The Sexy Futa Player

Chapter 221: Chapter 220 - Operation and Favor!

Belladi slowly opened her eyes, then she stretched comfortably, but soon she felt a residual pain in her privates, which made her remember what happened, she swallowed her saliva, thinking it was just a dream, but then she looked at the side.

Lying beside her, naked, is her Goddess, beautiful and wonderful, with something big between her legs.

It made her smile, she felt so happy and blessed, thanking her for such a gift.

When Adriana woke up, she was greeted with food, Belladi standing beside her and smiling in delight.

"Sit here with me, let's eat together!" - Adriana said smiling and Belladi accepted.

Then the two ate, where Adriana was teasing Belladi who accepted everything promptly, it didn't take long for Belladi's loud moans to sound and Adriana's bestial snorts as well.

Then, Adriana left Belladi recovering and said that she would come visit her more often, as she said. - "I will wait with all my heart!"

This made Adriana happy, but there was something missing and she soon understood what it was like to be in her workshop.

Belladi is a believer, she gave him a lot of Faith after sex, but in the end, she is just a believer who will do whatever she says, even if it means killing herself!

Adriana liked Belladi as a woman, she has a great character, unfortunately the approach used was this, where Belladi immediately formed an inferiority relationship, which he will never be able to match her.

On the other hand, Luria, Ikiria, Lily and Ajacky, do not have such a thought, they all see themselves as equals.

Even Yali who recently joined, even though she is Adriana's tamed beast, she is not treated like that.

Adriana has decided that unfortunately, Belladi will be a lover that she will have periodic relations with to make her satisfied and loyal, will help maintain control over her, but she will not be given the System like her other women.

"Too bad, Belladi is interesting, but I see her point!" - Luria said sitting on Adriana's lap and being hugged by her.

Luria was the first to notice what she did and she already knew everything, she didn't mind, she's used to it.

As for Belladi, she thought she was a good companion, the problem is that she is quite petty, nothing that can't be fixed, since they managed to change a Demon!

Even Ikiria has changed a lot, even though he looks the same as ever, she is very mature and knows when to act, keep quiet and respond.

In the end, it was a shame Belladi didn't join them. - "Would be a good friend to share a bed with!"

Smiling, Adriana said. - "So you want to share a bed with Belladi?"

"She is very pretty I want to know what kind of expression she would make when subjugated, she is a woman with a very strong character, I like that!" - Luria said laughing and kissing him.

"In fact, even though she was so submissive to me, she still showed dominant traits, wanting to take control of the situation to give me pleasure, I believe she likes something more Sadistic and Domineering, but she doesn't dare do that to me." - Adriana said laughing.

"I remembered the time we were experiencing this, if it wasn't for Lily overreacting, would we like it?" - Asked Luria curious.

Adriana was contemplative, but decided to stop thinking.


The day of the expedition began, 5 modified vehicles with heavy weapons on top left Deepwyn City and headed north.

Each vehicle having 4 Magical Soldiers, totaling 20, along with ammo crates.

Magic transmission devices were installed in various parts of the vehicles, recordings being sent to the Communications Center, which was newly developed.

Adriana and others were watching the big screens, where less than 1 hour after the start of the operation, the enemies were seen and the first confrontation began!

"Team A and B, initiate steady bursts, Team C, D prepare to replace Team A and B during cooldown! Team E, take a lookout position and stay alert in case additional enemies appear!" - Commanded Riktz Kelady, Commander of 53 Years.


Quickly, Team A and B started shooting at the Jackals, they looked like dogs, only they were very skinny and hideous!

The volley of gunfire tore them apart mercilessly.

When they went to charge, Teams C and D exchanged with them, so everyone watched how easily the enemies fell.

In the past they took a long time to load, even in the Old Kingdom, for such effectiveness, they would need at least 200 Soldiers.

But with weapons powerful and perfect for the occasion, the work of 200 Soldiers in the past was done by just 8!

"Movement on the left flank, it's Permoxes!" - Shouted a man analyzing one of the cameras belonging to Team D, where Team E quickly acted and started shooting.

Riktz didn't react to Team E captain's decision making, he did well.

