The hivemind is conquering for me?

Chapter 46: Big chonk

Through the bright light Jewel had began to watch as the light slowly morphed It would expand then think in one direction then attempt to go into another when It failed. It continued this pattern until it formed a figure similar to the one dead on my table nearby and then that figure began to bulk up in size to almost double its original size.

Now 2 and a half meter tall, The electric blue light began to dim and features were now visible. If before in the jungle the predator looked ominous, now It looked a straight up terror. Its 4 legs which were already large had swollen once again brimming full of power. Its large paws were now obviously larger and its serrated claws would better be described as serrated knives now.

It still had 2 long regal tails swaying gracefully in the air and its once grey and black zebra like pattern was replaced by a blue and white and along the beasts back, a jagged pattern of spikes had jutted out in an imposing manner. All in all the beast reflected an aura of menace and primal power.

The large beast lay in the air motionless as if asleep and as though satisfied with its results the eye gouging light finally dissipated. Finally being able to see, I caught a glimpse of the colossal beast that had just manifested itself Infront of me .

"What the fuck?" I felt to be a valid response to what I had just seen.

I put up my guard just in case anything went wrong with the creature but it didn't seem to move. In fact it did not even look like it was breathing. Thats when I felt an impulse, From my recent experiences an impulse usually means my Origin needs me to do something so I followed through with said impulse.

Walking up to the large head of the beast I now stood before its huge muzzle. Jewel was watching on with her energy still flaring. The colour was still a nice purple so I felt no discomfort at her heavy breathing. With my attention now full focused onto the beast I placed my left hand onto Its forehead and entered Mindspace.

Once inside, I headed to the very edge towards my defences and peered outside. There I could see clearly in the psionic plane a small electric blue heart. I could also feel Jewels heavy presence watching from close by but I had to ignore her for now.

Like I was fishing, I used a very thin strand of energy and pulled the heart closer and closer. Once at my barrier I felt a slight resistance before I felt a small amount of weakness and the heart passed through with ease. Once inside, the heart shot over in rapid speed towards the centre of my Mindspace before suddenly stopping In front of my origin.

Once there the heart morphed and this time I was able to witness its transformation into the same beast that was laying on the floor inside of my lab.

I once again stepped close to the sleeping beast and placed my hand onto its head. At this moment I bore witness as the beast opened its sapphire blue eyes and I was forced out of my Mindspace.

As I opened my eyes I was greeted with the same set of sapphire eyes only this time I was also greeted with a coarser than sandpaper tongue licking my face.

Jewel found this action utterly abhorrent and forgetting her guilt once again speared me, though this time gently, and In an instant I was on the Other side of the room. "Are you ok my love" She said frantically beginning to stroke the side of my head. That is when she noticed my nose was bleeding heavily. "yea I'm fine why di."

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH" A blood curdling scream echoed inside of my mind when she noticed my injury. Thinking the anomalous psionic creature was responsible she turned ready to destroy the creature but the creature was no longer there. She turned back to me and the beast enormous head was resting on my shoulder.

Jewel seemed ready to murder galaxies at the rage she was feeling. I was started to get cross by proxy of emotions so I had to do the unthinkable.

With everything I had I ran at Jewel and copied her recent finisher and speared into her. In an actual fight this would do absolutely nothing but break my shoulder but due to her fear of hurting me and the sheer surprise of my action I made her fall to the ground with myself on top of her where I then proceeded to pointless lock her arms up aside of her head with my own.

I stared Into her eye slits very careful indicating at her to not move. A moment later a few drops of my blood fell and entered her open mouth.

A very long time ago I found out that my blood gives the hive a very intoxicating feeling. the sheer love they feel for me makes my lifeblood taste the most delicious of all the species they have ever consumed. Thats why earlier I let the invisible Onyx lick my wound and why Orchid does so after training.

I Made Jewel drink until my blood clotted on its own which took a little longer than usual before talking to her.

"I'm sorry I reacted the way I did my everything but your anger was getting out of control and it was misplaced." Jewel did not day anything just cocked her head to the side as if asking me to continue.

"When I opened my eyes I finally got some information about the beast. She is a psionic engram of the soul that once was. Although the sole of the predator I killed has passed on into the universe, you know well that psionic energy breaks and bends the rules of the universe.

From what little I understand of my new power, The respect I have for the first being I ever killed felt so great to me I manifested an altered version of it. The beast behind me is one of the full potentials of the previous beasts genes made manifest."

Jewels processing power was much faster than mine so she seemed to understood what I meant very quickly and from what I had given here probably knew more than myself now. As she was about to speak I interrupted her.

"And another thing" I lent down and proceed to kiss her deeply. While still kissing I relayed "I can feel you shaking my love I already told you it was not your fault you do not need to be so scared its not like you. REMEMBER! I! LOVE! YOU!

so don't even think about trying to avoid me again or ill be the one eating you. Got it?"

Jewel felt a wave of pressure wash off her brain when her love sent this. Words and actions speak in different volumes and she truly knew now that Apollo held no malice towards her.

After getting her bearings once more Jewel floated us of the ground and we were standing up once more. Jewel took another look at the creature once more She eyed it with both scorn for licking her lovers lick able face and also curiosity for how unique a specimen it truly was.

walking over to the creature as it had not moved from its spot she began to inspect it more carefully. A quick poke gave her, her first observation. The creature is physical in nature yet has no biomass to consume, a shame I would have liked to see if I could obtain this rare psionic power for myself it would open a myriad of possibilities.

I could feel the creatures uncomfortable emotions at that remark as tough they were my own. Jewel also spotted that link effortlessly. "to be expected as yet another being had taken up residence inside your mind before me." she said in deep regret. "yet this one seems to cause you no headaches curious?

My love may I?" Knowing what she wanted I gave her the go ahead as she observed my Mindspace carefully.

Jewel only took a gander for a moment before coming out all huffy and proceeded to hug me. "are you sure you are ok my love? The cost of creating that thing was rather great." huh? I was confused by this. In my opinion the creation was rather easy with Jewels help. Long but easy.

"what do you mean love bug?" I asked in response.

"Dear In the process of creating that creature did you at any point experience any pain or weakness." Jewel asked as if knowing the answer. I was going to say no for a moment but then I remembered the slight weakness when the heart touched my mental defences.

Upon hearing my answer Jewel told me what she found out. "My love you used a piece of your psionic existence, your soul as you would put it to create that being."

I blinked my head back in response to her statement. "wait what?"

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