The hivemind is conquering for me?

Chapter 43: Return of the stick

After hearing what Orchid had done for me I relayed for her to snuggle up to my top half. As she nuzzled into my chest taking a no so subtle deep sniff as she did so, I began to gently stroke her hair.

"Thank you for what you did for me Orchid.

Although even with my current situation of a mangled lower body I'm still not close to death, If Jewel went any longer there is a good chance I could have died." Orchids eyes began welling up again at the statement for multiple reasons, the first being the thought of an Apollo less universe brought such great pain to the hivemind mind and second she could feel her queen looking in from outside her link scared of how Apollo now thinks of her.

Upon gaining awareness of my surroundings I could feel with my telepathy a crate filled with water. I used my telekinesis to pick up the crate and bring it next to me. The water inside was stored by a specialty drone which encapsulates the water in a ball shape with a clear tasteless membrane.

As I floated one into my mouth and crushed the membrane feeing instant relief, Orchid asked me a question that filled the hive with dread. "Apollo-love, Do you still love us even though we have caused you such great pain."

I scoffed at the question "What are you saying you idiot of course I still love you its not Jewel's fault she 'attacked' me when she did." Orchid grew perplexed at the statement. "what do you mean Apollo-love?"

I had to word this In a way so they knew it was not their fault. I have tried to explain to them in the past about my boon but like my memories if i try to talk about it my mouth gets sealed and I cannot speak about it.

"When I arrived back on this planet, I fell unconscious, this was because my Psionic origin was going under a metamorphosis." Orchid nodded at this although weaker than agitators when it comes to her psionic gifts, She was still a member of the hive and could easily feel the strength of another Psionic user. "After the metamorphosis the...

Trait that makes me such a desirable mate to the hive was also amplified. I was not expecting this amplification so I could give no warning. You remember the first two times you entered your mating state right? The first time you were so confused about the feeling you could not do anything and just froze.

Then the second time while you were disconnected from the hives link The agitator that found my origin accidentally triggered another one." "Yes but the queen was able to control herself and the agitator then Apollo why did she lose full control this time?"

I thought for a moment before speaking. "My guess? Due to the fact we had recently became actual mating partners Jewel probably had less resistance to the idea unlike when I was a fragile baby."

"Jewel" I said pulling Orchids face up to meet her eyes. "I know you well enough that you feel so much guilt right now that you can only look at me through Orchids link. "Just know I do not forgive you as there is nothing to forgive. You did nothing wrong and I will always love you do not forget that.

And thanks for not destroying my Honey drizzlier even though the rest of my lower body has been obliterated."

After I said this I could feel my eyes begin to water. Orchid followed suit. Jewels great sense of relief and emotion was being washed all across her hive she began to tear up in all her bio-forms as they to felt her emotions.

The crying continued for 10 minutes, thankfully I had been gargling down water balls so I was rehydrated. Once it subsided I asked Orchid. "Orchid sweety despite my pretty calm demeanour I am in incredible pain." although I may have altered my spine to dampen any pain from deep wounds from signalling back pain, It was still a lot of pain.

"Can you fill up one of my tanks with the rejuvenation fluid please."

Orchid perked up at the prospect of being needed by me. She snuck in one final kiss before getting to work. I had kept a large quantity of the fluid in the room for my post invasion enhancements before we left so She did not have to leave the room to complete her task.

Orchid completed her task with ease lifting heavy things like they were nothing and coding what purpose the fluid will be used for in the tank.

After admiring her working figure for a few minutes, something she noticed and greatly enjoyed, Orchid finished up and proceeded to carefully pick me up and take me over to the tank. I checked the algorithm that Orchid placed in for my healing. what she did was perfect but bare minimum.

With a quick change here and there adding more nutrients and anaesthesia to the injection formulae for a smoother healing process and then I had Orchid place me carefully into the tank.

Once I was submerged and floating inside of the tank I placed my breathing mask on then I was pierced by the needles with tubes attached shortly after. I was glad I had forgotten the past experience I had with needles as now they cause me no discomfort.

Once the anaesthesia hit my body I felt pure Euphoria all the pain dissapeared making me realise how much of it I was actually in. I would usually sleep while in the vats but I had just slept for a week and my mind was fully wired even with the anaesthesia so I just spent time talking with with Orchid about nothing in particular.

Two weeks past and My lower body had fully healed. I had decided to take an extra day inside of the tank just to make sure no abnormalities in the healing process took place. Orchid had been right by the tank the entire time. Now that I think about it as I made eye contact. I don't think her eyes have left my body once. Jewel had not come to visit me in person in these two weeks.

I assume she still felt an unhealthy amount of guilt for what she had done and could not bare to see the results with her own eyes anymore. Onyx had dissapeared as well not showing herself to me. She was not in my Mindspace ever just her silhouette. That being said through her bondage to me I could feel her presence slightly and could tell she was nearby so I just left her to her stalker ways.

Happy with my healing. I finally removed the needles and mask and exited from the top of the tank. I did a but scoot from the top edge from the tank and laded on the ground in front of Orchid.

Although I knew my legs were now 100% the placebo effect of recovering made my landing a little wobbly and I fell straight into Orchid and somehow with her incredibly sturdy body I made her stumble backwards with me falling on top of her.

Pulling my head back from between her armoured rack I made a deep eye contact with Orchid. Her eyes displayed a wanting and longing but also a deep tiredness, she had not slept for close to three weeks and the first week she had undergone anti psionic torture. Leaning down I placed a very loving and tender kiss on her lips and relayed all my emotions of gratitude and love to her.

Her eyes gleamed with a brighter lust for a moment but now knowing I was fine The sheer amount of stress she had undergone under the last two weeks made the gleaming dim down and she fell into a deep sleep.

With a deep sigh I planted a kiss on her head and whispered "soon." I wanted our first time to be extra special and today was just not that day. I picked my sleeping love and brought her to the bed that was brought to the lab by her. Deciding just to be with her today I got into bed with her wrapped around me and cradled her with my arm as she slept.

An hour later as she slept I felt a presence come closer. "Onyx, how nice of you to finally make your presence known." in front of the bed Onyx's invisibility expired revealing herself. "very well done my love detecting me through our bond."

"yes I'm also glad I can detect you slightly now. No more sneaking up from me. That also means no more sneaking away either such as you might do now." Onyx was confused by this she has had no foresight in what is about to come "why would I try to sneak away after not being able to get close to you for over two weeks?"

Onyx's answer to the question came in form of a dreaded deadpan face request from me. "go get the stick."

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