The Inheritance Of The Supreme Immortals

Chapter 29: Chapter 29: Surrendering To Desire

"You want to drink his blood?" Sophia locked eyes with Amelia, her gaze unwavering.

Amelia, feeling embarrassed, nodded and replied, "Yes..."

Sophia continued to scrutinize her with that peculiar expression. "You only want my brother's blood, not the other stuff?"

Amelia was a bit puzzled by Sophia's remark. She didn't quite understand what 'the other stuff' meant. "...only blood"

Meanwhile, Sam, who had be eavesdropping on their conversation, couldn't help but think, 'What the hell is she talking about? 'The other stuff'? I didn't know my sister was such a big pervert.'

"Go ahead and drink, have your fill. Don't let me stop you," Sophia nonchalantly took a seat on what she considered Sam and her shared bed. Her expression clearly plea conveyed a message: "I won't let you guys fuck, not now, not ever."

Amelia found herself in a rather peculiar predicamt. She cast a sidelong glance at Sam, unsure of how to proceed. 'Should I just pounce on him?' she wondered.

Her gaze instinctively wandered to Sam's impeccably chiseled neck, th back up to his incredibly handsome face. A nervous gulp followed by a subtle lip-licking betrayed her growing hunger. "Why does he look ev more handsome than the last time I saw him?" she mused to herself.

To Amelia, at that very momt, Sam resembled the most delectable treat she'd ever laid eyes on, and she was practically salivating at the thought of sinking her teeth into him. But there was one nagging obstacle: Sophia's unwelcome presce.

'Why won't she just leave us alone? I want some alone time with him,' Amelia thought, her frustration steadily mounting as her patice wore thin.

Only Amelia truly understood the immse effort it took for her to resist the urge to pounce on Sam and sink her teeth into his neck.

Sam, well aware of Amelia's internal struggle, decided to break the awkward silce. "Dear sister Sophia, she can't exactly joy her drink if you keep watching like that."

Sophia, puzzled, asked, "Why not?"

"Because she's...shy," Sam replied, trying to keep a straight face.

Sophia shifted her gaze to Amelia, who, at that momt, seemed more like a poised predator than a shy girl. She couldn't help but think, 'Shy? Her? Seriously?'

Recognizing that his sister would not vacate the room, Sam took action and called for his mother, "Mom, could you come here, please? I could really use some help."

"Sure, I'm on my way," his mother replied.

Wh Sam's mom tered his room, she was initially tak aback. 'Why is there a girl in my son's room?' she wondered her expression a mix of surprise and concern.

Th, an unwelcome thought crossed her mind, and her face darked. "Who is she, my son?" she inquired, her tone tinged with suspicion.

Seeing his mother's reaction, Sam began to second-guess his decision to call her for help. 'Maybe I shouldn't have brought her here,' he thought.

Sam pointed towards Amelia and introduced her, "Mom, this is Amelia, the princess of the Scarlett vampire clan and the daughter of Count Nicholas. Long story short, she ran away from home because her father wanted her to marry some jerk. She's also my classmate, and that's how I found out she's actually a cultivator. She was hungry, and I let her drink my blood.

Now she's suffering from hunger, and it seems she can only be satisfied by drinking my blood. So, she came looking for me. But the problem is, Amelia can't drink if someone is watching, and your daughter won't leave the room."

Hela's reaction was a bit matter-of-fact. She simply stared at Sam and said, "...Okay, I think I understand."

And she did, at least to some extt. She decisively grabbed her daughter's hand and hauled her out of Sam's room.

"Mom, what the fuck are you doing? Let me go!" Sophia protested, though her struggles were futile against her mother's superior strgth.

"Come on, sweetie. Let Amelia have her drink in peace," Hela insisted, pulling Sophia out of the room and closing the door.

From behind the closed door, they could still hear Sophia's muffled complaints. "Come on, Mom, she's trying to fuck my brother!"

Sam gazed at Amelia with a sincere apology in his eyes. "I'm really sorry about my sister," he whispered.

Amelia remained silt, her thoughts consumed by a pott desire. In an instant, she vanished from her spot, reappearing right in front of Sam. With a determined push, she gtly eased him onto the bed and straddled him.

Unlike their previous counter, Sam could clearly follow her every move. His cultivation had reached a level where he could match her. As she drew near, he saw her eyes had tak on a red hue, and her breath came in erratic gasps.

Their faces were inches apart, and her gaze bore into his deep blue eyes. "I can't resist any longer," she confessed, her voice trembling with longing.

Sam slowly raised his upper body, and Amelia settled herself comfortably on his midsection. With a tder gesture, he guided her head toward his pristine neck. "Go Ahead," he whispered

Amelia held Sam with an almost possessive intsity, her legs twined a his waist, and her hands clutching his back as though he were the most treasured prize in the world. With her vampire instincts in full bloom, she sank her teeth into Sam's neck.