Permoxes are monsters with 2 to 4 fish heads that stand on 4 to 6 legs and can spit acid at a distance of 20 meters.

Adriana analyzed the situation before ordering. - "Have Team E use their grenades, then turn on the Flashlights and aim for the skies!"

Riktz nodded and shouted the command, then the Grenades were launched at the Permoxes, followed by the creatures' pitiful explosions and roars.

Clouds of smoke and dust rising, no monsters coming from there and Team E focused on the skies, where they saw what appeared to be giant Bats approaching and quickly launched a powerful volley at them.

The Permoxes quickly got around the cloud of smoke, as there was [Silver Gunpowder] residue in the air, which made them sick.

"Team D, support Team E, deal with the Permoxes!" - Ordered Commander Riktz.

Soon Team D drove to a better position and started the volley, where finally the order was given to use the heavy weaponry.

The shots that looked like huge explosions, began to devastate the Chaos Creatures, even each bullet exploded and scattered Magic Runes everywhere.

Disastrous damage being dealt to enemies being torn apart.

"Just 5 Modded Vehicles and 20 Magical Soldiers is not enough, we need 10 Vehicles and 50 Magical Soldiers if we want to create outposts, we greatly underestimated scattered packs of Chaos Creatures." - Adriana said calmly and everyone was silent, they had noticed that too.

Within minutes, the attack stopped, dead bodies strewn everywhere, no loss on their side, but at least 1/3 of the ammunition was spent in the first engagement.

"Order them back, I'll try to get my hands on Earth's Military Vehicles!" - Adriana said calmly before getting up.

Everyone said goodbye to her and then Adriana left Deep World.

Leaving the Deep World, Adriana made her way to the Hunter's World, where she encountered Spinoka.

"Your Holiness!" - Spinoka knelt in respect for her arrival, Adriana nodded and looked towards the laboratory.

Spinoka has been studying engineering for the past few days, focusing on electricity.

"The vehicles handled the complex terrain well and performed well at their speed!" - Adriana said calmly.

"Very good to hear that!" - Spinoka smiled happily.

"The problem is in the carrying capacity, in the first confrontation that ended less than 20 minutes ago, more than 1/3 of the ammunition was used up and the operation had to be suspended!" - Finished Adriana calmly and looking at Spinoka's documents.

Spinoka scratched his chin thoughtfully.

- "In fact, as they are civilian vehicles that have been modified to be temporarily military, there is not much to do about the load capacity, of course, I can try to modify the engine, then transfer it to a harder and bigger hull, where it will be possible to install up to 2 Submachine Guns and support 8 to 10 Soldiers!"

Adriana listened calmly and said. - "I'm going to invade a military complex on Earth and steal the vehicles, including weapons!"

"Then fine! If possible, bring military blueprints of your vehicles and weapons, it will help me a lot in my research!" - Spinoka smiled with joy.

Adriana didn't bother and said. - "These calculations are wrong!"

"What?!" -Spinoka frowned and took the papers, not understanding the mistake, when he looked at Adriana, she had already disappeared. - "Cum!" - He swore and understood that he will have to redo it.

On Earth, 2 Adriana went to a Military Base in the country they live in, there are at least 500 Soldiers in it, as the country is not at war, there are not that many, not to mention that it is a Base close to a city.

Adriana then went ahead and started casting invisibility spells, the two went to the Control Room, where they knocked out those investigating the cameras and got rid of all the recordings, destroying everything!

Then, the two began to fly over the entire Military Base and knocked everyone out, joining them in the warehouse and casting a spell to make them sleep.

Next, Adriana saw her Trucks, Armored Cars, Jeeps and much more!

She took the keys and opened a portal, soon a group of prepared soldiers entered and took everything to Hunter's World.

Then there were the Weapons, Adriana invaded the armory and took everything.

She looked for blueprints but found nothing of the sort, she tried to investigate the computers but unfortunately there was no way for her to access secret files without being discovered.

So she undid the Spells and left, her Clone going about her business as if nothing had happened.

And the next day, news shook the whole country and then the world!

