The Last Paragon in the Apocalypse

Chapter 45: Moving into Their New Home

The next morning, Klaus helped his mother pack the few belongings they would take with them. Though their items wer't valuable, they were what had sustained them over the past year, and they had grown attached to them. After packing, Klaus stored everything in his space ring.

They th made their way toward the city. After an hour of walking and chatting, they reached the city gates and used Klaus's idtity badge to gain try. Wh Klaus showed the badge to the guards, their expressions shifted to surprise. Klaus couldn't help but smile.

As expected, his ID had a differt effect. The guards didn't ev ask him to remove his sunglasses and cap. They simply waved them through. Klaus and his mother walked a little further until they reached a small park with a bch. They sat down, and Klaus called the number the manager had giv him.

A few minutes later, a car pulled up to the park. A young man stepped out and greeted them. "Mr. Klaus, I am from the Royal Gold Reserve Bank. I'm here to pick you up and take you to your new home," he said, oping the car door for them. Klaus nodded in acknowledgmt and led his mother into the car.

The vehicle sped away, leaving the slum behind. Klaus looked at his mother and smiled, feeling a wave of relief and happiness. Their lives were finally taking a turn for the better.

After about an hour of driving, they arrived at a grand mansion with a majestic gate. As the gates swung op, they revealed a wide, tiled path lined with lush flowers. The car drove through, and after five minutes of slow driving, the mansion came into view.

It was a small mansion, similar to what Klaus had se in the projection, but seeing it in person left him astonished. The tire mansion was built tirely of glass. The glasses have a hint of diamond brilliance in them.

However, while the house was built using glass, they are nowhere brittle. They are durable glass made from the rareless material that can withstand an attack from ev a Tier 7 monster. From the walls to the roofing, everything is built with the best quality material. Had Klaus asked, he would have be told the house is more than a billion gold coins.

The car pulled up to the front trance, and the young man from the Royal Gold Reserve Bank oped the door for them. Klaus and his mother stepped out, their eyes wide with awe. The young man led them to the front door, which was framed by a delicate pattern of etched glass.

Inside, the mansion was just as impressive. The interior was bright and airy, with glass walls providing an unobstructed view of the suring gard. The floors were polished marble, and the furnishings were tastefully arranged, creating a bld of comfort and sophistication.

From the inside, one can see the outside clearly, however, the same cannot be said for wh you are outside, or wh you look at the next room.

Klaus's mother looked a, her eyes filled with wonder and relief. Klaus felt a mix of pride and happiness as he watched her take in their new home.

The young man from the bank handed Klaus a remote key, "This is your new home. If you need anything or have any questions, please contact the manager directly. The maids and security will arrive within the hour"

"Thank you," Klaus replied, taking the key. He turned to his mother, who was still absorbing the grandeur of their new house.

"This is it, Mom. I hope you like it," Klaus said, his voice filled with anticipation.

"Of course I do. This is wonderful, Klaus," his mother replied with a beaming smile. Seeing her happiness, Klaus felt a surge of joy and relief.

About an hour later, two doz people arrived at the house. Klaus was tak aback by their sudd appearance. There were t wom and t m, each a Grandmaster-stage expert. He hurried to greet them.

"Master Klaus, I am Kofi, the head of security task to protecting you and your mother," said a young man in his early thirties, bowing slightly.

"Please, there's no need to bow and just call me Klaus," Klaus repeated warmly, placing a reassuring hand on Kofi's shoulder. "In fact, I insist on being called Klaus from now on. You are all my siors, and it would be rude for me to be called Master."

Hearing his words, the twty people standing before him felt an unexpected wave of relief. They exchanged glances, their stiff postures softing. Many of them had worked under harsher conditions before, where servants were treated as nothing more than tools. But this time, something was differt. Klaus had shown them respect, treating them like equals rather than mere servants.

It was a small gesture, yet it meant the world to them.

As they were processing the surprising kindness of their new employer, Klaus's mother approached the group. Klaus smiled and turned to the gathered staff. "Everyone, this is my mother. You can call her Auntie."

The staff members bowed slightly, greeting her with the same respect. Klaus's mother smiled warmly at them and said, "There's no need to be so formal. As Klaus said, we're all family now. Let's treat each other with kindness and respect, and there's no need to stand on ceremony."

Klaus smiled slightly at his mother's words but, deep down, he was surprised. How had she overheard what he said? He was certain she hadn't be there wh he made that commt. He quickly brushed the thought aside, choosing not to dwell on it.

