The Sexy Futa Player

Chapter 5: Chapter 5

It's amazing that I devoured so much food and ingested dozens of liters of water in 3-4 days?

That's inconceivable, not to mention that I didn't gain any weight, thank you [Player Body]!

But well, I ate all that because of the bonuses provided in HP recovery, as well as Stamina recovery, something I can't see, I only know it's low when I start breathing hard.

Well, 250 Credits are gone in a few days... I need to manage my money better, but well, for now I will take the rest of the water out of my inventory, then take off my clothes.

Wow, I was always amazed looking at my body, my breasts are not that big, but they are beautiful and along with the muscles that have taken more shape due to the constant leveling, holy shit, look at this titty forming!

I look at my legs, which due to [Strong Legs], are very muscular and slender, anyone who looks at them will think it's an ornament, they don't know that it can crush skulls!

I am perfect, I have no words for it, unfortunately I don't have a mirror.

Seriously, why don't my dungeons drop any items except the standard materials from the animals I have killed? I wonder if it must be Level 10 or above to have a chance of dropping items or is it that my luck is too low?

I am in serious doubt, but for now, throwing those dirty old rags aside, I use the water to bathe, where I feel only slightly relieved, obviously I want a soap and a hot bath!

But for now it's worth it, I clean myself up as best I can, before I get from my Inventory that backpack and clothes, I take them off and put them on, I didn't have any spare bras, so I'll be without, the one I used to wear is all dirty and torn now, don't ask where or how it was torn, traumatic memories...

damned wolves and their sharp teeth!

The T-shirt I had in my backpack was a loose fitting, loose fitting one, and it was very clean, which made me happy.

The pants were tactel, a nice black color.

(Note: I don't know if Tactel material is pronounced differently in other countries, I didn't research to find out, I was lazy, but it is made of the same material as these pants here )

I wear the same shoes, which just to be clear, since I forgot to tell you before, I had removed.

So as clean as possible and in my last available clothes, I leave the Dungeon and holy shit, I forgot about this sewer stench!

I see that it is clear, so I leave here quickly, heading for the city.

And first of all, I go to a market, where I buy something cheap, just to get a bag, then I go to another market with this bag full of coins!

It turns out that my System gave me coins and does not make available the ability to withdraw in bills.

But it doesn't matter much, giving hundreds of Coins, as well as 2 Credit Notes, I get some 100 and 50 Credit Notes, the seller was very happy to exchange the money with me, he even gave me some free products, they encourage these exchanges.

(Tip: I know that here in Brazil for every 100 Reais exchanged in coins, the company McDonalds gives a free snack, more the 100 note of course, do not know in other countries, comment there if it is the same.)

I then all happy with my money, went in search of a place to rent, so I went to a LAN-House first, paid for 1 hour, even if I will not use.

I then search on sites related to what I'm looking for nearby, I take the opportunity to go on [Maps], which looks like Google, but here is another noble, Bruumo.

Bruumo Maps, showed me the world map and I know the city I'm in, the region I live in, so thankful for that, I soon know where to go.


Paying a Taxi, I arrive at the place, a small set of apartments, I enter and already attract a lot of attention, maybe my clothes or my beautiful and wonderful face!

Whatever it is, I look for the owner through the doorman and tell him that I want to rent an apartment.

It doesn't take long before a woman in her mid-30s comes up to me.

"Hello, are you the one interested in renting one of our rooms?" - She asks smiling kindly and happily.

"Yes, I recently moved in and I'm looking for a cheap place with a good location, I saw on the internet that it costs only 420 Credits the monthly fee, so I wanted to take a look with my own eyes!" - I say cheerfully.

"Sure, it's been so long since I've heard from that ad, at most a bunch of people who want nothing, but come, I'll show you the model of the apartments, we have 2 models, choose the one you prefer!" - She said as she guided me.

In the process she introduced herself as Lydia, I introduced myself as Lagertha, but said I preferred Juri.

She naturally got curious and I said my whole name, before saying that my parents were not good at naming or had a hidden meaning.

But in the end I like the name and prefer to use Juri, so Lydia started calling me as such!

I soon look at the 2 models, they are quite similar, but the difference is in 2 rooms.

The whole building was built to be something else apparently, still being symmetrical, but at some point something changed in the designer, because of this the bedroom of one of the models had a slightly larger and narrower space, as well as a smaller bathroom.

The other model was identical, but did not have this additional narrow area in the bedroom, as well as the bathroom was only slightly larger.

I asked for this 2nd model, I didn't like the first one, Lydia didn't say anything and just signed a contract with me and asked the method of payment.

I paid the 420 Credits in hand, she smiling happily with the cash in hand, even looked to see if it was real.

Then she asked when I would be moving and I said I don't have much stuff and won't need any help.

Lydia then took me to her apartment which is on the 1st floor, where she handed me a copy of the keys, printed out a copy of the agreement documents, as well as served me a coffee and explained several rules.

I listened intently, before everything was ready and I said I would take a hot bath!

Lydia didn't bother much, she said goodbye to me, I went to my new apartment and there I threw myself into the bathroom, turned the shower on hot and... aaaahhh~ how delicious!