"Hahahahaha! This is wonderful!" - Spinoka laughed like a lunatic seeing the line of beautiful and armored vehicles.

He even licked some cars, to show how crazy the old man is.

Soon he began to see his engines. - "I'm going to take these things apart a lot and create even better ones!" - He said with passion and fanaticism.

For him, these military engines are more attractive than the most beautiful women in the world.

Even in a hypothetical scenario that Adriana was willing to sleep with him, he would prefer the engine, he put aside his carnal desires a long time ago!

While Spinoka made fun of military vehicles, Adriana went to her research as well.

She is trying to develop a magic amplification device, which will help to deal with Chaos Creatures more easily.

If in the future she can arm 10~20 Tier 3 Warriors or Mages with this, taking care of dozens of cities in this difficult world would not be a problem.

But wanting to create is easy, it's difficult to create!

She is using Engineering a lot, having only Forge and Magic Knowledge is not enough, she needs Mechanical Engineering as well.

She needs to create dimmers, cores that will store energy, and much more!

"I need Jewels!" - Said Adriana understanding what would be better, especially Diamonds!

She then went to Aphrodite and decided to do something she didn't think she would do, she went to the Capital of Valeeior Kingdom, she needs to meet Vanessa and ask a favor!

Adriana flew through the skies for 4 days, finally spotting the Capital of Valeeior, which is very large and beautiful, with high walls and in its center, a majestic palace!

She understood that it would not be good to arrive at the palace, so she entered through the gate.

Adriana had to queue, there are many women trying to get in and out of the Capital, so after about 20 minutes, she went ahead.

"Mercenary?" - Said the guard seeing his emblem.

"Scarlet Mist?" - The other was shocked to recognize the emblem.

"Exactly!" - Adriana said smiling.

"What a joke! The Scarlet Mist Mercenaries are arrogant and powerful, there's no way you could be theirs, they would never send just one woman!" - Said another guard snorting.

"I'm just a messenger, I've come to bring something for Princess Vanessa!" - Adriana said calmly and the guards narrowed their eyes.

"What message?" - Asked one of them.

"It's something confidential between the leader Adriana and the Princess!" - Adriana said without hesitation.

"OK wait a moment!" - Said one of the guards, who went to call her officer and soon the Captain of the Guards arrived with a severe expression.

Adriana looked at her and felt a kind of dejavu, remembering when she met Luria, it was something similar, only more intense!

"Have you just come to send a message to the 3rd Princess?" the Captain asked and Adriana nodded.

"Can I have a look at the letter?" - She asked, Adriana already expected this and took something from her breasts, the letter protected by something.

Nobody said anything, all women know that the best place to hide something is between their breasts the only ones who don't are those without breasts for it!

The captain saw the emblem on the letter and nodded, soon allowing her entry and then preparing an escort for her.

Adriana was soon escorted to Vanessa's Mansion, where a female soldier went ahead to send the message and came back saying that they were allowed to advance.

They soon arrived at the gates of the mansion, where a butler came to greet them and thanked the Captain of the Guard for her service.

Adriana smiled at the old butler and went inside the Manor.

"Your Highness is waiting for you in your office, please follow me!" - Said the butler and soon they arrived at the place.

There was a knock on the door and Vanessa's voice rang out. - "Come in!"

Vanessa was on her feet waiting for them and then her eyes widened. - "How much time!" - Adriana said waving her hand and smiling.

The butler's eyes widened with such insolence, when would she yell something, Vanessa said. - "ADRIANA?!"

The butler fell silent, not believing that this "messenger" is the famous Adriana Scarlet, Leader of the Scarlet Mist Mercenaries, being recognized lately as the Queen of the Mercenaries!

She shuddered, for it was said that her pressure was enough to bring down an army and make even the Commander of the Royal Guard, Gadra Von Boutam tremble with fear and fall off her horse!

And now, such a legendary and infamous figure was beside her, without her even noticing, her heart raced a lot.

Adriana reached out to the butler and knocked her unconscious, making Vanessa frown. - "I prefer that only you know that I'm here."

" I understand" - Vanessa said looking at her butler.

