The Sexy Futa Player

Chapter 222: Chapter 221 - Black Dragon, Cleriopa!

Black Dragon, Cleriopa, a feared name in the Nation of Kiliah, a nation ruled by Dwarves!

About 70 years ago, that's when the powerful Black Dragon emerged, annihilating a city and taking everything valuable from the cities near Monte Crimson.

Cleriopa was the name given to him, as it was the name of the first city he destroyed.

For 30 years, powerful Masters and Archimages were sent, armies were prepared, but Cleriopa was smart, always getting away and annihilating the forces that came to hunt her.

Thus, 40 years ago, the Nation of Kiliah, having lost 1/3 of its main fighting force, saw how dangerous it would be to continue these efforts, since even being in a period of peace, this is due to its power and utility, if your power diminishes drastically, many Nations will do everything to take your nation and its ancient knowledge of forge and war!

As such, the Queen of Kiliah has sent missions across the continent in her desire to find Heroes to slay the dreaded Black Dragon.

The result was that many Legendary Mercenaries and Adventurers of the highest level came confidently, just to be compost!

For 40 years, the Kingdom of Kiliah lived in constant terror, paying great tributes, using the Pearls of the Sea, acquired from her Siren friends, to satisfy the Black Dragon.

Allied nations sent armies to support, prepared great expeditions, but it was all fruitless and since then they haven't sent more support, it wasn't worth it.

And they didn't even try to take the Kingdom of Kiliah, because they didn't want to receive the headache called Black Dragon, Cleriopa!

In a small village on the coast, living by fishing and hunting, lived a young dwarf named Kori Adrass.

Endowed with a dark and healthy skin, a strong physique and a heroic character!


With her long curly hair, Kori who came from the Adrass Family, had big dreams and aspirations.

She loved to fish and had a longtime friend, a Mermaid named Liria.

But one day, Liria stopped coming to see her, so Kori stopped being a simple child, started preparing to inherit everything as the first born.

She learned her mothers' forging techniques, her future wife was being selected.

Then on the day of the Adrass Family's famous coming-of-age ritual, a fierce roar came from the skies and black flames ignited their homes, scorching their citizens.

Kori saw her maternal mother burn before her eyes, something that was branded in her mind for decades!

After that, her family fell into ruin, but Kori didn't give up, in fact she became even more convinced of her desires and a new goal, to kill the Black Dragon, Cleriopa!

For years she trained, forging her body to be stronger than metal and even though she was small, there was no giant that could withstand her bravery and anger!

When she was 25 years old, training her body to withstand the Black Dragon's flames, she went to the Frozen Peaks, where the Black Orc Barbarians lived, where she managed to befriend them and trained there for years.

Leaving there, Kori was a Master and with her power, she returned to her Nation, succeeding in reestablishing the Adrass Family, it was at this time that she met the Royal Kiliah Family.

Kori marveled at the 2nd Princess, a Hermaphrodite with gorgeous muscles and a huge red beard.

She fell in love with her, like many others, Kori wanted her, as a Master, she had that right, she asked to marry him, but there was one condition, she had to kill the Black Dragon, Cleriopa!

Quickly the news that whoever killed the Black Dragon would receive the Princess's hand in marriage, as well as potentially become the future Queen of Kiliah!

Kori wanted to marry the princess, she didn't care about being Queen, she wanted this woman for herself, she wants to conceive her children!

So she teamed up with other Dwarves, an old Dark Orc friend, and a Halfling Mage.

In all, 7 strong women with a desire for great wealth and glory, as well as bringing peace to this troubled country!

So that's when her life, which was getting better, started to get worse!

Kori wasn't the leader of her group, but she was on the front lines, the strongest Squire!

With her power, she and her companions went on adventures for a whole year, preparing to kill the Black Dragon, as they gathered more companions, reaching 10.

So that Elite group went to Monte Rubro, the smell of death was lingering in the air!

"My Companions, starting today we will make history!

We will slay the dreaded Black Dragon that has terrorized these lands for 70 years, which has annihilated many families and lands, bringing despair to our people!" - The leader of the group shouted heroically and everyone listened attentively and nodded.

"When we take the head of this accursed lizard, we will be swimming in riches and be able to bring back the glory of our nation, our names will be remembered for all eternity!" - She roared, but a roar was even bigger!



Landing fiercely, Cleriopa glared at the 10 adventurers who gaped, then she lunged forward and bit the screaming leader, lifting her up and splattering her blood.

(Author: I Know It's a Wyvern!)