I missed a soap, shampoo, etc., but I'll take care of that later, now I want to relax in this fucking hot water!

After that I go downstairs and go out to do the shopping in a nearby market, spending a good amount of money, before coming back, take the elevator to the 3rd floor, put everything away in the fridge.

It turns out that it is already somewhat furnished, but only in a simple way, it has a stove, refrigerator and that's it!

I needed to buy my cutlery, pans and other kitchen tools.

So I cook myself a delicious pasta with tomato sauce and rabbit meat!

I have a lot of this meat in my inventory, it's time to taste it!

And holy shit, what a fucking tender meat, not to mention very juicy!

Very satisfied with all of this, my new life that has already started very well, I lay down to sleep on the floor anyway, of course, lined with a sheet I bought.

So I slept like a baby on this hard floor, but whatever!

The next morning, I don't feel uncomfortable, but I also don't feel as good as I was sleeping on the floor of the Level 1 Dungeon.

I guess my [Player Body] helps prevent bad things.

Well, anyway, I eat what's left of yesterday's food, which is very delicious.

Then I open a portal to the Level 3 Dungeon, where I go through and kill 50 Wolves, I spend about 1.5 hours there.

I have earned 150 Credits, so now I have about 600 Credits in my account, I then leave and go to a nearby gym, which I spoke to the doorman about yesterday, it costs 60 Credits a month, but if I pay 480 Credits now, it will be enough for 1 whole year, practically a 240 Credit discount!

But obviously I didn't pay that much, just 60 Credits and I started going to the gym, today, where I got a lot of attention from the Trainers, I understand the advantage of being a woman... and pretty!

There was even a small accident where a young boy was distracted by my beautiful butt and almost crushed his foot with his weight.

I didn't bother, I just trained for 2 hours, which surprised the trainers, but not me, as I saw my Strength increase by 1 Point, Constitution by 2 Points and Agility by 1 Point!

I go home and say that I will return tomorrow, where I take the opportunity to buy a mattress and even though I am tired, I still carry it, say hello to the doorman, and go to the elevator.

Then in my apartment, I put the bed on the floor, make myself a filling dinner, then go to sleep!

The next day I fill my belly, before going to kill the Level 3 Wolves, the small increase in Attributes from yesterday helping me significantly today!

I killed 50 Wolves in less than 1.5 hours, reached Level 14, then left the Dungeon and went to the gym.

There I trained, but only managed to increase my Constitution by 1 Point after 2 hours.

Well, anyway it's still pretty good, I then buy myself some clothes, the seller was a gay man that I really enjoyed talking and interacting with, he made me wear several clothes and let me see that no matter what clothes I wear, I will always be beautiful and perfect!

So I spent 500 Credits, more than I wanted... now I understand why women spend fortunes on clothes and don't even feel it!

But I am happy, I bought a lot of underwear that I was missing, some export clothes for the gym.

And well, following this routine of 50 Level 3 Wolves, 2 hours of gymand the rest of the day free for studying, practicing and so on, my life began!

And 12 days later, following this routine, I reached Level 19 and currently this is my Status:


Name: Lagertha Juri Han

Species: Human Age: 20

Job: None Gender: Female/Hermaphrodite

Class: Civilian Title: Player

Level: 19 EXP: 2.400/3800

[HP: 260] [MP: 243]

Strength 31

Agility 33

Constitution 37

Intelligence 28

Wisdom 28

Luck 28

Points: 180

Credits(C$): 1371

[Passive Skills]

Stretching(15); Fighting(20); Strong Fists(15); Strong Legs(29); Tough Constitution(11); Running(33); Cooking(12); Pain Tolerance(11); Acting(3); Bargaining(5); Night Vision(14)

The Skill [Acting] I acquired by lying while kicking the crap out of several men who tried to talk to me.

[Bargaining] came from me complaining to a merchant about the high price, so I talked him down until he lowered the price in my favor.

As for [Night Vision], that I got because I ended up drinking too much coffee and couldn't sleep, but I wanted to sleep so as not to affect my schedule.

The result!

I was staring at the ceiling in the dark for hours, so I got [Night Vision] which speeds up the adaptation of my eyes to the dark, it is good, but its effects are not that practical.

It will take a long time before I'm officially a [Night Vision]!

But otherwise, I am strong, very strong indeed, the Level 3 Wolves I kill 50 of them in 1 hour, that is, I will start killing the Level 4 ones from now on, in fact, I am thinking of jumping to Level 5.

Why do I want to kill myself? Well, the skill leveling has stopped accelerating the same as before, so I need more pressure.

Not to mention that I have plenty of Mana, but I am unable to use it, which makes me very angry!

So I want to get my Attributes up to 100 points soon, which I guess I'll have to spend my Attribute Points on, but until then, I'll keep training as hard as I can.

Again, I'm not in any hurry, I'm still studying this world, marveling at how much more I find out about it, while I grow stronger as well as richer!

And well, let's get on with my wonderful life, but I think it's probably time to fuck some girl, my big buddy in the pants is pretty restless since some hot girls have started to attend the same hours as me at the gym, I think it's time to go on the attack!

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