"She's fine, I just cast a simple spell to knock her out, but how about we focus on business?" - Adriana smiled and went to sit on the sofa next door.

Vanessa nodded and sat up too, smiling gently and already showing some seduction she asked. - "So, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

Adriana smiled at her, she likes Vanessa's attitude. - "I came in search of information, as a member of the Royal Family, I should have access to the information I want."

"Information? What could it be? The color of my panties? It's blue!" - Vanessa said and even showed the side.

"It's pretty, but that's not it, I'm looking for High Quality Magic Jewelry and Crystals!" - Adriana said calmly.

"Just that? Speak as much as you want, I can easily get it for you, and if you do some favors for my family, I can reward you with some National Treasures!" - Vanessa said without hesitation.

"Sorry, but I don't want things for free, I want to know if you know any places that have easy access to these materials, something like a powerful monster's lair, a mine that was abandoned because of dangers and such, I want to collect with my own hands and see what I need, I cannot trust something so important in the hands of others." - Adriana said without hesitation, Vanessa was quiet for a while.

"What exactly do you need it for? Not to give me a wedding ring, obviously!" She gave a dry laugh.

"I'm planning on creating a Magic Amplification Device, which can store large amounts of reusable Mana, as well as have energy-type switching functionality, to deal additional damage to individuals who take more damage from certain Magic Elements!" - Adriana said without worrying.

"That interesting, I think they've tried to do this in the past, but it took an awful lot of resources and in the end the project was abandoned." - Vanessa said scratching her chin.

Adriana raised an eyebrow, that was interesting.

"But who will be creating, Lily?" - Vanessa asked when remembering the Maga among Adriana's women.

"No, myself!" - Answered Adriana.

"You? Well because I'm not surprised." - Vanessa laughed, but soon asked. - "So what do I get?"

"What you want?!" - Asked Adriana and before Vanessa spoke. - "I am not among the options!"

Vanessa with her mouth open closed it and pouted, before coughing lightly and getting serious. - "I wish you to join the expedition team with 50 of your Mercenaries, to investigate and annihilate a probable Demonic Camp!"

"you will be giving me information about potentially dangerous locations for me to collect Gems and Magic Crystals and you want me to get involved in your War against Demons?!" Adriana frowned.

"Of course, I'm a Princess and you're a madwoman with the power to destroy nations, I have to take every opportunity if I want to become a Queen in the future!" - Vanessa said shamelessly and Adriana rolled her eyes.

"I won't get involved for such a small price, I can always get others to give me that information, not to mention you haven't confirmed to me that you know the locations." - Said Adriana huffing.

"There is a place called Emerald Valley, protected by a Green Dragon, if you kill the Dragon, you can acquire its Draconic Core which is considered the best Source of Energy in the world, not to mention that the environment has been enriched by Dragon Magic, as such, the walls and the environment became Emerald!" - Vanessa said, launching the bait.

"A Dragon? I've killed quite a few, it's fun to hear them squeal in disbelief as to why a Human would kill them so easily." - Adriana laughed remembering her little time killing Dragons.

Vanessa raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything.

"But that's not enough for me to get involved in something so irritating!" - Adriana said crossing her arms.

"We know the location of the Blood Diamond which is the size of a human head, it is in the possession of an evil cult, we have some spies and we are preparing an operation to annihilate them!" - Said Vanessa.

"Blood diamond? No use, very evil energy and it's hell to purify!" - Adriana said, having an idea of what the Blood Diamond is.

"We know the approximate location of 2 other Dragons, we have a Mission to request help from an allied Nation, which has been suffering for almost 40 years by a Dragon, who steals and plunders, in addition to its Draconic Core, would you be able to own all your treasury, which must be full of Jewels, where even the attacked nation is very famous for its Jewels and Pearls!" - Vanessa said, Adriana was interested now.

4 Dragons and Their Treasures, even if she has to do all the hard work, it's not a big deal considering this is still a Tier 3 world.

Not to mention that if she devours the 4 Dragons, most likely she will be at least Level 250, since whatever it is, Dragons are incredibly powerful and should be considered BOSSES.