"MIKA!!!" -Kori roared and covered by her Aura, she shot with her hammer and hit the scales on Cleriopa's chest!

A rumbling sound echoed, the others began to attack as well, spells being chanted, but Cleriopa snorted, ducking and turning her body, flicking her tail and sending them flying!

Then she took flight, before spitting purple flames over everyone, but Kori advanced and manifested a huge shield that she defended everyone! - "NOT WITH ME HERE!!!"

Soon [Ice Thorns] were conjured and started to crash into Cleriopa, who didn't react to it, her scales were harder than steel, magic of this level is insignificant to her!

Cleriopa landed on Kori's shield, who roared to bear it and her companions backed her up, while Master Swordsmen rushed forward to leave marks on the Dragon's body!

More spells rained down and Cleriopa was getting irritated, until a hammer hit her in the head, causing her to fall to the ground and struggle to get up.

That's when they all advanced in an attempt to finish her off, trying to cut her neck, but Cleriopa's weak and pitiful look soon became sharp, her tail advanced, the Maga who approached to explode her head in a point-blank shot, had her chest pierced, then she bit Kori, wanting to kill her, but the Archer jumped in and kicked Kori.

The Archer, a Human of impure blood, looked at Kori smiling and said. - "I love you..." - Then she was bitten and Cleriopa nodded fiercely, throwing the lower half of her body away and swallowing the upper one.

"NO!!!!!" - Kori roared full of fury and sadness, if only she knew...

"DIE!!!" - An archer fired constantly, without stopping, using all her Mana, all she had, but in the end the flames came, Kori tried to protect, but she couldn't, she had to focus on most, so she was protecting herself from the flames and 3 mates, had to see the Archer, tongue-twisting, giving the Dragon the middle finger before she was burned alive, her shrill screams still sounding before she passed away.

Cleriopa looked at the remaining insects, amused and attacked fiercely, not liking Kori, her defense is very powerful, if not for that, they would all be dead already.


Snorting some purple flames, Cleriopa gave up those prey, she had already had her fun and ate some, then left, to her lair.

All 4 survivors watched, indignant about what happened.

Kori dropped her shield, before looking up to the heavens and roaring a cry of anguish, the friendship she had created during that year, one of the happiest and most exciting years of her life, was all gone in minutes!

"Come on Kori there's nothing left for us here!" -Said a Dwarf touching her shoulder with regret.

"I refuse! I'm going to kill that bastard!" - Roared Kori picking up her shield full of hate.

She started forward.

"Stop Kori, it's useless! There are only 4 of us!" - Said Master Swordswoman, stopping her.

Kori looked at the 3, gritting her teeth and said. - "This thing ambushed us in the open and without being able to prepare ourselves, let's kill it in its lair, it will have nowhere to run and we will have a smaller space to act, it will be easy to kill it, it is unable to pass through my defenses!"

"Enough Kori! All are dead, only the 4 of us are left! We can't do anything against such a monster!" - Said Master Swordsman.

"I SAID I'M GOING TO KILL HER!" -Roared Kori hitting her hand.

Master Swordsman was surprised, but soon said. - "Then go kill yourself!"

Soon she left, the other 2 tried to talk to Kori, but she was heading towards Monte Crimson, don't worry about anything, even if this is a suicide, she will die doing what she believes and hopes to cause severe damage to the damn Dragon !

Kori is currently 38 years old, which for a Dwarf, she is very young, as she is a Race that lives to be 200 years old with ease, some can reach 300 years old!

At just 38 years old, she is a Master, she shows her incredible talent and if given more time, 1 or 2 decades, she would be even more powerful!

But she didn't think about that, she wanted to kill that cursed thing at any cost, she lost a lot and she can't wait a little longer for her revenge, she needs to avenge everything she lost right now!

She's lost her last few friends, but she accepts it.

"How could he have said that" - Kori started to cry, thinking about the last words of the Human Archer, words of love love, something she thought she felt for the princess.

But now that she thought about it, she saw how foolish her thoughts were, the Princess was just a propaganda for people like her to sacrifice their lives in hopes of killing the Dragon.

Kori realized that today, she realized that she lost a very dear friend, who could be more than that she lost a lot, she understands that, that's why she can't stop!

She refuses to let all her efforts go to waste.

"Rary, I'll meet you in the Other World, please wait for me..." - She said to herself.

For hours, she climbed the mountain, until finally she arrived in an open space, smelling blood.

Moving forward, she soon heard a high-pitched roar of pain, shocking her.

