The Sexy Futa Player

Chapter 217: Chapter 216 - Power of Faith!

Adriana wasn't in the mood for idle chatter, so she asked for useful information about who she should approach, capable and talented people.

But she also wanted information about who might be discarded, nobles drunk on their power and wickedness.

In such a dangerous world, people will tend to do atrocious things to satisfy themselves so they can forget or connect with the world they live in.

Adriana has seen many atrocities, due to the population not being large, many nobles cannot satisfy their urge to kill their toys, as such, they keep them alive, causing them to suffer on a level compared to victims of Paranormal Occultists.

It made Adriana think of that elf girl who was a sacrifice, the time when Luria opened up to her the most

Understanding how sinful this world can be, Adriana decided to use it to her advantage!

Gathering information and evidence, while everyone was waiting for the result of the supposed "Sorceress".

It was then that the armed forces began to act 2 days later, wielding stun guns to immobilize the majority.

Using smoke bombs and stun bombs to force the people to calm down without lethality.

Then the reason for such an approach emerged, several noble houses being invaded and their leaders taken to the center of the city.

The people were also guided there, including the Royal Family were taken there as well.

Having the main military force under control, Adriana who proved to be something of a godlike being to these individuals, gained their loyalty and devotion.

And now, everyone watched in terror, a tall woman with pale skin, vibrant purple eyes and long black hair.

Adriana slowly stood on the execution stage, several people kneeling and the people below confused.

"My name is Adriana Scarlet, I am who you call [Witch]!" - Adriana said, scaring everyone even more.

"But this is wrong! I did not come to harm you, but hope!" - Adriana said calmly and giving everyone a dignified look.

"I was not born in this world, I come from another world, called Earth, a peaceful world where there are no Creatures from the Deep and I, am a traveler, travel through countless worlds and many treat me like a Goddess!" - Adriana said calmly to everyone's confusion.

Slowly Adriana began to float in the air, what easier way to manipulate the masses than to fly in front of her eyes without any support?

"I came to this rotten and condemned world with the simple intention of exploring it, discovering its culture and knowing the strength of its people! I wanted to just be an observer, not interfering in their lives, whether it was good or bad!"

"But then I witnessed the constant battles of your people in surviving this hell, Creatures from the Deep invading every day, your military exhausted but still fighting, your people even suffering from hunger, still smiling and looking for ways to advance, but unfortunately, this world does not allow it!" - Adriana said sighing and falling among the people, who quickly opened a circle.

"In order for them to survive, their ancestors had to sacrifice their dignity and honor, to create hybrids of humans with monsters, I'm not disregarding or despising hybrids, I understand it as something brilliant, but imagine the sacrifices made to do so?" - Adriana sighed and reached a child with cow ears.

The child was shivering, but Adriana gently stroked her head and sent her a unique Nature Magic warmth, helping to give her some energy.

It made the child appreciate your touch.

"To survive, your people sacrificed a lot and here you are, a tiny population, in an even tinier city, unable to properly feed 1/7 of your people!" - Said Adriana, a fact!

"I do not wish to see such a strong people drowned by the unreasonable and dangerous laws of this filthy world! I came to bring you hope, to bless you with a brighter future, with the ability to resist and overcome your adversities!" - Said Adriana going to heaven and stepping on stage again.

"To start bringing hope to this world, I'll start with your city and we'll start, dealing with the garbage that eats away at this city!" - Said Adriana looking at those kneeling and executioners began to climb on stage.

With a wave of her hand, Adriana cast a [Silence] spell, silencing all those kneeling.

"You see them as your leaders and representatives, those who are doing everything for your protection, but that's not true! What you see here are filthy pigs who are satisfied with their lives, trampling on the common people, enjoying their lives!" - Adriana said coldly and looked in one direction.

Slowly a woman came onto the stage, a devilish beauty with long black hair, with red bangs and painted ends.

This is Lily, she came to support her dear Adriana!

Lily smiling, walked up to a woman in a cold sweat and touched her head, the woman started screaming, no no sound came out of her mouth due to [Silence], but her face was contorted in agony to everyone's terror and confusion.

But then a big screen showed above them, Lily started to show the woman's memories, showing her atrocious actions that she committed behind gentle smiles.

How she was a filthy pedophile, appreciating cute, cute boys.

"My son!" - A woman screamed below, crying. - "Where is my son ?!"

Adriana looked at her, feeling sorry for her as she showed the next scene, how this wretch castrated the poor children and kept their testicles and penises in vases, like trophies.

As for the children, something frightening and grotesque, having their limbs amputated and turned into puppies.

Dozens of children with their eyes blindfolded, crawling on the ground, constantly barking and sniffing the air, looking for something to eat.

