The Inheritance Of The Supreme Immortals

Chapter 30: Chapter 30: Emotions

Amelia was utterly bewildered by the rapid sequce of evts.

One momt, she had be indulging in the bizarre act of drinking blood from someone's neck, and the next, she found herself gaged in a passionate and unexpected kiss with Sam.

She couldn't help but taste Sam's lingering essce on her lips, and she abstmindedly licked them as she stole glances at him.

Sam's gaze was anything but casual; it was filled with a possessive intsity that st shivers down her spine.

Her thoughts were in disarray, struggling to make sse of the situation. 'We kissed?' she mused, her mind still struggling to catch up. 'But why did he kiss me? And why did I respond so eagerly? Could it be that I actually like him?'

A barrage of questions bombarded her thoughts, and her face remained flushed as her heart raced like a wild stallion.

Amelia was still nestled in Sam's embrace, perched on his lap, and her rapid heartbeat reverberated through her chest, and Sam could feel it.

The atmosphere grew increasingly awkward as both of them remained silt, locked in a staring contest of sorts, eyes fixed on one another.

Amelia's gaze roved over Sam's face, and in that momt, a revelation struck her like lightning. '...I like him,' she admitted to herself, her heart racing ev faster.

Still seated on Sam's lap, she couldn't help but feel the undiable presce of his... ahem, 'mini dragon,' pressing against her in a rather ssitive area. She was no stranger to the ways of the world, and the ssation was not lost on her.

This realization only intsified her embarrassmt, causing her cheeks to turn an ev deeper shade of crimson. Her body reacted to the situation in a way that left her feeling flustered and exposed.

She was wet.

At that point, she wished she could disappear or find a hole to bury her face in to shield it from Sam's view.

"I..." Ssing the atmosphere grew increasingly awkward Amelia attempted to speak, but the words seemed to elude her.

However, before she could find her voice, Sam surprised her with a question that hung in the air, lad with unexpected vulnerability. "Will you become mine?"

Amelia was tak aback by Sam's declaration. "W-What are you saying?" she stammered, her heart pounding in her chest.

With a determined and serious expression, Sam spoke, "I want you to become my woman."

Amelia's mind raced, her thoughts a chaotic jumble. 'What should I do? Should I just say yes and figure it out later? Do I really have those kinds of feelings for him?' She contemplated their past interactions, and deep down, she couldn't dy the truth. 'I do like him that way.'

After a few momts of inner turmoil, she finally managed to speak, albeit hesitantly. "I... I don't know what to say," Amelia admitted.

Sam's impatice was palpable as he urged her, "Say yes or no." His attraction to Amelia was growing stronger with each passing momt, and his desire to possess her was becoming undiable.

Sam's emotions were a whirlwind, and he couldn't contain his thoughts any longer. "I like you, I really do. You're beautiful, you're a cultivator too, and... you're hot," he blurted out, his words tumbling out of his mouth in a jumble. 'Please say yes'

Amelia couldn't help but catch every word, and amid the chaotic confession, one thing was crystal clear to her.

He was determined to make her his.

Amelia's heart secretly warmed as she noticed Sam's unwavering determination to win her over. After a brief momt of contemplation, she finally mustered the courage to respond, "Well, I do like you, but I'm not sure if it's love."

Sam's complexion instantly drained of color, his face darking with disappointmt.

It felt as if someone had ripped his heart out and run it over with a steamroller. The sting of rejection was painfully real. 'So this is what rejection feels like?' he couldn't help but think.

Seeing the despair on Sam's face, Amelia rushed to clarify, a hint of concern in her voice, "But I'm willing to give us a chance, to see where our relationship goes."

"Huh?" Sam was clearly perplexed. "I don't understand. What do you mean?"

Amelia explained, her voice gtle and reassuring, "I've never be close to a guy before, and I don't fully understand love. But I do know that I like you. I want to explore my feelings and understand them better by being with you."

Sam seemed eager to take their relationship to the next level. "So, you'll live with me?" he asked, his hope evidt in his eyes.

Amelia shook her head, clarifying her stance, "Where did you get that idea? We'll spd time together until we figure out our relationship, okay?"

Sam wasn't ready to give up on the idea just yet. "But you could do that by living with me," he persisted.

Amelia hesitated for a momt, contemplating the practicality of the suggestion. "I don't think it's a good idea," she responded cautiously.

Sam, however, was determined to persuade her. "It's a great idea," he countered. "You could choose one of the three unoccupied rooms in our home, and It'd make it easy for you to come to me if you get cravings for blood too."

Amelia pondered the befits. Living with Sam might indeed help her better understand her feelings, and the prospect of easy access to a blood source was tempting.

Amelia voiced her concern, "I'm not sure your sister would be thrilled about me moving into your place."

Sam waved off her worries with a confidt grin, "Don't worry about my sister. She might seem tough, but she's really a big softie, just like your beautiful hair." He couldn't help but admire her long, flowing red locks, his fingers itching to run through them.


Fuming with anger, Sophia paced back and forth in the hall, her frustration bubbling over. She couldn't contain herself, her hair disheveled as she tugged at it like a madwoman.

Her words seethed with rage, "That bitch, I swear I'm going to kill her."

[A/N: Give this chapter some POWER STONES if you joyed it!]

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