the shelter game.

That meant Vicky also had some life-saving skills.

Moreover, they knew that Vicky had a very close relationship with Irving. It's possible that Irving had provided Vicky with some very valuable weapons.

Their guess was partly correct.

Irving had indeed giv Vicky some very valuable weapons. However, the weapons provided by Irving did not make Vicky exceptionally combat-capable.

After all, Vicky was a healer. No matter how powerful her weapons were, they couldn't make up for the inhert limitations of her profession.

Facing the arrogant Joseph, Vicky appeared to be very angry on the surface. But in reality, she remained calm.

Vicky knew she had to buy ough time for Irving to have a chance to rescue her.

So, after hearing Joseph's words, Vicky replied calmly, "Uncle, I think you've misunderstood Grandfather's resolve. At the Bevolt Sanatorium, Grandfather had already stripped you of your inheritance rights.

Ev if you kill me, Grandfather won't hand Ocean Group over to you. He's more likely to give Ocean Group to someone else, ev to my distant cousin.

Uncle, you should remember clearly that my distant cousin is also very capable in business managemt. He could easily replace you to control the tire Ocean Group."

Vicky's words wiped the smile off Joseph's face.

What Vicky said was indeed true, and it was something Joseph had always be worried about. That's why Joseph had to cut off communication betwe Donald and the others.

"Do you really think Father would give Ocean Group to an outsider? No matter what, I am still his son! No matter what, my blood relationship with him is the closest!"

Joseph had always giv the impression that he would do anything, no matter how unscrupulous, to control Ocean Group.

But deep down, Joseph always wanted to earn the recognition of his father, Donald.

Vicky's words directly raged Joseph. He roared at Vicky in fury.

Although Vicky's expression remained serious, she felt her plan had achieved some success.

Joseph was not only angered by what Vicky had said. In fact, Vicky had just used her newly acquired mtal influce skill to secretly affect Joseph.

This made Joseph more prone to anger.

Having successfully infuriated Joseph, he would now be unable to think calmly. This meant Vicky could continue to stall for time.

Just wh Vicky thought her plan had succeeded, a member of the Night Blades pushed the door op and walked in.

"Mr. Joseph, stop wasting time. We are here to help you reclaim Ocean Group. Kill her now, and you can sure your control over Ocean Group. So why hesitate?"

Hearing these words, Joseph's expression finally calmed down.

"I almost fell for your trick. You were trying to delay by angering me, wer't you? You think I'll keep arguing with you?"

Once he regained his composure, Joseph immediately saw through Vicky's plan.

"Although I've never liked you, and you've always be my biggest rival, I must admit you are indeed my niece and quite cunning."

After saying this, Joseph waved his hand dismissively.

He didn't intd to waste any more words with Vicky. He decided to leave Ocean Group's headquarters and head straight to Donald's residce.

After all, to control Ocean Group, Joseph not only had to kill Vicky but also his own father. Only th could he become the undisputed heir of Ocean Group.

As he reached the door, Joseph left Vicky with one last remark: "You would have be better off marrying into the Taylor family as I arranged. At least they could have offered you some help in this situation.

Where is your boyfrid Irving now? Do you think he can save you? He can't ev sure his own safety."

Mtioning Irving finally broke Vicky's facade of calm.

Vicky directly questioned Joseph: "What have you done to Irving?! No matter what schemes you employ, you can't defeat him!"

Joseph did not answer Vicky's question and quickly walked out of the presidt's office.

The three people remaining in the office had sinister smiles on their faces.

The security manager spoke directly to Vicky: "Presidt Vicky, since you are about to leave this world, could you perhaps make one last contribution before you go?"

As he said this, a sly grin spread across the security manager's face.

Vicky knew very well that the security manager and the two Night Blades members had nefarious inttions toward her.

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