The people were outraged, even Lily who is a demon, found it disgusting, if it was her past self, she would be reveling, but her current self abhors such enormous cruelty.

"I'm benevolent, I'm willing to give people forgiveness, but don't mistake my kindness for naivety!" - Adriana said coldly.

"Even though it won't make you pay for the crimes committed, we don't need to subject ourselves to your filthy level and I look forward to seeing you suffer in hell!" - Adriana said and snapped her fingers, leading the filthy pedophile to combustion.

Adriana took her [Silence] away, allowing her to scream shrilly in agony.

The scariest thing is that even though she was burned alive, she wasn't dying, but feeling everything!

Soon she was lying on the ground, shuddering, as an executioner stepped forward and ended her miserable life.

"Next!" -Adriana said and Lily went to a fat man beside her, who struggled, wanting to avoid her hand, but Lily's tail advanced, squeezing her neck and she grabbed her head.

"Greasy head, disgusting!" - Lily said, but the man's face began to distort in the next moment, showing his atrocities to everyone!

She showed how this man loved to disfigure women, whether they were beautiful or ugly, as long as they were young.

He started with their faces, burning, cutting, even eating their flesh, a damned cannibal!

So he went about disfiguring their bodies, but Lily wisely chided him hard until he stopped.

"Sorry, I won't show more than that, because I'm getting nauseous and I don't want to cause people mental damage!" -Lily said retracting her hand.

Adriana reached out her hand and this time, the man started to shiver from the cold, then his skin started to peel, he felt an itch and before everyone else, he started to scratch, his nails piercing his flesh.

"COMPASSION! PLEASE! SAVE ME! MAKE IT STOP!" -The man screamed pitifully, but Adriana looked at him with indifference, until she gave confirmation and he was decapitated.

Adriana then turned to the people below already filled with fury and terror, they looked at the others kneeling as if they were prey, wanting to know what their atrocities were and how they would suffer.

"I promise you that these people will suffer before they die, but unfortunately I won't show you such an atrocity, you don't need to see what will happen to you, but you need to know what awaits you!" - Adriana said calmly and everyone was taken out of sight.

The reason Adriana didn't go through with it, is that the spell of [Mind Reading] and [Mind Projection] are extremely advanced, Lily has already lost almost all of her Mana at this point.

"I will guarantee you security, a more adequate government that really thinks about its people! I will give you opportunities to see a better and more prosperous future!

This I promise you, but there are those among the people themselves who won't get a second chance, there are limits to my mercy as everyone can already see!" - Adriana said calmly.

At that moment, those who are criminals understood that Adriana was talking about them.

"There will be due punishments, so for those who committed crimes like murder, rape and others, come forward and surrender, your punishment will be reduced, in case you don't I beg your pardon for the cruelty I will commit!" - Adriana said fiercely and releasing a wave of Killing Intent.

This caused everyone to be terrified, until some of them fell to their knees. - "I SURRENDER!"

The first to surrender soon resulted in others.

Adriana nodded and looked to the side, Belladi, touching her shoulder she said. - "Belladi Moticrus will be my representative, treat her with the utmost respect, she will take care of you! Starting today, Belladi is your queen!"

The moment she said that, everyone was shocked, looking at Belladi with an expressionless face, then one woman broke down and screamed. - "But what about us ?!"

"Nakai Nilka?" - Asked Adriana and the woman nodded.

"The Nilka Royal Family is cowardly and incapable, allowing such atrocities to occur right under their noses and doing nothing! Your crimes are being investigated and I will know whether or not they need my punishment!" - Adriana said, Nakai turning pale.

"Know that there will be a rebuilding of the entire hierarchy of the city, a big cleanup, I hope everyone's support, to make our journey simpler, in return, you can see a future of peace and quiet!"

"Belladi and the other officers will be selected 300 people from the common people, where they will be categorizing their skills, abilities and knowledge, the 300 selected will be taken by me to Eden, another world, where they will be able to work and of course, bring their families that they think they need.

it is worth it!"

Hearing about [Eden], everyone was shocked, Adriana smiled and said. - "From today, this is the City of Deepwyn and you are my people!"

Adriana then took to the skies and went east, she noticed on the [Map] a small horde approaching and arriving there, the soldiers looked at her confused and terrified.

Ignoring them, Adriana waved her hands, conjuring torrents of spells that surged and exploded, creating a majestic vista.

Dozens of Creatures from the Deep were killed, but it wasn't enough, Adriana advanced with her axes and slammed these creatures head on.

Without a freaking rain or blizzard of chaos to get in the way, Adriana with a lot of effort, using everything she had, could match these Tier 2 and 3 creatures!

