The Sexy Futa Player

Chapter 14: Chapter 14

My life as an Agent of the Aurea Order began!

Because I had just entered the Order and understood practically nothing about how things work, like any newbie, I would go through basic tutoring, training, and various tests.

Obviously in physical tests I had the best grades.

And the Academy that has all kinds of machines, became practically my home, where of the time I am awake, I spend there, training my body.

I take advantage of the fact that I have acquired a very good skill:

[Increased Vigor, Lv.1]

Type: Passive

Effect: Improves your breath, increases your stamina and stamina recovery! +1% Stamina & +5% Stamina Recovery!

This Skill came at the best possible time, as I started training harder and longer, which made me exhausted, I exceeded my limits, it got to the point that my HP started to decrease.

But because of [Pain Tolerance], I wasn't bothered that much, not to mention that I developed a Willpower related Skill:

[Strong Will, Lv.1]

Effect: A strong mind, brings with it an equally strong Will! +2% Willpower!

With this I kept myself motivated to push my limits further and further, where I discovered that in this way I can accelerate the growth of my Attributes.

The saying "No pain, no gain!", has never made more sense to me than it does now.

In 1 week I got +3 Constitution, +3 Strength and +4 Agility!

People looked at me like I was a crazy person, as well as a monster, since I maintained this momentum every day, for hours!

When someone asked me how this was possible, if I had a secret, I just said that my body is special and as long as I sleep, any damage or tiredness disappears completely!

That way I got envy from everyone, because that is a fucking power!

Many think that I had the support or luck to make a deal with a very powerful entity from the Other Side, who gave me such a Skill.

I didn't bother to say anything, I just kept to myself while training, as well as studying!

My [Paranormal Knowledge] was already at Level 18, the [Negative Energy Control] being at Level 15.

Due to the Paranormal studies, my Intelligence increased by 4 Points, my Wisdom by 2.

With this I discovered that my Mana (MP) really scales with Intelligence, not Wisdom.

But of course, I didn't focus only on learning this, the Order has teachers and specialists in several areas, known as Support Agents or Auxiliary Agents.

These Agents are Engineers, Cooks, Mechanics, Doctors and so on, they are practically the professionals who keep all the weapons, vehicles, computers working and always the best of the latest generation to support the Agents on the front lines.

Of course, the Support Agents also participate in investigations, sometimes combat, but they participate with teams of course.

So because I want to learn many things, since I myself know that I was wasting the potential of my system, which makes me think of the Skill [Creation] that the protagonist of Webtoon had, which was very OP!

But if I remember, for this Skill to be used, the protagonist had to have knowledge of the area, i.e., I want to have knowledge about Mechanics, Engineering, Computing, etc., I do not aim to specialize now, because I know it will take time, less for me because of the System, but it is still time!

At least I want to know how to repair a car, to handle computers and weapons better.

And speaking of weapons, I have acquired the Skill [Firearms Mastery], it is already at Level 30, this thing goes up a level very fast!

Its effect is to make me know how to wield any kind of firearm, the instant I get my hands on it, I know how to use it!

Along with the knowledge, I get a +30% bonus on Aim and Accuracy.

What is the difference? I have no idea!

But the damage itself does not increase, because it would be very strange and illogical that the damage of firearms would increase because of my Skills.

Oh, it also increases very vaguely the critical hit chance.

And everyone was very impressed with my improvement in the use of Firearms, saying that I was born for this... sorry mortals, I'm too perfect for your little minds to understand! Muahahahaha!

And well, that was my 1st week, I still have 11 more Weeks, since the integration period and so on, is 3 months.

Since when the recruits start to finish the training, the teams will start to be formed and the first missions will be given.

For Low Level Agents, which is my case, our main functions are to investigate, find out the level of danger, if it is manageable, we can take care of it, if there are doubts, you can ask for support from the Order, which will send an agent of higher rank to assist.

Well, I'll worry about this more in the future, I'm still in training and I'm going to enjoy it a lot!

And I think it's time to stop hiding some of my abilities, so I've decided that I will start going to my Dungeons again, I need to improve my [Strong Legs] and [Strong Fists], since they are my main weapons.