But Tier 3 Dragons Adriana finds it hard to believe they are real Dragons, but since they can accumulate wealth, it means they have some intelligence.

"Okay, I'll send one of my Clones to deal with it, that'll be more than enough!" - Adriana said sighing.

"No, I want you!" - Said Vanessa.

"No, it will be my Clone, I have more interesting matters to deal with, like 4 Dragons to kill!" - Said Adriana.

"We don't know what to expect, so we need all the power we can get, I believe that after the death of the 4 Dragons, you will be able to put your project aside and help us." - Vanessa said seriously.

"Unfortunately that's not how it works, I have a lot of business to deal with, why do you think I let my Clones do everything and why only 1 Clone shows up? Where are the others? Where is the real me?" - Adriana smiled and Vanessa was silent.

"I'm up against beings far more dangerous than Demons, beings that in the literal sense of things could destroy this world, so don't try to be smart on me darling, go get support from my Clone if she's unable to handle it , I will personally teleport and resolve the situation." - Adriana said and Vanessa hesitated.

Vanessa doesn't believe what Adriana says, thinking it's just an excuse not to accept the mission herself, but how dare she call Adriana a liar?

Hearing that she will teleport there personally if the situation gets serious, Vanessa decided to agree.

And with that, she gave the location of the 4 Dragons to Adriana, who received the following quest:

[Title: Dragon Hunt!]

[Tier: 3] [Difficulty: High]

[Content: In an attempt to create a "Magic Amplifier Device", you found yourself needing a lot of resources for prototype creation, needing the best, you must hunt 4 Dragons and loot their treasures!]

[Progress: 0%]


- Title: Dragon Slayer

- C$ 100,000,000

- Knight Technique: Dragon Heart!

Adriana smiled and seeing the probable location of the 4 targets on her [Map], she said goodbye to Vanessa, but Vanessa grabbed her arm.

"How about staying a while? Traveled all this way to the capital, why not have fun?" - Vanessa said smiling seductively.

"Sorry, my mother is calling me!" - Adriana said jumping to the skies and becoming invisible.


Vanessa grunted, then she punched the wall, screaming in pain at her idiocy.

"Your Highness!" - The butler who woke up screamed in shock.

"I am fine! Shit butler, get a carriage and clothes ready, I'm going to the Palace!" - Vanessa growled.

Vanessa easily got an audience with her mother, the Governess Queen, Kessedy Valeeior!

She is a tall, beautiful woman who, even though she is well into her 50s, still looks to be in her 30s.

A legendary warrior, a Goddess of War famous in the past and even today, this is Kessedy Valeeior, lavishing her long majestic black hair, a long golden crown on her head, her glassy and sharp blue eyes that can see everything.

She owns a majestic and perfect body, which even after hundreds of battles, never even had a scratch!

And she is not a Hermaphrodite, but an ordinary woman, she has given birth to 3 daughters and still looks like a woman who has never been pregnant.

Many even call her Kessedy, The Immortal!

"My daughter, what made you ask for such an urgent audience?" - Kessedy asked smiling slightly.

"Your Majesty, I come with important information about Adriana Scarlet, Leader of the Scarlet Mist Mercenaries!" - Vanessa said respectfully.

Kessedy snarled, thinking of that annoying thorn, she personally wants to lead 1,000 of her Kingsguard and annihilate this rebel, but the rumors, along with the help she brings to her nation, have her hands tied.

"Adriana personally came to my house!" - Said Vanessa.

"What?! Where is she?!" - Kessedy asked getting up and not being the only one.

"Why isn't she here sister?" - Asked a woman with long hair, very similar to Kessedy and having almost no resemblance to Vanessa.

This is the Crown Princess, Magnolia Valeeior, a famous Knight!

Magnolia is a young woman who appears to be at most 18 years old, even though she is close to 30, with beautiful and silky black hair, green eyes and a soft white skin.

But something separates him from the rest of his family, except for his biological mother who is not Kessedy, her small breasts.

She has a natural look full of arrogance and snobbery, along with a judgmental and disdainful look towards her own sister.

Vanessa looked slightly at her sister, then at her mother and said.

