The Sexy Futa Player

Chapter 6: Chapter 6

My morning starts with a good breakfast, 2 French Breads, with cheese and slices of Mortadella.

Accompanying I have a fruit, varying from Apple, Pear, Guava, Banana and etc.

To drink or take a natural juice that I make myself or just water, I avoid drinking coffee, reason?

[Average Coffee - Makes the mind 20% more active and slows down by 250% the arrival of Sleepiness - Time: 1~2 hours!]

Drinking coffee pretty much makes me cranky, it's good for studying, so I use it, but for training or when I just woke up, I prefer not to drink coffee.

And above is just a cheap coffee, if I go for more expensive, higher quality coffees, the bonus is even bigger, not to mention that my [Cooking] skill has chances to improve my food.

Well, the good thing is that the taste becomes a marvel, so I am seriously considering paying for some cooking classes and specializing in the subject.


After my delicious breakfast, I enter the Dungeon, and since I am aiming for a greater challenge than the Level 3 Wolves, I create a Level 5 Dungeon!

As always, I enter the Dungeon with nothing but my perfect and wonderful body, shiver with mortal envy!

Entering the Dungeon, I see myself in that forest just like the ones I find wolves in, I nod slightly, it seems I will find even bigger wolves!

But walking carefully, I soon find something that is certainly not a wolf!

[Boar - Level 5]

It's a fucking boar, which should get close to my waist, it's quite big and fat, I'm initially confused, but I get into posture and already run!

My running speed is impressive, maybe I am at the level of Olympic athletes? Well, it doesn't really matter, I just move forward, do a jump, a somersault in the air, my body has become very flexible in the last few days, due to my high Agility.

Then my bare foot fiercely comes down and hits the distracted Boar in the back!

Soon his shrill cry of pain echoes, I frown... I have taken very little life from him, not to mention that the damage I have caused is very low!

This only makes me sure of one thing, the Attributes must follow a rule, the Wolves had a focus on Agility, but their Constitution and Strength were very high, you could say they were more balanced.

But the Boar, due to its slow reaction speed, I am sure it must have a low Agility, but its Strength and Constitution must be absurd, close to 50, while it must have Passive Skills focused on defense!

Well, stopping my internal dialogue, the Boar looks at me, red-eyed and snarling like a pig, followed by a shrill squeal, it ran towards me!

I am very attentive, I see him approaching and quickly run, hiding between trees, which he collides with, I then emerge and quickly kick him in the face!

The Boar swings his head in my direction, trying to hit me with his huge tusks, I dodge and start running, while he chases me and starts to accelerate a lot!

I understand that he must be making a mad dash, where I quickly see the opportunity, jump to the side and see him hit a tree, which shakes intensely, his HP decreases a little ... the bastard is resistant!

But now that he's stunned, I move forward and continue to focus heavy kicks on his head, then run back and repeat this situation several times.

This bastard must have at least 500 HP, his defense must be fucking high, since I'm causing around 15~20 damage, of course, unarmed damage is not the best of things, my Skill [Strong Legs] allows me to take the gap from my Unarmed Damage to Armed Damage.

But in the end, it still has its limitations, but I still want to follow this path, I want to train my body a lot and improve my Skills of [Fighting], [Strong Legs] and [Strong Fists].

I want to make my body a deadly and delicious weapon, then I will learn Fencing, Archery and so on, I also want to learn magic and techniques to improve my techniques.

I think I will learn some Martial Arts too, one focused on the legs!

Well, the loot from the dear boar was only 50 XP, 5 Credits, leather and meat.

I collect it all, look at my inventory full of junk, shrug and start dumping it all on the ground!

All the rabbit, wolf leather is thrown away, the bottles that I had left there out of laziness, disappearing.

I will make the Dungeons my personal garbage dump, in the end everything must really disappear.

As for the meat, it is a sin to throw meat away, but look how much meat I have, more than 1 ton, and now killing the wild boars, I will probably get dozens of tons, since they give more meat than Wolves and Rabbits.

In the end I throw all the wolf meat away, I didn't really like the wolf meat, I still kept the rabbit and boar meat.

Then, clearing my Inventory, I take a deep breath and move on to my next target.

The difficulty has decreased a lot, but this is due to my specialty of being agile and my advantage of being humanoid.

