The Shelter Game: Me, Starting with a Tenfold Drop Rate

Chapter 131: Barely Arrived on Time

At the same time that Vicky was in danger, Irving's situation was also going poorly.

Irving and the Angel Guild teamed up to attack a Night Blades outpost on the outskirts of the City of Warding. According to their intelligence, the Night Blades members at this outpost were not very strong.

But who could have guessed that the Night Blades had left an exotic beast from the shelter game in this outpost?

If Irving hadn't taken action to convert this exotic beast into a member of his own exotic beast army, the Angel Guild would have suffered heavy losses.

Even with Irving's timely intervention, two members of the Angel Guild were seriously injured.

Anna's expression was extremely dejected at this moment.

She never expected that the Night Blades would be so well-informed about the Angel Guild's actions. The Night Blades had even managed to set a trap that caught the Angel Guild off guard.

Aron's expression was equally grim.

In fact, Aron felt more guilty than Anna, as he was the one who had planned this operation.

"It seems there must be someone from the Night Blades within the Angel Guild. Shouldn't you be looking for the traitor within your ranks?"

Irving didn't want to mock the Angel Guild after the failed operation.

But he had to remind the two key members of the Angel Guild to deal with the traitor within their organization.

After all, if the traitor within the Angel Guild wasn't dealt with, Irving's future actions would also be threatened.

Aron looked up at the dark sky and said, "You don't need to worry about that! I will find the traitor within the Angel Guild as soon as possible! Once I find them, I will make them pay dearly!"

Aron had a deep hatred for traitors.

Aron was inherently a person who detested evil, and he had also been the commander of this operation for the Angel Guild. The failure of this operation left Aron extremely angry and self-reproachful.

"So what do we do next? I think we should call it a day. The Night Blades are probably fully prepared by now."

Irving believed that their actions couldn't succeed if the Night Blades were on guard.

So instead of wasting more time, they might as well go back and make other preparations.

The Angel Guild needed to quickly root out the traitor within their ranks, and Irving needed to quickly enter the shelter game. He needed to expand his exotic beast army.

At the same time, he also had to prepare for the upcoming new challenges of the shelter game.

Anna and Aron had no objections to Irving's suggestion. They also felt that continuing to act rashly would not achieve any results.

"You're right, we can't continue to act recklessly! I will find the traitor within the Angel Guild as soon as possible. Once I find them, we can discuss the next steps."

Aron took a step forward and extended his hand towards Irving, indicating that he intended to shake hands and then send Irving on his way.

Irving also extended his hand and shook Aron's.

Although this operation had not succeeded, both sides needed to cooperate for the next phase.

Just as Irving was about to leave, an Angel Guild member suddenly ran up to the three of them, looking flustered.

"Something terrible has happened! The Angel Guild headquarters has been attacked by the Night Blades! We've lost contact with headquarters!"

The sudden news shocked Irving, Anna, and Aron.

All three realized simultaneously that this Night Blades operation was likely premeditated. The situation at the Angel Guild headquarters must be dire.

"We must return to defend the headquarters immediately! If the Angel Guild headquarters is destroyed by the Night Blades, we will have no way of stopping their expansion."

Aron's tone was full of panic.

After saying this, he intended to leave quickly, but Irving grabbed him.

"Why are you holding me back?! You're not a member of the Angel Guild, so of course you don't care about the headquarters. But I am a member, and I must ensure its safety!"

Aron angrily tried to break free from Irving's grip, but he suddenly found he couldn't.

"The more critical the situation, the more we need to stay calm. We don't even know exactly what has happened at the Angel Guild headquarters.

Even if you can get back in time, can you be sure the Night Blades haven't set a trap at headquarters? If you walk into their trap without any preparation, do you think you'll survive?"

Irving coldly released his grip on Aron's hand after saying this.

"Irving is right; he's the strongest among us. In a crisis, we should listen to him."

Anna also sided with Irving at this moment.

Aron, though his expression was still very unwilling, internally agreed with Irving's reasoning.

"We should gather some intelligence around the Angel Guild headquarters. Once we know the enemy situation around the headquarters, we can decide on our next steps."

