The Rejected Alpha's Vengeance

Chapter 101: Happiness Was Too Great A Task



'This isn't the time to make me see sense, Malika. Fucking speak,' Hawi said as she clutched her head that was hurting so bad. Goodness, she was in so much pain that he felt like she would die any time now.

'Jer killed Dom. Your former mate killed your brother, and imprisoned your father in the lost dungeons.'

'Good for the— WHAT?' Hawi asked, as she faltered. Of the things she had been expecting, her bastard mate doing the impossible hadn't exactly been what she had been hoping for.

There had to be an error somewhere this time.

It all just didn't make any sense, because the Jer she knew was kind, loving, and caring. Sure, the bastard was power hungry but to actually take up the weapons and murder people that were not his enemies, that was insane.

It just didn't make any sense. And so Hawi stayed silent, like she was trying to find the correct words to ask Malika. She wasn't sure what she had been hoping for and she didn't know what she was supposed to do with that info.

Here and now, Awuor Hawi was in shock, so much so that Malika had to try and call her a few more times, before she responded with a soft groan.

'I'm going to bed, Malika. Don't wake me up,' Hawi said, instantly shutting the mind links, and letting her wolf take over her subconscious.

She was tired, very tired of everything that was happening.

She wasn't sure what she was to do anymore and she wasn't ready to process the fact that Jer had murdered her brother. That was all too much and she refused to face it, not this time. She just couldn't do it today anyway.


At the Greyson warrior room, Rukiya Greyson was trying to make sense of the situation with her warriors.

She knew how absurd and how suspicious the situation had been and the fact that Hawi had been the one to find out the hostels, raised more questions than they all were ready to face. It just wasn't something that happened daily for them.

"Alpha, I don't mean to intrude, but don't you think it's a little suspicious that your guest, a former alpha; and with a history of violence, was the one who found the hostiles and dealt with them even before we could get the news that we had hostiles?

"She could have come to you as the alpha, and told you of the news. We could have even had one of them tell us what they really wanted, instead of them being murdered at the same time?" one warrior asked and the others nodded while Rukiya looked at them in understanding.

Her warriors were the first defense of Greyson and by the rules of the pack, anything was to be reported to the alpha herself.

And yet her very own visitor had failed to indulge her in the possibility of hostiles, not to mention the Greyson scouts didn't find anything that could give them a reason to trust Hawi and what she was saying to them.

It was all a little too suspicious at the moment.

"I understand your concerns but we still have to wait for Adolf and the scouts who remained at the scene of the massacre to tell us what they found.

"However, I assure you that if the Alpha Awuor turns out to be a threat to Greyson, I will deal with her myself, regardless of anything that may have started stemming.

"Your safety is always going to be my priority," Rukiya said and her warriors tapped their tables in agreement.

They knew they had no reason to trust Hawi but they had every reason to trust Alpha Rukiya. That woman would cross the ocean on foot for them and it didn't matter who was coming for them.

Rukiya was always on their first line of defense.

"Any other concerns?" Rukiya asked, before her warriors listed all the things that they thought needed to be done to strengthen the pack. If news spread about there being an attack on the Greyson pack, then it would get a lot worse.

So for their meeting, all Rukiya did was to listen to them.

Of course, Hawi had wanted to come, as the meet was her suggestion, and yet as Rukiya kept staring at the door to the warrior room. She hadn't seen her and that worried her frankly.

It wasn't like Hawi to forget something she had been adamant about, and that also reminded Rukiya of how Hawi had been strangely calm, like she had wanted Rukiya to believe that she was okay.

Then again, surely Hawi wouldn't lie to Rukiya about her staying in Greyson, right? Well, Rukya would just find out later.

"We have a problem, alpha," Adolf, who wasn't even supposed to be in the warrior's room suddenly said after he had walked up to the alpha.

He knew that Rukiya would have so many questions, but then a blood bath was on its way and even karma was about to take the back seat on this one. The only thing he could do was to alert his alpha, right?

"You shouldn't be here," Rukiya whispered and Adolf gave her a look that told her that they needed to continue this conversation in private and there was no other place that could be more private than Rukiya's office.

So Rukiya dismissed the warriors and told them to think everything over and come to her with their list of requests and concerns. They could see that she had other pressing issues to attend to, so none of them tried to press on and get answers from her.

Then again, they couldn't get any, if Rukiya Greyson said there wouldn't be answers.

"What is it, Adolf?" Rukiya asked when they finally reached her office. The warriors had been curious, but so had every Greyson wolf out there. They had all heard about the massacre and were not sure of who they needed to believe.

However, a part of them relaxed a bit because they had found out that none of the Greyson wolves was missing, so maybe that gave them a benefit of doubt, right?

"Where is Hawi?" Adolf asked, looking around the room, like he was thinking Awuor Hawi was inside the room somewhere.

Perhaps she was, but even if she was, that wouldn't change the fact that Hawi didn't want to think of anything. She didn't want to feel, and she didn't want to face the probable reality.

She just wasn't ready and frankly, for a girl who had gone through so much hell at twenty-three, she deserved all the peace the world could accord her but if only it was that easy. If only love and life aren't bastards to her, then maybe she would be fine.

But would she?

"What?" Rukiya asked, clearly surprised because Adolf never asked about Hawi, ever. Not even when there was a possible chance that they would be going to war with the woman.

He had learned to mind his business and had learned that Hawi wasn't going to be open with him or anyone. And that too, was okay. After all, it wasn't that hard staying away, right?

"Hawi… Y'know the psycho alpha?" Adolf said, in a desperate attempt to make the words he had to say, sound lighter, but even he knew that there wouldn't ever be lighter words to describe what he had to say this instant.


"Jer murdered her brother and imprisoned her father just hours ago. I was on my way to snoop. However, Mbali stopped me and made me come back to tell you to not leave Hawi's side–

"–As she would be in her most fragile state yet," Adolf said, speaking the words so carefully like he was worried that there was a kind of hell headed for them.

Of course, hell was brewing and it was getting hotter, but this time, it wasn't for Greyson. No one knew where it would begin yet, but one thing they were sure of, was that the realm would feel the brunt of it all.

"And the hostiles sent to Greyson, were Jer's doing," Adolf added after a long silence, as if to make sure not to overdose Rukiya with the wave of terrible news.

"Oh, Hawi," Rukiya breathed out defeatedly, before she made her way out of her office.

Only to find Hawi playing cheerily with the kids outside.

And Rukiya's heart broke for her.

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