The Sexy Futa Player

Chapter 218: Chapter 217 - Spinoka Braum!

Adriana slowly entered a prison, rooms covered in blood and guts, people who were bad, got what they deserved!

And walking around here, Adriana had a purpose.

"Spinoka Braum!" - He called Adriana and an old man, in chains, with one eye missing and part of his chin burned, looked up.

His gaze was indifferent, he didn't feel fear or awe, he didn't feel anything!

"Has my sentence been given?" - He asked with a mocking tone.

That old man is Spinoka Braum, Chief Engineer and Scientist, out of everyone in the city, he is the one who committed the most atrocities.

At his 120 years of life, inclusive, he lived in the old Empire, before running away and being in the service of the Nilka Royal Family!

He is a genius, through his knowledge and research, he increased his own life expectancy, through science and humanity's progress, they aimed to create more powerful hybrids, as well as mixing Engineering and Biology!

Adriana saw some of their experimental war machines, beings that live in constant suffering, with metals running through their bodies.

Naturally, they are all strong, Tier 2 existences, but the pain they are enduring, their instinctual desire for an end to such atrocities

Adriana read his research, left him to rot in jail for a month while she decided what to do with him.

Spinoka is indeed a genius, she very much wants to kill him for his atrocities, but she understands that his cruelty had a purpose!

There are some of your war machines that worked, they lasted for weeks, months or even years on the front lines, they gave time for the people to breathe!

Spinoka was one of the main contributors to the City of Nilka having developed to such a large size that the walls took time to repair.

She understood that he was a necessary evil!

Looking at this indifferent man, who has lived for over a century, looking at her as if she were nothing.

Slowly Adriana pulled a chair out of her Inventory and sat down, Spinoka didn't react to that.

"You know Doctor Spinoka, what I want right now is to snap my fingers and watch him burn! For over 100 years, you have caused this city so much pain and suffering!" - Adriana said calmly.

"I'm guilty, you got me!" - Spinoka laughed mockingly, he no longer cared about anything.

"But I understand your point, I understand your contributions to this city, because even in the midst of so much blood and death, what you did allowed more than 10,000 people to stay alive!" - Adriana said, to Spinoka's shock and astonishment.

"I understand that behind every society, there are crazy people who distort the rules in their favor, there are advances in science, the vast majority end up covering it up to continue, which is relatively common!" - Adriana laughed and Spinoka frowned, listening to her attentively.

"I am willing to give you a second chance, because I understand the usefulness and importance of your work, as well as I value your talents!" - Adriana said coldly, only for the same laugh.

"In the end you are a Goddess of crap! You saw my pets and you want yours too!" - He laughed, but Adriana said.

"Did you get it wrong, your research so far? Most of them will be abandoned, the method of others will be changed! You will work until your last breath, to pay for all the atrocities you committed against your own people!" - Adriana said with indifference.

"Become a slave?" - Spinoka laughed scornfully and spat on the floor.

"Yes, a slave who will do as I say, my blind old puppy!" - Adriana said, Spinoka laughed.

"Of course, I will give that dog some snacks that will make him lick my boots with joy, from knowledge of Engineering, Electricity, Biology and among other scientific knowledge from other worlds, worlds with centuries of technological advances, others may have millennia!" - Adriana said, which finally attracted Spinoka's attention.

Adriana smiled, slowly taking some documents out of her Inventory and throwing them to the floor for Spinoka.

He took one look, his body shuddered, he spread out the documents better, reading the confusing numbers, not recognizing the letters, but he understood the basics of what was in front of him.

"This a machine that generates electricity what is it used for?" - Asked Spinoka.

"On a world called Earth, this is called a Generator, they exist in some houses, just feed it Gasoline and it will generate electricity for hours!" - Adriana said laughing.

"Is this common knowledge in this world?" - Asked Spinoka shocked.

"You know, the technological level of your world, developed with a focus on military might, constantly thinking about how to create more powerful weapons, have stronger bodies and the like, this greatly limited the evolution of this world, not to mention the low population .

The Earth I'm talking about, went through something called World Wars, Industrial Revolution and much more, currently having billions of inhabitants, millions of scientists researching every area of science!" - Adriana said, Spinoka breathing with regret, if he was younger, he would be very excited down there.

Adriana's words just sound like the devil's temptation, which he's almost throwing himself into!

"So Doctor Spinoka, interested in being my obedient old dog?" - Asked Adriana laughing and sliding her foot forward.

Spinoka looked at her, laughing and showing his crooked yellow teeth, before he lowered his head and kissed the sole of Adriana's shoe.

Snorting, Adriana stood up and snapped her fingers, Spinoka's chains were destroyed.