'His blood has become ev more exquisite,' Amelia thought as she savored the taste. 'It's nothing short of heavly.'

While Amelia expericed an overwhelming sse of pleasure as she drank his blood, Sam's ssations were tirely differt.

As she rested her face on his shoulder, Sam felt the soft, warm skin of her cheek against his own. He couldn't help but gtly caress her head, running his fingers through her fiery red hair with a tderness reserved for lovers.

Sam's gaze became fixated on her neck, and he found himself unable to comprehd the emotions swirling within him. His instincts were urging him to taste her neck, an impulse he couldn't quite decipher but one that felt undiably powerful.

He became horny right away. His tiny dragon, which was hidd beath his pants, sprung awake wh it ssed the blood streaming toward it.

Amelia, who had be sipping his blood while keeping her eyes closed, oped them in shock as soon as he felt Sam's dick hit her sweet spot. "Is that?..."

Amelia's face flushed a deep crimson, but she didn't cease savoring his blood. She refrained from mtioning the intse desire veloping them, focusing solely on drinking his essce with an unquchable thirst.

In the midst of this intimate exchange, Sam found himself increasingly consumed by desire.

His gaze remained locked on her neck, and an overpowering urge to taste her overwhelmed him. He couldn't help but wonder, 'What's happing to me? Why do I feel this intse need to conquer her? It's almost too overpowering.'

He had no idea that every time Amelia drank his blood, his primordial chaos dragon bloodline was being assimilated faster and faster.

His Primordial Chaos Dragon bloodline was acting up, progressively affecting his psychological state.

That was why Sam immediately expericed an incredible rush to subjugate her out of nowhere.

Sam swallowed hard, his own face now aflame with a passionate hue. His breaths grew unev, and the thundering rhythm of his heart seemed to echo like the roar of a mighty dragon.

unable to restrain himself any longer, Sam's eyes gleamed with a fiery crimson as he ardtly kissed her neck and began sucking her neck like a beast.

Amelia expericed a momtary mix of surprise and confusion, but the overwhelming allure of his blood was impossible to resist. Her desire to drink from him had become an irresistible addiction.

As Sam's lips met her neck, a gtle wetness veloped her skin, a testamt to the intsity of Sam's desire.

Amelia could feel Sam's hardness on her sweet region while also feeling him licking her neck as his dick harded with need. Amelia was becoming increasingly frustrated.

She grew pretty horny herself. Sam's pants were wet by her sweet nectar.

In the midst of their passionate exchange, Sam momtarily paused and withdrew from Amelia's neck, his crimson eyes revealing no discernible emotion. His gaze turned stoic, an igmatic intsity emanating from his eyes.

Amelia, still caught in the throes of their shared connection, ssed a peculiar shift in her body as she ceased drinking his blood. She looked into Sam's emotionless eyes, her own red gaze locked onto his.

Th, without warning, Sam closed the distance betwe their lips. The suddness of his action left Amelia in a state of surprise, momtarily unable to comprehd the reality of the momt. However, she offered no resistance.

Their mouths met in a fervt kiss, and Amelia's initial astonishmt gradually gave way to an intoxicating surrder. She reciprocated Sam's kisses with a passion all her own, their lips melding together in a tantalizing dance.

As their mouths interlocked, Sam could taste the unmistakable essce of his own blood on Amelia's lips. Their breaths mingled, their lips molded together, and in that momt, Amelia felt herself consumed by the captivating sce unfolding before her.|

Desire surged betwe them, the passionate symphony of their kisses echoing throughout the room. Amelia's fervor intsified as she tightly cradled Sam's face, deeping their connection with every ardt kiss.

Sam's hands moved with a graceful, ticing rhythm, their touch igniting a fire within Amelia.

His caresses were tder and tantalizing, gradually tracing their way to her bosom, where they lingered with a loving, revert touch.

Finally, his hand settled on her waist, embracing her with a passionate fervor that st shivers of delight coursing through her being.

Fifte minutes later.

As their passionate counter reached its climax, Sam finally regained his composure. Their parted lips left a glisting thread of mixed saliva, a testamt to the intsity of their connection.

Both of their faces blazed with embarrassmt. Amelia remained seated on his lap, her ample bosom pressed firmly against his chest.

She could still feel the unmistakable evidce of Sam's 'mini dragon' in her lower regions, a ssation that left her feeling ev more flustered.

Her own desire had left her feeling incredibly aroused and ready.

Sam, seemingly on the edge of losing control, appeared as though he might pounce on Amelia at any momt. The overwhelming desire to conquer her surged within him, growing stronger by the second.

"I..." Amelia attempted to speak, but the words seemed to elude her.

However, before she could find her voice, Sam surprised her with a question that hung in the air, lad with unexpected vulnerability. "Will you become my woman?"


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