- "Adriana came to me as a messenger, as few in the capital know her appearance, so I was shocked when she arrived at my door, but I believe that the news about a messenger from the Scarlet Mist must have already reached Your Majesty's ears! "

"In fact, it hasn't been that long since I got the news." - Said Kessedy nodding slightly. - "But why isn't she here?"

"She got what she wanted and left, I don't have the strength to stop her, not to mention that Adriana doesn't listen to anyone, even if I threaten her, it would be fruitless!" - Vanessa said sighing in frustration.

"Alright, go ahead, what did she want?" Kessedy asked.

"Adriana came to me looking for information on High Quality Magic Gems and Crystals!" - Said Vanessa.

"Just that? We can give you some as rewards, is she silly or what?" - Kessedy snorted and others laughed too.

"I said the same, but she didn't want something for free, as she wasn't very confident in the quality and quantity we would give, she wanted to know locations that are sure to have large precious Gems, as well as High Quality Magic Crystals!" - Vanessa said calmly.

"Does this woman doubt me?!" Kessedy gritted her teeth, then smiled slightly, a hint of cruelty in her smile.

"What she was interested in, is Magic Crystals at the quality level of a Dragon's Core!" - Vanessa said, which made Kessedy widen her eyes.

"If so then, not in a thousand years would I give something so precious to someone like that!" - Kessedy snorted in disdain.

"For that reason she wanted information, so I provided her with the location of 4 Dragons we know, the Green Dragon in the Emerald Valley, the Black Dragon from the neighboring Nation, and the other 2 Dragons being hunted by the Nation!" - Vanessa said smiling slightly.

"These 4 Dragons? Don't we have literally in front of the palace, your quests for acquisition?" Kessedy raised an eyebrow.

"Exactly, Adriana did not know that, she has been isolated for a long time since she came to our Continent and she has never set foot in the Royal Capital, not to mention that hardly anyone talks about the Dragon Hunting Missions, which are excursions that entire Nations prepare very rarely, only when we really are in trouble caused by some Dragon!" - Said Vanessa explaining why Adriana didn't know about the National Missions.

"I see but what did you get for this 'information'?" - Kessedy asked holding back a laugh.

"I managed to get Adriana to help during our Expedition 4 months from now, invading the probable House of Demons!" - Vanessa said and everyone was surprised.

"She refused to accept our summons and support us, now this? Why should we accept her on an expedition that could go down in history?" - Snorted Magnolia with disdain.

"Because we don't know what awaits us! Iandra Coretros proved to be an extremely powerful Centaur, on the Level of our best Generals, but even this woman was careful around Adriana, as she knows the danger of Demons!" - Vanessa said calmly.

"There's also the fact that Adriana apparently already dealt with Demons on her continent, so we need her support and since we're not spending anything, why bother?" Vanessa shrugged and smiled.

"You say with such conviction that she is from another continent, how can you be so sure?" - Asked Magnolia irritated with her sister's mockery.

"Well I think it's obvious that this must be the case, she with ease and in a relaxed way, taught the Warlord, Carmem Azevich, a revolutionary Cavalry Technique, which is superior in quality to anything we've seen, you sister , I, Your Majesty and other powerful Generals, are studying this technique and slowly improving!" - Vanessa said smiling and continued.

- "So it's obvious that such advanced knowledge should not be from our Continent, not to mention someone of Adriana's Level, should be known, even more so with her disrespectful character, totally ignoring the Royal Family and not fearing the Royal Army, just shows that she has the confidence to go up against entire nations and potentially win, even if she doesn't win, it could cause us severe damage!"

Everyone was silent with Vanessa's words.

"Indeed, but do you know why Adriana needs these items?" - Kessedy asked leaving that subject aside.

"She didn't give me details, but all she told me was that she's trying to create a [Magic Amplification Device], I don't know the details, but I think the name is self-explanatory." - Said Vanessa.

"[Magic Amplifying Device]?

This is something that my mother supported to develop in the past but it did not bear fruit, our current technology is incapable, so it was left out, but if it is from a more advanced continent, maybe they have already developed it" - Kessedy frowned , because if it is true, there may be a very powerful nation beyond the seas

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