The hivemind is conquering for me?

Chapter 45: don't stop!

Before me lay 6 large chunks of carcass. After my fun time with Orchid she did actually go and get nutritious food despite enjoying her snack very much. With her gone for a short while I decided I should get to work.

I had asked Onyx if she could provide me the jungle predators biomass as she promised to safeguard it. When she regurgitated it her lower jaw split in half showing off her mandibles as well as a very clear view of down her throat as the body parts came up one by one. I was very surprise at how intact the beast was as I watched Onyx neck expand when larger pieces were regurgitated.

Taking a closer look at the body there was not even any stomach acid damage or anything of the like It was still perfectly preserved. "no wonder she goes on about eating me and carrying me around forever... she literally could." I thought with a cringed smile.

Bringing my thoughts back to the beast in front of me I began to piece her body parts together again like a meat jigsaw to begin my autopsy. I started off with by cutting open her torso. The bodies Organs were to be expected from a feline and nothing out of the ordinary. There was nothing here I could use to augment or splice myself with.

Moving onto her head I cut a hole out of her head and removed her brain to way. For a felines brain it was very large weighing a little under 1 pound. 'That would explain the intelligence it had shown throughout our scuffle.

Putting the brain back into its helmet I moved towards the predators legs. Its hindlegs were much larger than in front legs which I assume gave it its excellent speed while pouncing. Deciding to start with the front legs and work my back back I grabbed to leg I had amputated with Zircon and gave it a closer inspection.

Taking a gander long ways I could see from the open wound that the bone in its legs were incredibly dense compared to the gravity of the planet it resided on. in truth it could still survive freely and comfortably on a planet with 3-4x the gravitational pull than its home planet. Moving further down the beasts leg I came to its very large paws.

Upon prodding the the base Its sharper than razor claws jutted out. They were longer than a finger and could cause serious damage if touched. To demonstrate this I mealy poked the claw gently with my finger and caused a small cut effortlessly. "I am honestly not surprised they managed to rend through my power armour with ease. These things can ruin your day.

Raising my finger up to the air I felt an I felt an invisible tongue lick and clean the small wound before going back to my work. I cut a small portion of the legs skin back to take a look at the muscles structure and was more than pleasantly surprised by what I found. The muscles of the jungle predator were as strong as steel, stronger even and still had the flexibility to act as well muscles.

Dropping the current leg back onto the table I instantly moved to the hind legs In excitement. With another incision, I opened up the skin to take a closer look at the much larger hind leg and smiled. This, this I could work with. These legs were a masterful piece of evolution.

Upon manipulation of the legs I noticed that the in the way they worked they acted like giant springs in a sense holding so much more tension that is possible with my own. If I could splice some of the genetic material and augment my own legs in a similar fashion I could become a lot faster.

Calming down for a moment before I rushed off to begin my experiments I remembered my vow to honour the creature and so I did, I finished the autopsy learning every little nook and cranny of the beast I did not find much more that I could enhance myself with except for its eyes.

The felines tapetum lucidum were very compatible with human eyes from a quick observation, I could use the template of her eyes to enhance my own with a rather decent night vision. A bonus would be I would still keep my own pupil shape and my eyes would just glow in the dark if light was nearby.

Unknowingly as per usual in the last few hours the honour I was showing my hunt was leaving a large impression on my newly metamorphized psionic origin and It began to thrum creating something special, something new. And not just new to me Jewel was about to get quite the shock as well.

As I was stitching up all the body parts and cuts I had made I had noticed something odd while stitching her torso back up. The felines heart ,which was fully red the last time I saw it, had taken on an electric blue colour slightly towards the bottom. "what the heck?" I muttered stopping my stitching.

Grabbing the heart carefully I removed it from the body and observed it. The rest of the heart seemed fine but this blue piece was still enigmatic. I tried touching it but my hand seemed to through it and touched the actual piece of heart behind it.

Upon not being able to touch it, I had a feeling of familiarity. I opened my eyes in shock when I realised. 'this blue colour is psionic energy?' I exclaimed inside of my head. Like jewels second bodies head and brain, This part of the felines heart suddenly turned into psionic energy?

Deciding to get to the bottom of this, With my fingertips now covered with a film of psionic energy I attempted to grab the blue heart once more. This time I could 'feel' the heart so I decided to give it a slight pull. More blue came out of the heart without damaging the main heart itself.

After pulling out the rest of the energy I had now two hearts, one in each hand. One was flesh and blood and the other was Ethereal and psionic. "what in the world?" I placed down the real heart and cupped the electric blue one with both of my hands now covered in psionic energy.

*thurum* *thump thump*

An energy passed through my body and Into the heart causing a beat. Deciding to attempt to understand what was happening I entered my Mindspace. I was there for a moment before I felt a gush of psionic energy being expelled from the Origin and towards my mind defence before phasing through with no effort. Once it did so I felt the arms of my projection feel tingly as another *thurum* was heard.

I still had no idea what was happening but I trusted my Origin to do what it needed to do and left my Mindspace in order to support it.

When I left I heard another *thump thump* from the Heart in my hand. I was about to start gathering the psionic energy abundant in the vicinity to aid my origin when I noticed debris all over my lab, as well as a distinctively Jewel sized hole in the wall with a jewel not to far away from it.

As I was about to ask why she did that when there is a perfectly good corridor leading straight to here, but as if seeming to forget all the guilt she was currently feeling she screamed into the link "DO NOT STOP DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING! KEEP GOING!" Her face was currently scarier than before the destruction of my pelvis. Before her face was lust filled craze, now however It just seemed crazed.

Scary crazy.

Ignoring her to the best of my abilities for now, I began absorbing the energy around me. Feeling what I was doing Jewel began to even expel her own energy at an accelerated rate to give me the best of the best in terms of energy absorbed. Every few minutes now a new spout of energy would thurum thought my body and into the heart causing the heart to beat.

36 hours later I was still fully energised having all this psionic energy from Jewel was keeping my body on full alertness. The heart was now receiving a blast of energy from me every few seconds now. As another thurum of energy went into the heart it beat once more, then another, then another

*thump thump* *thump thump* *thump thump*

The heart had starting beating autonomously Both jewel and I were staring at the heart in mesmerisation. 60 seconds passed and the heart began to change It turned into a shining bright light. I had to look away or lose risk losing my retinas.

Jewel though did not, as she saw through her psionic energy. And what she saw excited her...

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