Therefore, much easier to kill than Wolves, which are agile, smart, and quick to learn.

Of course, the "easy" part is that I didn't take any damage, even though it was the first time I faced it.

Because if we talk about time, it took me almost twice as long to kill a Boar as a Wolf, a lot of HP and high Defense is a pain!

I continued there for a while, killed 50 Boars, which is my daily goal, to kill 50 monsters in the Dungeon!

I gained 2,500 XP, along with what I had, I went up to Level 20!

Being more excited, since my [Strong Legs] reached Level 31, I went up 2 Levels today!

This made me realize something... the harder the thing I'm kicking, the faster the Level of that skill goes up... so if I start kicking and punching the trees in the Dungeon, won't I gain a lot of XP for these Skills?

My eyes light up at the idea, I'll test it out later, now I'm going to go to lunch, then to the gym and... try a few things!

The Academy I attend is very big and busy, there are 3 Trainers available to help, as soon as I arrive wearing my tight clothes exposing my perfect curves and my bulging tank, I already feel the stares.

Soon I look for my trainer, his name is Elyas, he smiles as soon as he sees me and I ask what will be the training plan today, today is legs day, the one I love the most!

Many people hate it, but since I focus on strengthening my legs, I really appreciate it!

So I start to practice, the sweat starting to cover my body, when I see many potential targets!

Soon my eyes land on a woman on the treadmill, who, like me, is attracting attention from many men.

But I see that she has a ring on her finger, probably engaged or married, how unfortunate, I don't wish for trouble.

So I analyze others, then I see a new and pretty face, a woman around her 25 apparently, the name above her head is Ashelay, she is Level 2, I see a little fat on her belly, she also looks confused, she must have just started going to the gym.

She doesn't have rings, so if she's in a relationship, it's dating at best!

Smiling, I decide on my target!

I then finish my series on the machine, wave to my instructor and say I'm going to get a water, he smiles and doesn't pay much attention, he has others to instruct.

I go to the water fountain and fill up my water bottle that I had drunk most of on purpose.

Soon I look at her, now that I am close, I notice that she is even prettier than I thought, why the fuck doesn't she have any instructors around?

When I look, I understand the reason, the three available are instructing others, it seems there are many new faces.

And this poor thing is struggling, if she keeps it up, she's going to get hurt, so I'm going to help her.

"Hi, how are you?" - I ask smiling.

She freaks out a little and looks at me, then says a little exasperated. - "I'm fine!"

"So... that's not how you use that machine, want me to help you a little?" - I continue with my beautiful smile and never fail to look her in the eye.

"Eh... if it's possible, I'd really appreciate it!" - She said letting out a sigh and looking a little worried.

Soon I help her up, then I get on the machine and position myself correctly, put on the weight I normally use and do a few sets real quick, teaching her, then I make her sit up and put on a weight I think will fit her.

"Trust me!" - I say smiling as she looks at the weight a little doubtfully.

Soon she starts fiddling with the machine, gets into position and starts doing it the right way.

"Tell you what, 15 reps and then come with me!" - I say calmly and she nods.

I take some water, relax and wait until she is done, then I let her take some water, I tell her not to take too much so she doesn't fill up.

Then I take her out and teach her how to handle the various machines, tell her which specific parts they are for, etc.

Then I make a quick plan, since she mainly wants to lose weight and gain more stamina, I send her to the treadmill and run beside her.

Then I start talking to her, exchanging ideas and etc., she naturally introduces herself and so do I, she is surprised by my exotic name and starts calling me Juri.

Since I obviously want to get her into my bed, I make some exaggerated moves and expose myself a lot, where I analyze her reactions and often catch her looking at my face, ass and breasts.

This indicates that she likes it, even if a little.

Then her schedule ends and so does mine, so I start to go out and she happens to be together.

Soon we are out together, still talking about something, and I find out that she lives nearby.

So I tell her that I also live nearby, but the subject doesn't last long because we soon split up, she went to her house and I went to mine.

In my house I prepare some meat and leave it there, then I go to the Dungeon, deciding that I will spend the rest of the day testing this theory!

Looking at a tree, my leg, tree... leg... tree... SON OF A BITCH!

I hold my leg, it hurts, but taking a deep breath, I get ready and start kicking the tree, my HP decreases, but whatever, I'll take it!

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