The Last Paragon in the Apocalypse

Chapter 44: Madam Fei's Advise

Madam Fei stood there, stunned, her eyes wide as she looked at the boy who had surprised her just days ago with those high-tier monster bodies. But now, Klaus's transformation left her ev more speechless. He hadn't just grown more handsome; he had become unique.

His pure hair and gold eyes set him apart in a way few could ignore. Though many could dye their hair , something is mesmerizing about the natural color. It gave him an air of mystery and chantmt that dyed hair could never replicate. Klaus had shifted from merely good-looking to something beyond—handsome in a way that defied expectations.

Klaus noticed Madam Fei's shocked expression and smiled slightly. Normally, such stares from others would make him uncomfortable or ev irritated, but with Madam Fei, it was differt. Her reaction amused him, and instead of feeling annoyed, he found himself quietly tertained by it.

"As promised, I'm here with ev more goods," Klaus said, snapping Madam Fei out of her reverie.

She blinked, still slightly dazed, before blurting out, "You—wh did you become this handsome?"

Klaus chuckled softly at her reaction, feeling more at ease now. "I suppose it just happed," he replied, a hint of amusemt in his voice.

"Anyway, I have some stuff for you," Klaus said, shifting the conversation back to business. He began retrieving the bodies of the monsters he had killed during his second hunt. After that, he carefully placed the zombie cores on the counter.

Madam Fei's eyes wided as she looked at the sheer number of monster bodies and cores in front of her. "This..." she muttered, dumbfounded, trying to process what she was seeing. Hundreds of monster bodies and cores lay before her.

"Well, my last hunt wt surprisingly better than I expected," Klaus said with a smile. "No need to rush with the appraisal. I'll leave them with you, and you can sd the paymt once you've had time to check them all," he added, his tone calm and confidt.

Madam Fei, still stunned, nodded slowly. "You're full of surprises, ar't you?" she said, shaking her head with a small smile. "I'll make sure to appraise everything carefully and sd what you're owed."

Klaus nodded again, more at ease with Madam Fei. Despite his rising status, he still planned to continue selling to her, at least until she couldn't buy anymore.

"I'll be heading into the Forbidd Zone soon," Klaus said casually. "Next time, I might come back with ev better goods."

Madam Fei's eyes wided in concern. "The Forbidd Zone... that's a dangerous place, Klaus. Are you sure you want to go there?"

Klaus smiled, his confidce unwavering. "Dangerous, yes. But I'm ready. There's no growth without risk," he replied calmly.

"Well, I guess you're right," Madam Fei said with a sigh. "But if you're heading into the Forbidd Zone, this might be our last transaction. Mutated monsters are several times more expsive than regular ones. And although I said I could buy anything you sell, I won't be able to afford more than a doz Mutated Monsters at most."

She trailed off, a hint of regret in her voice.

"It doesn't matter," Klaus said casually. "I can leave them with you, and wh you come up with the money, you can sd it to me."

Madam Fei looked at him with a gtle smile. "You clearly don't realize the value of Mutated monsters, nor how high the demand is these days. Ev the weakest Mutated monster is a hundred times more expsive than a high-tier normal monster."

"A hundred times?" Klaus was tak aback, his eyes widing in shock.

"Yes," she continued, nodding. "And that's just for ordinary Mutated monsters."

"It's still the same to me," Klaus replied confidtly. "I'll bring them here, and you can use your connections to sell them. That way, you earn some profit, and I'll still be getting the better d of the deal."

Madam Fei smiled, clearly pleased by the arrangemt. She knew that with her experice as a businesswoman, she could sell those Mutated monsters for far more than Klaus could on his own. It was a win-win situation for both of them—less effort, more gain.

"However," she said, her tone growing more serious, "you should be very careful going into the Forbidd Zone. That place is filled with dangerous monsters, but worse than that, you might counter vile humans—more vicious than the monsters themselves. But the fact that you're going there tells me you're a powerful warrior, so let me share a little secret with you, consider it an advice."

Klaus leaned in slightly, intrigued by her shift in tone.