So all the soldiers marveled at Adriana, this beautiful Goddess of War, fiercely annihilating her nemesis since birth!

The news of Adriana's heroic deeds spread, including Belladi already wanted to build a statue of Adriana, so that everyone could pray for her.

Adriana quickly saw her [Faith] increasing, people can give different amounts of Faith, but it largely depends on her devotion and fanaticism.

For example, Belladi has so far been able to give you 3 units of Faith, going to 4th unit.

The others, on the other hand, are giving you 1 Faith, few have given 2 Faith.

But then, wanting more Faith, Adriana unlocked magical knowledge about medicine in her mind.

With that, she used healing spells, which are practically miracles in this world.

And she discovered that she can use [Faith] to strengthen such spells, but mostly, it can only be used on support spells.

Adriana gradually understood [Faith] better, it is something very valuable, unfortunately she can only store 100 so far.

But well, it's obvious that her demonstration of "miracles" left everyone amazed and more convinced that Adriana is a Goddess!

This resulted in Adriana receiving much more Faith, which she spent on strengthening her Attributes!

The best thing was discovering that [Faith] is able to break the limits of the System, as its Attribute Points don't stack.

But of course, it has a limit, where the [Faith] Bonus Attribute Points cannot exceed its base attribute.

Just as [Faith] cannot be affected by other energies, so your +20% bonus to all your Attributes will have no effect on [Faith]!

But Adriana was not bothered by this, since 10 Faith = +1 Attribute Point and receiving hundreds of the people of Deepwyn City, she strengthened her [Intelligence] and [Wisdom] by 20 Points each!

4,000 Faith Points were spent, but it was far from enough, Adriana greatly underestimated the belief of the Deep World people.

Not to mention her bringing delicious food to this world and soon bringing 300 people to [Hunter's World], further increasing those people's devotion to her.

Adriana found herself constantly gaining more and more Faith!

She then saw that she could increase her HP, MP and SP with [Faith], 1 Faith = 5 Points

Adriana, as she needed a lot of HP, was focusing all of her surplus [Faith] on her!

As such, after 1 month since she became a "Goddess", Adriana had +8800 HP, +4400 MP and SP, all due to Faith!

In all, she spent 7,520 Faith, that's what she collected in 1 month, as more people pray to her and glorify her name, the more Faith she receives.

And Adriana didn't sit still this month, having gathered all the information the Nilka Royal Family had, getting her hands on a Legendary treasure!

[War God Gauntlets Legendary]

- Category: Weapon / Fists (Technology)

- Damage: 280 (Damage Range: 140~420)

- Scaling: Strength(STR)

- Judgment: Deals 5 Damage to Creatures born of Chaos!

- Ferocious Momentum: Unleash an explosive blow with your fists, dealing +200% Damage! (10 Creatures of Chaos)

- Shield Mode: Modify your structure to shape a shield and plant it in the ground, its defense equals 2 your Damage!

- Chaos Repulsion: Chaos creatures that hit the shield, receive Damage equivalent to its Defense and receive a repulsive blow, the strength varies from the damage received!

"And here we go back to my life as a boxer!" -Adriana thought when she saw such a treasure.

From what she understood, it's a pair of technological gauntlets made of [God's Silver] and [Glittering Gold], as well as one such [Crystal of the Depths].

Its main fuel is [Silver Gunpowder].

Unfortunately such a treasure had to remain inactive, for the simple reason that it was too big and no one was able to wield it.

Of course, there must be some with the physical stature and strength to do so, but never would the Royal Family give away such a treasure so lightly.

Adriana wore such a gauntlet, it was heavy, but for her with more than 100 strength, it is considered light!

It made her feel VI.

The inside of the grips are very comfortable, the movement of the mechanical fingers is also incredible, Adriana loved it!

Unfortunately it was made exclusively for the Deep World, even if it causes absurd damage, the problem is its effects.

As it is a technological weapon exclusively made to deal with Creatures of the Deep, its efficiency will be greatly reduced.

"Most likely this can deal with normal Tier 3 creatures, which is not bad, as for Chaos Creatures, it can probably kill even Tier 5 ones!" - Adriana said to herself.

In addition to these incredible Gauntlets, there were some [Lightning Gold] and [God's Silver] ingots, all of which are Legendary quality materials!

Adriana was speechless, but of course, Legendary in terms of this world!

If the Gauntlets were taken to a world of Magic, it would be considered an Epic Grade item.

"Even if the material is small, I think I can create an accessory that stores this Chaos-damaging Energy!" -Adriana thought to herself, the problem is that she neglected a lot of her skills as Ferreira.

She's decided that she's going to have to focus on that a little bit now.

"Again drowned in work!" - Adriana said laughing, missing her trip through space!

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