"Follow me!" - Said Adriana, Spinoka got up and limped following her, a portal appeared and he entered, that's when his world started to change!

Spinoka as soon as he discovered Deepwyn Village, it was nothing remarkable, but he fell in love with the environment and the sun!

And after that, Spinoka fell in love with the greatest friend of all scientists, more important than their wives and children, Caf!

Spinoka spent his time initially improving his health and of course, reading!

He learned the language from the books that Adriana brought him, even though he was old, he was born with an eidetic memory, remembering everything easily and in a few days, he was already mastering a new language.

So he read about various sciences and mathematics, feeling a passion arise which he had forgotten.

He was despised by everyone, people spat on him, but he didn't care, he accepted it and focused on his studies like a child finding a favorite toy.

Feeling guilty? Why would he feel guilty for doing what he loved? If people died, an unfortunate failure, but life goes on!

Adriana really disliked this old man without the slightest bit of shame or dignity, but she had to admit that he is a genius, just as she respects his thirst for knowledge.

While Spinoka studied, Adriana focused on creating a magical troop, teaching them [Magic Force], new concepts that would take time to learn, but Belladi proved to be talented and learned easily.

Well, she received improvements due to [Faith].

And even though she didn't like it, she gave some [Faith] to Spinoka, she doesn't want the old man to kick the bucket overnight, he's over 100 years old!

Adriana also called her wives to visit Deepwyn, where the people marveled at her beauty and knew they were her wives.

Belladi treated them with immense reverence, as they did not see themselves as Goddesses, Belladi believed them to be Demigoddesses.

But it took a while, until it was explained to him that they are all mortals, which left Belladi very confused, why would a Goddess relate to mortals?

Such questions were not answered, so she was left with her doubts and trying to understand more about these women, mainly Luria.

Luria, for some reason, she had great respect for this woman, sensing something unique about her that was hard to explain.

As for Luria, she liked Belladi, a woman with a strong and respectful character, she sacrificed a lot for her ambitions, if she has her loyalty, if she will have a good subordinate.

That's why she decided to train her a little, because, Belladi has talent, the problem is her advanced age, but that can be fixed with time.

Deepwyn gradually began to be developed, with Adriana buying some slaves from Aphrodite's World, targeting those with knowledge of Smithing and Agriculture.

Then taking them to this world, where they immediately treated Adriana like a Goddess!

Adriana didn't care much about that and just gave them work, that way, planting areas were being cleaned, seeds planted and watered.

Yali also came here, helping a lot and that's when Adriana discovered that Yali's species was well known.

They called her the Lady of the Snows, an ancient species that was friendly with humans, but later became hostile, they were comparable to Kings of the Deep, with extremely powerful bodies and absurd physical strength!

Centuries ago, scientists managed to kidnap some of your people and create hybrids, it was difficult, but they did it. The hybrids born were extremely powerful and talented, some were abnormally intelligent and thus became powerful military officers!

For being children of the Senhoras das Neves, they managed to make them submissive and fight in the name of humanity, but it is obvious that with time and constant wear and tear, they began to die and because it is a rare species to find, only their hybrids continued to pass on the lineage. .

And so that it would not end up diluting too much, they began to copulate with each other, generations later, all were brothers and cousins, resulting in many deformed babies, making the continuity of the lineage unfeasible.

After a long time, the end result was the annihilation of the hybrids, there must still be people with a minuscule amount of their blood out there, but it's no big deal.

Adriana asked if they'd had contact with Yetis in the last few decades, in the end she had to go into the records and discover that in the old Empire, just before its fall, they had managed to capture half a dozen Yetis.

But apparently in the big wave, they all died!

Adriana believes that it was Yali's family, but data from over 100 years ago!

Adriana asked Spinoka, who said. - "The Ladies of the Snows? They are a very powerful race, they live for centuries, I think the oldest on record, they lived for 500 to 600 years!"

That is, Yali is more than 100 years old

"This Senhora das Neves, seems to have only recently become an adult, so she must be at most, 150 years old, when she reaches the 250-year mark, she will get even stronger, that's when a Senhora das Neves, lives up to her name !" - Said Spinoka who explained more about her species.

Yetis have high longevity, which unfortunately was not passed on to their hybrids.

In addition, they have an affinity with any human species, that is, they can procreate without problems, but the preferential thing is to procreate with each other, since they do not have problems of deformity due to incest.

Yetis have high body temperature control, can store fat to get through long winters, can hibernate, and much more!

In the literal sense, they are a perfect species for war, since they live a long time, the older they get, the more powerful they become!

Knowing this, Adriana was impressed about Yali, she was enjoying a delicious lemon pie and smiling like an idiot, while some children climbed on her body.