She ran, then in a huge space full of treasures, she saw a Human with black hair and purple eyes, with a huge ax with shark designs on her body, fiercely facing Cleriopa on an equal footing!

Her movements were majestic, like a dance, but they were also fierce like a tiger!

The beautiful human, who had her mesmerized, ripped deep gashes through Cleriopa's tough scales, which she thought was an equal fight was actually one-sided.

Cleriopa was being brutally defeated, her heart raced seeing that.

"No..."-Kori whispered when she saw the flames advancing on the woman, but she waved her hand and all the flames were extinguished.

"Is that all gecko?" -Said the woman in disdain and then ran and jumped, Cleriopa tried to dodge and hit with her tail, the result was her tail being severed by the ax!

Cleriopa roared shrilly, where Magic Runes connected, then a fist of fire appeared and hammered on her head, burying her in the ground, sending gold coins flying!

The woman climbed onto Cleriopa's back, before climbing onto her foot and stomping fiercely, ending the life of the most feared creature in the Kiliah Nation!

Kori looked at it in wonder, thinking that this woman, is the reincarnation of Aphrodite, so beautiful, so strong, so majestic!

She blinked, when she saw the satisfied smile on her face, it was what made the barriers of her fragile heart break.

Kori stepped forward, the woman focused her purple eyes on her.

"Who are you?" - Asked the beautiful woman.

"Please marry me!" - Kori held out her hands and implored with passion.

"What?!" - The woman, Adriana, widened her eyes and opened her mouth, shocked by the sudden request!

Adriana reported her next actions and left one of her Clones that was malleable, to take care of Vanessa's deal.

Even though she didn't promise or sign anything she accepted and being a woman of words she will do it!

Then she looking on the [Map], saw the closest target, most surprisingly, the closest target was Kiliah Kingdom, a Dwarf Kingdom.

She has visited Dwarven Kingdoms in the past and found it quite amusing to learn that a Dragon terrorized those lands.

This seems like a pretty clich, since traveling in her past life (Ver.2.0), she ended up stepping on many Dwarf Nations, many had problems with Dragons or had stories that involved Dragons!

But putting such useless things from the past aside, Adriana was a little excited, as she knows that Dragons are BOSSES monsters, even jovial ones are high-level BOSSES!

And as the Black Dragon, Cleriopa has been terrorizing Kiliah for nearly 100 years, most likely she is at the pinnacle of the world, she must be one of the few beings close to reaching Tier 4!

Anyway, it doesn't matter, Adriana is licking her lips to know what that Dragon meat will taste like!

Adriana flew for almost 2 weeks, showing the distance, this world is really huge and unfortunately she is only Tier 3, her flight speed is something to be pitied!

At least she got some benefits while flying, like some of her Statues were finished and even churches, where her Faith was growing exponentially, now that everyone could "see" her idol.

With that, Adriana threw all her Points into [Agility], in the end, she acquired +17 Agility, spending 1,700 Faith, this in a few days, even if it will take a while until the next shipment, you can't expect too much from about than 10,000 people, as at least 95% of them have already been converted.

Adriana really wants to move up to Tier 4, when she does she may have more features for Faith.

After almost 2 weeks flying, she arrived at Monte Rubro, a huge mountain, why is it called Rubro? - "I have no idea!"

It looks like a very ordinary mountain, it has scorch marks everywhere, the nearby forest is pretty burnt and dead, it must be Black Dragon's thing.

But she didn't understand why they called it Red.

(Author: There's a reason, but if she doesn't go after it, she won't know!)

Shrugging, Adriana stopped in mid-air and watched curiously as what transpired below, she watched as the Dragon descended on a strong group of Adventurers at the peak of Tier 2, including 3 at the start of Tier 3.

Among them, a very interesting Dwarf wielding a shield and hammer, she is strong and talented, Adriana realized that just by looking at her.

She then watched, it was a cruel massacre, there was even a drama, if it had been recorded and posted it would have led to many tears.

But seeing the Black Dragon, which is actually a Black Wyvern. - "Fuck, is that GOT by any chance?!" -Adriana snorted, thinking about the series she watched for 1 decade in her first life, which ended that way so regrettable!

That's what the writer does not finish the work, the screenwriters shit with everything and fuck with the character of all the characters!

Adriana invaded her lair, being impressed by the piles of gold, even she was interested in a crumpled pile of black coins, they seem burned, but analyzing her Mana well, Adriana knew that it was Gold that was impregnated by the Wyvern's energy.