Not that I despise Firearms, quite the contrary, if I bag a pistol, fuck the rest!

But I want to become a master of unarmed combat, to turn my limbs into true weapons of mass destruction!


Decided, after 1 week, I opened my first Dungeon, probably if you look at the cameras you will see this portal glowing.

But well, they will hardly stay 24 hours looking at me, but if they do, I left a letter on the table explaining some things, so I enter the Level 5 Dungeon, looking at those familiar trees.

Smiling, I start running in search of my prey, where I practice by activating my [Negative Power], which buffs at +25 All my Attributes!

With this I was able to deal substantial damage to the Boars, having 66 Strength, +48% Damage on my kicks, the Boar was agonizing with my kicks.

And I easily defeated it, smiling contentedly, so I leave, create a Level 10 Dungeon, I may regret it, but come on!

The Level 10 Dungeon was still a forest, so opening the Map, I see one of the red Dots and go to it.

I realize that the dot has noticed me, but I'm very attentive and realize that I don't see anything, even indicating that he's not too far from me, or this thing is tiny ... I look up and there I see something.

[Tiger - Level 10]

Oh fuck, really? A FUCKING TIGER?!

I swear I didn't expect it, I'll get the gun I bought, so let's go pussycat!

I move forward and look up, the Tiger obviously knows I know his location, our eyes meet, he shows his teeth and roars at me, before running through the branches and jumping a few feet away from me.

Soon Tiger focuses his eyes on me, I admit I'm a little scared, it's a fucking Tiger!

The good thing is that it doesn't seem to be a modified Tiger, it's probably a regular Tiger, but it's still a fucking Tiger!

I'm already regretting this, but put this fear in the back of your mind Juri, let's kill this fucker!

I run, the tiger roars and attacks me too, opening its mouth wide as it jumps and opens its paws with sharp teeth.

Smiling, I stop my advance and steady myself on the ground with all my strength, turning me slightly before sending a high kick that hits Tiger's chin forcing his head up.

I feel claws rubbing against my leg, which hurts like hell, but my kick hits it hard and does a lot of damage, as 1/10 of his HP is gone!

And well, I don't think much and I advance ignoring the pain in my mind, my [Player Body] allows me, even injured, to be almost 100% of my capacity, I just need to ignore the pain!

So I advance against Tiger growling in anger and pain, launching a kick at his head that almost makes it touch the ground, but he raises his head and furiously saves against me, I can't react in time and he knocks me down... DAMN!

Tiger roars in my face before biting down, but I manage to grab his neck tightly and move my head to the side, preventing this fuck from hurting my beautiful face.

But Tiger is very strong, I'm sure it's his Strength that is close to 100 Points, even with my 66 Strength, I'm certainly not enough, my luck is that I'm holding his neck.

I feel its claws piercing my chest and shoulder flesh, it hurts like hell! My HP decreases as Tiger constantly tries to finish me off.

I growl and use all the strength I can, then think and then act!

My leg lifts and Tiger's eyes go wide, quickly releasing me and stepping back as he shudders, roaring and grunting.

I take a quick breath, not because I'm tired, but because I'm scared, because that was fucking close!

I look at Tiger growling at me angrily as he cringes a little, it hurts to be hit in the balls.

I then stand up, taking a deep breath, I am still afraid as I understand his superiority towards me, but... why am I smiling?

I am trembling, really trembling, I feel afraid, but also... my heart is beating so fast and I am too anxious... the word "run" never crossed my mind!

Letting out a crazy laugh, because I am seeing myself as a crazy bitch who wants to die!

So I go ahead, let's stop this clowning around and kill each other!

And the furious Tiger advances on me as well, we confront each other again, my kick advances, his claws cut me and he advances and hits me in the stomach.

I quickly hug his neck and start throwing several punches and elbows as the bastard drags me backwards!

The Tiger roars, is biting me hard as his claws hit my legs, which hurts like hell!

My HP is dropping too fast, if it continues I will seriously die, so I draw my revolver, aim at the bastard's back and POW! POW! POW! POW!


I put my finger down on the trigger, 6 holes appear in the Tiger's back which soon disappears in a pitiful roar!