The twty staff members introduced themselves one by one and th dispersed to their respective duties. Kofi, the head of security, took Klaus on a thorough tour of the mansion, showing him the impressive security protocols that had be implemted.

They explored the tire house, including its hidd ssors, emergcy escape routes, and ev an advanced monitoring system that kept an eye on every corner of the property. After about an hour of detailed explanations, they finally wrapped everything up.

Klaus th made his way to the garage and was relieved to find the car he had be promised. Its design was nothing short of extraordinary. It's the kind of car built for long-range travel and rugged terrain. The car had a sleek, aerodynamic body with sharp, angular lines that made it look both futuristic and aggressive.

Large, rotating tires which are perfect for navigating rough landscapes are securely fixed raising the car slightly up. The exterior gleamed with a metallic finish, accted by glowing strips of light, while the front grille was broad and the windows narrow, hancing its imposing look.

Per the manual, the car ran on a hybrid quantum gine capable of extracting ergy from the Earth's magnetic field. Klaus was impressed; this meant the vehicle could theoretically run indefinitely, without ever needing to refuel.

[A/N: Image in the commt section]

"Having money is indeed great," Klaus murmured to himself with a smile as he turned and walked back inside the house.

Upon tering, he found his mother happily chatting with one of the maids. Not wanting to disturb them, he quietly made his way to his room. Once inside, he sat on the edge of his bed and reached into his space ring, pulling out a gold card. He hesitated for a momt, staring at it thoughtfully, before setting it aside and picking up his phone.

After a deep breath, he dialed a number and waited as the phone rang. After a few rings, a familiar face appeared on the scre. "Hello, Ohema," Klaus said with a small smile. "I called, didn't I?"

Ohema smiled back, her expression warm and teasing. "I thought you wouldn't call," she replied playfully.

"I was already planning to come looking for you."

Klaus chuckled softly, feeling a little lighter. "Well, I couldn't keep you waiting forever, could I?"

"Tell me," Ohema teased. "How many ladies have you called before calling me, Mr. Pretty Boy?" She winked playfully.

Klaus smirked, his expression turning mock-serious. He wasn't about to letting her win just like that.

"Let's see," he said, raising his hand and slowly counting on his fingers, pretding to recall something. His mischievous smile wided as he continued the act, his eyes glancing up at Ohema with a playful glint.

"How have you be?" Ohema asked, her voice softer now.

Klaus leaned back, a small smile tugging at his lips. "I won a lottery."

"Errh..." Ohema responded, caught off guard. Though her tone remained calm, Klaus could tell, ev through the video call, that she was slightly shak by the news. He had always be good at picking up on small shifts in people's emotions. However, he didn't act on it, rather, he continue to tease her.

"Yep, you heard me right. This little guy is now a billionaire," Klaus said, flashing a smirk. "You should let me take you out and spoil you rott."

Ohema raised an eyebrow but smiled, clearly amused. Unlike Klaus, who was trying to be more reserve, she didn't hold back as she replied

"Finally," she said with a playful grin. "I'll let you know wh I'm free."

Klaus blinked, surprised by her response. He hadn't expected her to accept his playful offer so readily. He chuckled, trying to mask the surprise. "Alright th, I'll be waiting," he said smoothly, but inwardly, he was a little shocked.

Ohema smiled warmly, exchanging a few more playful words before ding the call. Klaus was still smiling to himself wh, out of nowhere, a voice broke the silce.

"You little player," his mother teased from the doorway. "I knew you had game, but I never expected you to be this quick."

Klaus nearly jumped out of his skin, his face flushing red. He hadn't ev noticed his mother slip into the room. Her commt left him both blushing and shocked.

"Mom!" he shouted, trying to hide his embarrassmt. "How long have you be standing there?"

His mother chuckled, clearly joying his flustered reaction. "Long ough," she said with a playful grin. "Seems like my boy has grown into quite the smooth talker."

"You should really introduce me to this mysterious Ohema of yours," she added, her playful smile widing.

"Mom..." Klaus groaned, trying to laugh it off. "It's not like that. We're just frids."

His mother raised an eyebrow. "Mhm, sure. 'Just frids,'" she teased. "Well, wh you're ready to bring her a, I'll be here, waiting."

Klaus sighed, shaking his head with a smile. "I'll let you know if it ever gets to that point." Klaus forced his mother out of his room. He sighed and th tapped on some part of the wall, a small passage oped and he walked through tering the training g.

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