Adriana had agreed to bring all the city's children here, to give them a better future and education.

Along with that, Adriana asked the System about creating a simple, easy-to-learn language that could be the universal language.

The System smoothly developed something like this, sending information to Adriana's mind, who put all this in books and asked to be taught to everyone.

As for the name of the language? It would just be the Language of Eden.

The good thing is that there were many illiterate people, so teaching them the new language would be more efficient.

And the same was being taught in Deepwyn City, then it was the Scarlet Mist Mercenaries, having to learn the new language, they didn't question it and just accepted it!

Another month passed and Deepwyn Village was growing!

Many resources were collected, such as the nearby forest being cleared, the cave becoming a research center, for Spinoka to study and practice what he was learning.

Wells were created, Adriana was buying a lot of food from Earth, money was running out fast, lucky she can convert Aphrodite's Gold.

In the middle of that month, there were some wild beasts that came to cause trouble, but Yali who was the current protector, easily gave a bear's neck a nice hug and broke it!

That day, everyone tasted the meat of a bear and some other animals.

At the same time, the first team of 20 soldiers who learned [Magic Force], returned to the Deep World, taking their positions and defending their city.

Not to mention that they had new weapons, much more powerful, since they were Earth Weapons, where their bullets were modified to hold [Silver Gunpowder], showing that Spinoka is a genius and learns things very quickly.

And of course, Spinoka received support from his students and helpers, who were in the same situation as them, little dogs who would work themselves to death to pay for their sins!

But Adriana is no tyrant, she allowed them some rest, the food was adequate, better than those of her world, so it can be said that their lives are better now than in the past.

Adriana didn't care if they were comfortable or not, what mattered were results, they were showing, so they would be rewarded!

Another thing worth mentioning would be the production of [Silver Gunpowder], which has Saltpeter, Coal and Sulphur, like common Gunpowder, but the difference would be [Luminescent Moss].

It is a mass-produced moss and it grows very fast, it was possible to plant it in the cave, since there is a lot of water.

With that, [Silver Gunpowder] could be mass-produced, and together with the new tools far superior to those of the past, the quality of the gunpowder was superior.

With the 20 Magic Soldiers wielding Modern Weapons and Bullets with [Silver Gunpowder(Improved)], they became executioners on the walls!

Due to the physical improvement, his senses have become sharper and as such, his eyesight!

As the weapons didn't need to be reloaded with each shot, it was much more efficient to kill the creatures and with their accuracy greatly improved, along with the range, poor Creatures of Chaos!

Even Adriana had thoughts of expanding, creating outposts in strategic locations... as she wanted to get her hands on some heavy artillery, it would be better than cannons, but this is extremely expensive and which government would guarantee such a thing?

"Do I communicate with Robert?" - Adriana thought of the current leader of the Golden Order, Robert Gracces.

He was a dignified and honorable man, but he was also a politician, maybe if he informed and showed his reasons, he could make available some heavy state-of-the-art weaponry.

But that would force her to get involved with the Golden Order, but she still doesn't want to, as she wants to reach Tier 4, where she would be considered a Transcendent, in order to have some authority in this world.

Otherwise, she would be breaking into the [Jade Emperor's Tomb] in China right now, which has many amazing treasures and will only be discovered in less than 1 decade.

In the end, Adriana had to rely on Spinoka's genius to try to take inspiration from modern weapons and create bigger versions, like mortars!

But at least she managed, with a lot of effort, to buy 2 Bazookas... well, "buy" is an understatement, she stole it!

Adriana didn't have the time or money to go with the legal stuff, so she with Lily's help, read criminals' memoirs, down to arms dealers, read their minds and thus she took possession of their weaponry and of course, their lives!

This then led them to some terrorists, but as she knows that some of the larger terrorist groups dabble with the Paranormal, she decided to go for a small one, but there were only 2 RPGs, real poverty!

(Author: You steal and are complaining that it's not enough? The bandit must all die!)

But she was content with that, better than nothing!

Adriana even thought about dealing with more powerful terrorist groups, but was too lazy to find them, as they are so well hidden!

Not to mention that this could attract the attention of the world's leading nations, which would focus on knowing where the weapons went, not on why they annihilated the terrorist forces.

Adriana enjoyed her work, but she also felt like an idiot!

Seeing these people who haven't even reached Tier 2, easily killing Tier 3 creatures, which she herself has a hard time killing if she doesn't go all out, made her very frustrated!

So, she made up her mind! - "I'm going to create a rifle with those metals I have!"

She's decided on where she's going to use her [God's Silver] and [Shiny Gold]!

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