[Black Dragon, Cleriopa(Lv.288) HP: 87%]


'System, what would the Stars be?' - Adriana asked curiously, this is something new.

[From now on, BOSSES are Star Rated, 1 Star means it's 2-3 times stronger, from attributes or skills. 2 stars implies 3 to 5 times the same. 3 Stars is 5 to 8 times and so on!]

'I understand... but I don't think there's this classification for Monsters in Dungeons, right?' - Asked Adriana, because she already faced BOSSES before in this life.

[Yes! Such a Rank is for field monsters like the Black Dragon in front of you, they are rare, in fact, any living being can be considered a BOSS, as long as it is much stronger than it should be in its Tier!]

'I understand... so what about me?' - Adriana asked curiously.

[In view of your Level and Tier, you are a 3 Star BOSS in terms of Attributes, adding your Skills and Experiences, your danger borders 6 Stars!]

Adriana smiled, what great news!

'One last question, me at my peak and in this new Rank, how high would my danger be?' - Adriana asked curiously, since her power at Tier 5 far exceeded even Tier 6 beings!

[At Tier 5, you were a 50-Star Hazard or higher, at Tier 6, your Hazard would decrease to 15!]

Adriana was smiling, then decided to stop thinking about it and slowly showed herself.

"Hello gecko!" - Adriana said fearlessly, Cleriopa looked shocked at Adriana in her lair.

Soon she was furious, how dare a tiny, inferior being invade her glorious abode?


With a fierce roar, a wave of purple flames fell on Adriana, who fearlessly extended her hand and exerted her Force, the flames seemed to hit a wall, then she began to be devoured.

Soon the flame was extinguished and Adriana was intact. - "It has a curious sensation it has signs of Acidity, naturally the Fire Element, it has something else what could it be? Black magic?

No it looks a bit like something more Diabolical, something even Paranormal, but that shouldn't be the case" - Adriana was tasting the flames, curious about what it was about.

Cleriopa roared as he charged Adriana fiercely, swinging his huge body and whipping her with his tail!

Adriana thoughtful, was hit and sent flying, but stopped moments before hitting a wall, she didn't even seem to care about having taken such an attack, she was still thinking about the "taste".

"Necromancy!" Adriana pounded her palm with her fist, finally knowing the taste, the aftertaste, was Necromancy.

"Curious, but it's something so tiny, you couldn't even notice!" - Adriana said, landing on the ground and soon Eater appearing in her hand with the strength of a large battle ax with shark designs on her black body.

Cleiopra lashed out with her claws, wanting to tear her apart, but Adriana gave a slight nod as she moved lightly, a deep gash appearing and one of her claws being cut off with ease, but soon swallowed by the Eater. - 'Stop being greedy!' - Adriana rolled her eyes.

A shrill, painful roar sounded from Cleriopa who recoiled in anguish, glaring with fervent hatred. - "I liked the look, so I'll keep the eyes for myself!" - Adriana said smiling pointing to Cleriopa.

She roared and charged, then spit her fierce flames at Adriana, who charged towards them, then jumped, dodging them and slashing with Eater!

Understanding the danger of this sharp weapon, Cleriopa dodged, yet she was hit and a deep gash ripped across her head scales.

Adriana landing, waved Eater and slashed at Cleiopa's chest, her claws and wings.

Cleriopa roared in agony, for the first time, a weapon was able to cut through its steel-hard scales with ease!

This terrified her, she wanted to run away, but when she tried, the ax turned into a hammer and hit her chest, forcing her to retreat, then Adriana hit her head, sending her to the ground.

So climbing on Cleriopa, Adriana stomped her skull mercilessly!

[You have reached Level 227!]

"Oops! 5 Levels!" - Adriana said smiling happily with such a gift.

Along with that, she now has access to Cleriopa's lita of materials, being able to collect whatever she wants from her body, including some clothes and weapons... - 'They must belong to the poor things that haven't been digested yet.' - Adriana thought.

But looking at the Epic materials, she smiles with joy, she even has information in her head, saying that if she takes it to Kiliah's Palace, she will receive the title [Hero of Kiliah].

Adriana was smiling happily, until hurried footsteps came, leaving her confused and looking, she saw to be a Dwarf.

'She wants to attack me?' - Adriana thought.

"Who are you?" - She asked.

Dwarf coming up to her said with big and passionate eyes. - "Please marry me!"

"What?!" - Adriana was confused, blinking after hearing that, because it was so sudden!

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