I quickly throw myself backwards, only to hit my head on a tree trunk and damn, does it hurt!

Why did you just throw yourself backwards without thinking, you idiot!

In great pain, I lay on the ground internally cursing myself for this idiocy I just did, now about which one, I leave for you to think about.

A while later, stabilizing myself, I sit up and pick up my revolver, returning it to the Inventory, then I look at the loot, which I did not expect much, but ... damn, is that a HP Potion?!

I see a red vial, run to pick it up and read.

[Tiger's Blood(100 ML)]

I only read the name and am disappointed, but then I frown and realize that it's the first time I've dropped something other than flesh and leather!

I look at the rest, I see bones too, the amount of stuff that fell is much less than normal, but the amount of the items increased from meat and leather only to meat, leather, blood and bones!

"Is it because of the [Negative Dimension] and my Paranormal Exposure?" - I wonder as I analyze the possible reasons for such a change.

Reason I find that? It's very simple actually, Bones and Blood are the most used materials in rituals and sacrifices.

I know they use a lot of animal materials, I don't know much since I didn't go that deep in this area, but I think that Bones and Tiger's Blood must be worth a lot and the entities must like it.

Of course, materials from Humans are preferred, the stronger the human or the purer the better!

But some animals are not far behind, I don't know which ones, but Tigers should be among them.

Hummmm, I can create a Level 1~10 Dungeon for the Order, then charge 10,000 Credits per entry, I just don't know how they will come out.

I happen to get out of the Dungeon, because I am the one who created it, so I have no problem, but what about other people?

Now I'm curious about that.

But well, I think it's time!

Time for what?

Time to spend 240 Attribute Points!

Why do I decide to do this now, since I still have 11 weeks of training left? It's because I discovered something interesting from my System when my Intelligence and Wisdom increased.

What would this "interesting" thing be?

It is that the increase in Attributes is something fixed apparently, like my Level, i.e. the Bonus Attributes are practically a kind of separate Level.

Confusing, right? So let me express myself better!

I have 47 Constitution, we take 10 from that which is my start, we take another 24, which is from my levels, so I'm left with 13!

In other words, since I came into this world, I have acquired 13 Constitution Points by training, which is certainly excellent!

But that's the thing, it gets harder and harder to increase Attributes through training, because just like my Level, the Attributes... let's call them [Attribute Levels], also increase!

So technically, say I'm at Level 13 of the Constitution Attribute, whether I have 50 or 100 Constitution, the "XP" for it technically won't change at all.

In other words, regardless of whether I train with my current Attributes or after allocating several, it probably won't change at all.

Maybe it will even get faster to increase the Attributes, since the "XP" I gain for the Attributes is linked to the exercises I do, the machines I use and the difficulty of the same.

So let's say a Weight of 10 Kilos gives me 1 XP per lift, then if I jump from 10 Kilos to 40 Kilos, which will give me 4 XP per lift instead of 1.

So technically, I will quadruple the leveling speed of my Attributes.

Sure, I may talk nonsense, I may regret it when I am unable to improve my Attributes, but... it's worth a try!

I want to level up, I need to get stronger and keep relying only on training and studying, even if I am faster than ordinary people, it will still take time and I have 240 Points, it's time to spend them!

So I do it, but I don't touch [Sanity], the reason? I don't have much interest in Rituals at the moment.

Maybe I will make some sacrifice to some entity in the future, for now I want to understand Mana, to know what I can do with it, so I avoid losing things.

So I play 50 on Intelligence and Wisdom, which causes an explosion in my mind and everything becomes even clearer!

I am amazed, a little dizzy, since I have more than doubled the Attributes, the feeling is strange, but good!

Next I look at the 140 Points I have, I put 40 Points into Strength, raising it to 81.

Next I put 35 points into Constitution, raising it to 82, then I put the remaining 65 points... I stop, think, but play for Agility anyway.

Soon my body starts to crackle a lot and I feel comfort, intense waves of energy strengthening my muscles, making me even more flexible and slender.

My body doesn't change much in appearance, I just look healthier, something I'll know when I see myself in the mirror later.

But for now, I am much stronger, twice as strong, time to test many things!

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