Irving quickly laid out the action plan. He immediately had Aron and Anna proceed according to his plan.

Just as Aron and Anna had left, Irving's phone suddenly rang.

Irving looked at the caller ID; it was Benjamin.

Irving suddenly had a very bad feeling. Benjamin calling him in the middle of the night surely meant the Ocean Group was in unexpected danger.

"Hello, this is Irving."

"Irving, the situation is very urgent. I hope you can let me say everything in one go before you ask any questions," Benjamin's anxious voice came through the phone.

"The Ocean Group headquarters has been sealed by an unknown force, and President Tang is still inside. We've tried everything but can't break the seal, so I think you should come to the Ocean Group as soon as possible.

The reason for this isn't just because the enemy is very powerful. There's also a traitor within the Ocean Group. The security manager you once crossed paths with is the traitor."

Benjamin spilled everything in one breath.

After learning all this, Irving's expression didn't change much.

Without any hesitation, Irving headed towards the Ocean Group headquarters at top speed.

As he advanced, he kept talking to Benjamin: "Where are you now? Are you outside the Ocean Group headquarters building? Describe the seal around the Ocean Group headquarters to me."

Irving hoped to gather as much information as possible.

As long as Benjamin provided enough information over the phone, Irving wouldn't need to waste time assessing the seal once he arrived at the Ocean Group headquarters.

"I can confirm that the seal around the headquarters building is transparent. This seal can't be broken by any power I've gained from the shelter game. I suspect this seal was set by the Night Blades."

When Benjamin mentioned the Night Blades, Irving's face finally showed anger.

"Those damn Night Blades scum! I'll find every one of them and crush them! They've been secretly causing us trouble all along!"

Even over the phone, Benjamin could tell that Irving was extremely angry.

Just as Benjamin was contemplating what to say next, Irving suddenly appeared within his line of sight.

"How did you get here so quickly? Were you already around the Ocean Group headquarters?"

Benjamin was extremely surprised by Irving's sudden appearance.

Benjamin knew very well where Irving lived. Even using skills from the shelter game, it would take at least 10 minutes to get from Irving's place to the Ocean Group headquarters.

But the call between Benjamin and Irving had lasted less than three minutes.

Irving did not answer Benjamin's question.

He simply fixed his eyes on the seal around the Ocean Group headquarters. After observing for a while, Irving finally found a way to break the seal.

"Do you have any wind-element-related equipment?"

"I do! I'll get it for you right away!"

Benjamin quickly pulled out a ring from his backpack.

The ring was a wind-element ring that Benjamin had obtained from the shelter game. The ring's effect was to increase the wearer's speed.

Irving took the ring and immediately crushed it.

The wind elements within the ring floated out, and Irving used these elements to amplify his own power.

Under the force of Irving's powerful energy, the seal surrounding the Ocean Group headquarters suddenly broke.

Benjamin stood beside Irving, watching everything in astonishment.

He didn't even understand how Irving had managed to break the seal around the Ocean Group headquarters.

In reality, Irving couldn't possibly explain to him why he could break the seal. Irving had used the power of the Taikoo Flame Pearl during the process.

The Taikoo Flame Pearl was one of Irving's biggest secrets; there was no way he would reveal such a crucial secret to Benjamin.

Once the seal was broken, Irving dashed towards the top floor of the Ocean Group headquarters at lightning speed.

Although Benjamin followed closely behind, Irving's speed was simply too fast for Benjamin to keep up.

At this moment, in the CEO's office on the top floor of the Ocean Group headquarters, Vicky had been cornered by the security manager and two Night Blades members near the window.

"Don't come any closer! If you do, I'll jump out of the window!"

Vicky had made up her mind. As Irving's girlfriend, she would never betray him.

"You can't jump out; the entire building is sealed! If you don't want to suffer, you'd better stop causing trouble for us."

The security manager snarled at Vicky.

Then the security manager lunged at Vicky. At this critical moment, Irving appeared in front of Vicky and kicked the security manager away.

Irving had barely managed to arrive just in time.

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