The Rejected Alpha's Vengeance

Chapter 102: Meek Malika Strikes Again


Looking at the woman with the kids, Rukiya had so many questions and no answers.

She knew that this was to be the roughest news Hawi had ever received, granted she may have wanted to be the one to kill her brother, but which sibling did not want to kill their sibling any other time of the day?

Siblings were annoying and that was obvious in every family, but having them taken out by someone else, someone she had trusted and someone she had been so sure was not a murderer at heart, was something that made Rukiya have so many questions.

She wasn't sure when the rain had started hitting, but a happy Hawi was one weird sight even for her.

"What do I do, Adolf?" Rukiya asked her best friend who was standing with her out there, as they watched Hawi run around with the children.

It was almost like she was looking for some particular connection, one that she would never be able to get again because her brother had been murdered.

Maybe if Hawi was breaking things and letting out her anger, it would have been easier to face her, but right now, she was acting like there wasn't a thing on her mind. Then again, she had always been in pain.

There was only so much pain she could take without snapping too. She had lost so much already and that was not even a shocker to her.

"Let her be for the moment. She needs to process it in her own way and if we rush her, she would push us away," Adolf said and Rukiya understood what he was explaining to her.

She had seen that happen with Adolf and she didn't want to make the same mistake. Maybe this was their doom, but who was to tell what was coming for them anytime soon anyway?

"I just hope she trusts me enough to let me in," Rukiya said, though she had a feeling that he was probably hoping for too much. Defeatedly, she sat on the veranda, as she watched the woman she had hopelessly fallen in love with, deflect her pain.

She, just like everyone who cared for Hawi, knew they had to prepare. And so as she watched Hawi play into the night with the kids, Rukiya wished she could take some of her pain.

Maybe that would make her feel better, but what were the chances that she would take care of that on her own too?


Despite the terrible news that had graced their evening, the Sicario pack was hushed. That was the only way to describe what was happening. There was no revolution like what had happened when Hawi had murdered her mother apparently, no.

This time, it was like no one cared that a good warrior had been snatched from them by someone, or even that the alpha was imprisoned.

For all the Sicario warriors knew, The head alpha, Sicario, had murdered his son and that was why Alpha Jer had so generously decided to keep the man isolated in the dungeons.

It was a good explanation and no logic would ever beat that anyway.

The wolves of Sicario pack were convinced that this is what had happened while others refused to believe that the head alpha had simply snapped, three years after his wife had been murdered.

Instead, they had graciously pinned it all on Hawi again, cursing the supposedly dead woman for pushing their pack to the brink of insanity and lost wars. It was all so crazy but what else could they do?

It wasn't like any of them was courageous enough to take it up with their reigning alpha who had done a good job pretending like he was the most affected by the apparent death of Dominic Sicario.

But how good an actor was Jeremiah supposed to be?

"I'm so sorry about your loss. You two were really good friends," Malika said meekly to the man she had gotten conveniently married to and one who was casually laying in their bed.

She had come back from Greyson and figured out that Jer was the murderer in the three seconds that she had met him after, and right now, she was trying to be the woman Hawi had sent her to Sicario to be–

–Though it was tempting to torture the bastard in that bed in ways that even Hawi the chief torturer would frown against.

Oh, but Malika was trying to be patient even though she wanted to puke her guts out at the man.

Goodness, he despised him and wanted him dead, but he had to serve his purpose. That was the only thing that got Malika being patient with him, otherwise, it would have been a different thing altogether.

"He was like a brother to me. It hurts so bad that he was murdered by his father. I get that Awuor was psychotic, but I didn't think that the father would be as psychotic too.

"He lost both his children because of his recklessness," Jer said pitifully and Malika had to remind herself for the umpteenth time that she was on admission.

But damn the urge to smack Jeremiah across the face was so strong that she didn't see herself not giving in to the temptation to introduce this bastard to the darling walls was just growing.

"Is there anything I can do? I may not be strong but I can–" Malika tried.

She knew what would happen if she switched and tried to sleep with Jer, though that didn't seem much of a task as Jer was always under a woman whenever he felt like it. She knew that she would kill him instantly; or ruin him to the point that he would be crazy.

There was a reason protectors were feared, because of the powers they had, but then again, Jer was just another dirtbag that didn't deserve Malika's humanity, right?

"I saw you leave with Elodie. Where did you both go?" Jer asked and Malika looked at him, the fear on her face making a show, however ingenuine it was.

She had known that Jer had a thing for Elodie though she had always rejected the man.

"What?" Malika asked, and Jer raised a brow at her. Maybe she knew what he was talking about or maybe he was just speculating because Malika and Elodie had been out at the same time.

"I… We…" Malika stuttered before she continued, "I'm sorry, husband. I didn–"

Hoover, before Malika could complete her sentence, a very furious Elodie walked into the room, looking at Malika like she was about to get her murdered.

Of course, right now, Elodie Kane had no recollection of what had happened even with Hawi, but she looked like she wanted to kick the living daylights out of Jer and that was strange.

"Elodie?" Malika asked meekly as she rushed to seek shelter in Jer's arms. She figured that she would be 'safe' in the arms of the man she had married.

"Please don't let her take me, please," Malika cried out and Jer looked at Elodie before he looked at his wife who was trembling in his arms.

He didn't even need to ask more questions about where Malika and Elodie had gone because, for him, Malika's fear was real.

"Get the fuck out, you're scaring my fucking wife you little shit," Jer said protectively and Malika smirked into his shirt.

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