The Sexy Futa Player

Chapter 15: Chapter 15

After my distribution in Attribute Points, I leave the Dungeon and start doing the usual, only I intensify my training, I want to be sure of something and... it really was what I expected!

I used to lift weights of 30 kilos, but I jumped up to 80 kilos on each arm!

With that I soon got +1 Strength!

That made me fucking happy, so I started thinking about what would potentially give me XP for my Attributes.

Intelligence and Wisdom is by studying and learning new things.

Constitution goes up by doing any exercise, that's why it was my biggest attribute before.

Strength is by lifting weights, which is obvious!

Agility... I can't think of anything but running, but that's the thing, running devotes much more time than other exercises, so how to improve it?

Agility is linked to flexibility, so I could try to improve my flexibility, there are trainings for that, but it wouldn't be that efficient... wait, this is a game so to speak, so technically it wouldn't be the time, but the distance!

If I run long distances in a very short time, I should get more XP, because I think that by running, XP accumulates by distance and not time...

Now where to run?

If I run on treadmills, I can probably technically take off from it and crash.

I can try to run around the building, but that would be awkward... ah, the Rabbit Dungeon!

That's it, the Level 1 Dungeon, the Rabbit Dungeon is giant, a plain, so I can run through them.

And in the future I can go to the Wolf Dungeon, where the forest starts, and run through the forest to train myself to dodge obstacles, that should give me a lot of XP and give me a Skill like [Athletics], [Acrobatics] or [Parkour].

Smiling excitedly at the idea, I continue my training for the day, where I am pushing the machines to their limits and everyone is shocked to watch me.

I smile happily as I push myself to the limits without stopping.

Then I go to the library to read some books, then finish the shooting stand.


I start testing as soon as I entered the Level 1 Dungeon, I start running, running hard, ignoring my Stamina!

I only notice the scenery around me passing quickly, I don't know how fast I am, but I know it's a lot!

And after about 15 minutes of running without stopping, I get the notification that my Agility has increased by 1!

This fills me with joy and I keep running until I use up all my Stamina, stop, rest, drink some cold water and an energizer, getting high and then continue running, where 20 minutes later, +1 Agility and Constitution!

Now that's fucking leveling up!

(3rd Person View!)

The first day Juri joined the Order, she spent a good amount of time reading in the library, before her focus became the Academy!

Pietro always kept an eye on her, as she is a very peculiar young woman and her blood is very precious.

Then he was amazed at the effort Juri was putting into her body, so confused, but told no one to interfere.

So they watched as Juri exerted herself beyond limits, almost fainting, but then she would be fine, gathering energy from who knows where, then continue her duties!

She practiced shooting, demonstrating a shocking speed of learning, her accuracy in a few days equivalent to someone who practiced for 1 year!

She also proved to be very intelligent, with a high learning ability, where in class, she asked many good questions, some that should not be possible for someone who has just started classes.

Pietro watched this genius girl, not understanding where she came from, so he wanted to know even more about her!

Naturally he managed to collect the information from her birth to the present day, where he found nothing too much.

She was an orphan, a very naughty girl, and ended up in trouble with 3 families who adopted her.

Then turning 18, she left the orphanage and used her beauty and effort to get jobs and money.

In the end she ended up living on the street, but she lived with drug addicts and beggars, a safe place, while she gathered money.

That is until half a month ago, she started exchanging hundreds of Coins in various places, then with the money she rented an apartment and started to settle in.

She attended an academy and then, she was targeted by a Sex Demon and here she is.

Now Pietro wishes he knew where the money came from, as there is no information of her working or selling drugs, not to mention that the money seemed to have no end, as she bought many things in a short time.

Pietro thinks that she probably found the money from some criminal, stole it and that's why she was keeping an eye on it, but nothing happened.

He had people investigate her apartment, but they only found a few dozen credits on a table and that's it.

In the end, Juri is shrouded in many mysteries.

And looking at a folder of documents in his hand, with the picture of the smiling Juri, was information collected and new information inserted about discovered capabilities, being:

1. High quality body for sacrifices and rituals!

2. Ability to store and take items from some mysterious place. Ability not yet discovered due to lack of information.

3. Strange resistance to damage and apparent immunity to bone fractures and potentially dismemberment!

4. Impressive physical abilities and apparently constantly improving at an astonishing rate!

5. Strange ability where upon sleeping, all damage, fatigue or harm imposed upon her disappears. limits still unknown!

6. Strong mental ability, equivalent to High Level Agents... or Higher!

Only these 6 abilities were noted, but there was an observation made by Pietro.

{Potentially she is not Human, seeking information about her biological parents to learn more and understand her origins. Our scientists think she is a type of Homunculus, which was born perfectly, reasons for her flawless DNA.}

{Some of our High Level Agents speculate that she is not human, but descended from such ancient "Gods", equal to the "Saint", reasons for this speculation is due to the 3 Nordic Sisters who awakened last year, passing us information about the past!}

Pietro looked vaguely at the documents, wishing that Juri is not a danger to humanity, but as far as everything indicates, she is not.

(Juri's view)

Time passed and I continued training hard, improving my Attributes and Skills, as well as increasing my Level!

I would get 100 XP per Tiger killed, killing 100 of them would give me 10,000 XP!

My killing speed improved dramatically when this happened:

[Strong Legs, Lv.50]

Type: Passive

Effect: Legs strengthened by kicking! +50% Kicking Damage! Your Kicks enter the Lethal Weapon Category! Your Legs now have the property of Blunt Damage!

At level 50, my kicks are now like hammering!

This caused me to cause more damage and pain to the Tigers, making it much easier to kill them!

So per day, I went up 1 Level, in 1 week, I reached Level 31!

The 60 Attribute Points being +20 Strength, Agility and Constitution!

I became very strong and of course, beautiful!

Currently... well, see for yourself my Status:


Name: Lagertha Juri Han(20) Title: Player

Species: Human Gender: Female/Hermaphrodite

Class: Civilian Job: Low Level Agent of the Aurea Order

Level: 31 XP: 15.500/17.050

[HP: 675] [MP: 610] [NE: 310]

Strength 114

Agility 133

Constitution 118

Intelligence 97

Wisdom 95

Luck 40

Sanity: 41/41

Points: 0

Credits(C$): 601.806

[Special Abilities]

Player Mind(X); Player Body(X); Negative Dimension(X); Create Dungeons(5); Negative Power(Low)

[Passive Skills]

Cooking(28); Acting(10); Bargaining(9); Mechanics(16); Engineering(9); Computing(26); Paranormal Knowledge(29); Negative Energy Control(22); Firearms Mastery(41); Fighting(37)

Strong Fists (41); Strong Legs (52); Constitution (27); Pain Tolerance (44); Stretching (29); Running (53); Night Vision (28); Mental toughness (28); Poison Resistance (32); Negative Resistance (10); Increased Stamina (33); Strong Will (21)

[Active Abilities]

Meditation(49); Intimidation(1)

Perfect, no?

I am very strong, I am physically equal to Mid Level Agents, or even High Level ones, I have never faced them, except for this Tristan guy, who I haven't seen since that day.

But I learned that he is the agility and long distance type, so hurting him is not that hard.

The strange thing is that it is only the 2nd week and I am already so strong, I wonder what it will be like in 2 months and 2 weeks!

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