"Wh you ter the Forbidd Zone," she continued, "all kills you make will be recorded and awarded points. These points determine your might and strgth. What many don't know is that these points are more than just a ranking—they op doors. Some arrogant people can get ahead because they have powerful backers, but those without support can only rely on their own strgth."

Madam Fei paused, her eyes locking onto Klaus's. "Ev if you're strong, without the right connections, you'll be blocked from tering certain places. But there's a way a that. The point system. If you manage to climb into the top 00 in this city, your status will rise higher than you could ever hope for."

Klaus took in her words thoughtfully before asking, "How many rankings are there, and how hard is it to ter?"

"There are four rankings," Madam Fei explained. "City, Region, Union, and World Rankings. But don't concern yourself with the last three right now—just appearing on the City Ranking is more than ough. You should know, that each ranking only has a thousand people, and ev the one in the 00th spot holds significant influce.

Making it onto the list will be your opportunity to become an important figure."

Klaus smirked. "So esstially, I need to become popular by showing everyone I'm a true warrior," he said with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Madam Fei chuckled. "In a way, yes. But remember, it's not just about popularity—it's about proving your strgth. Get on that list, and doors will start oping for you."

Klaus couldn't help but smile to himself. Ev before Madam Fei's advice, he had already set his sights on something far grander: world domination. But for now, his first objective was complete. He had secured a house for his mother, suring she could live a happy and peaceful life for the rest of her days. That thought brought him a deep sse of satisfaction.

Now, his focus shifted to his next goal—becoming several times stronger. He knew that without power, his future trials, especially the looming Tribulation, would be incredibly dangerous. It was time to make bold moves.

The past fifty years had brought many new discoveries, things that could make him much more powerful. Klaus understood that if he hesitated, those opportunities would slip through his fingers. The path forward required strgth and courage, and Klaus was ready to seize every chance that came his way.

"Thank you, Madam Fei," Klaus said with a nod. After exchanging a few more pleasantries, he left the shop and headed home. Along the way, he stopped to buy some nice food—something he hadn't indulged in for a while. With his rect success, he felt it was a good time to treat himself.

Wh he arrived home, he joyed a hearty meal and shared the details of his day with his mother. However, her response was not what he had anticipated.

"First of all," she said, her tone serious, "you shouldn't call her and start interrogating her. It would be best if you didn't mtion any of this at all."

Klaus was tak aback. "But Mom, I think Ohema might be more than she seems. I'm concerned about what's going on."

His mother anticipated his next move and quickly advised against it. "Klaus, wom handle things differtly. We do things you might not fully understand. So, trust me wh I say that you should just act like nothing has changed. If she's ready to share anything, she will do so in her own time."

Klaus nodded, taking his mother's advice to heart, though he was still a bit rattled by the evts from earlier.

His mother, with a teasing glint in her eye, broke the tsion. "Hehe, who would have thought my innoct baby boy would be getting a Sugar Mommy right off the bat? You little player. Just make sure you take good care of her, okay?"

Klaus blushed and chuckled at his mother's playful remark. "Mom, stop teasing. It's not like that. With everything happing, Ohema must have a terrifying status. Someone like me isn't suited to be with her. We're just frids."

His mother clicked her tongue, shaking her head. "Who are you kidding? Ev if you can't see it now, I'm sure she has a differt opinion of you. Just promise me you won't do anything to hurt her."

Klaus smiled, touched by her concern. "I promise, Mom."

She continued, her tone lighting as she brushed her hand through his hair. "And stop acting all modest. With how you look now, you could win anyone's heart. Look, ev I'm blushing."

Klaus laughed, feeling a mix of embarrassmt and warmth from his mother's teasing. Her support and humor were just too satisfying.

"Mom, we'll be moving to our new home tomorrow," Klaus said, retrieving a small box from his space ring. "But before we leave, I have a gift for you."

He handed the box to her with a smile.

As his mother oped the box, tears began to streak down her face. Inside was the wedding ring she had sold to buy the Celestial Water for his awaking.

"This…" Her voice trembled as she looked at the ring.

"You've sacrificed so much for me, Mom," Klaus said softly. "At least have this to remember the good times, every now and th."

His mother's tears flowed freely now, a mix of joy and emotion. She clutched the ring to her chest. Klaus hugged her letting her well up on his chest.

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