The hivemind is conquering for me?

Chapter 42: My majesty survived

After recovering from my boons upgrade, My psionic origin thrummed a final time and a piece of information came to my head. "Oh?" I said in exclamation It would seem my Origin was telling the truth when It said It also boosted my gifts.

Although I cannot try them out inside of my Mindspace, From my understanding my current psionic powers have taken an evolution so to speak and have skipped many years of training.

"Well this is a nice surprise sure but it doesn't really balance the fact that my improved boon can become a curse depending on what may happen." I said aloud in thought. I am technically inside my own mind so its more inner monologue so I'm not weird.

"So it there anything else I need to do here? I want to make sure I'm still alive and not just trapped in here after being eaten." I asked my origin. The origin in question proceeded to faze out of the black room and shortly after the black room turned back into my white Mindspace.

I let out a sigh of relief when I was back as I could still feel my projection connected to my body. "well Its been fun Origin chum but Ill be heading off Ill see you the next time I train... If I'm still alive then." I joked before deciding to awaken.

Currently unbeknown to me, after I left a new strange red line had appeared inside the black room only this one had green and black energy pulse through it periodically.

Upon my awakening I found myself being cradled by two arms with three fingers. "Onyx are you ok?" I ask looking up to make sure I was safe. Onyx had her black eyes closed shut. "Ah my Apollo has awakened good. I hope you connected well with your origin. It only has your best interests at heart as it is you." I gave Onyx a look over to make sure she is ok.

"Onyx why are you keeping your eyes closed. A creepy smile that I'm sure was meant to be anything but appeared on her face. "Our love, For some strange reason today is the day our love for you begins to escalate much faster than what it did before.

You may not have known this but our love for you has never once stagnated It has only ever grown and when we see you again today for some reason It start to escalate at a much more rapid pace."

I groaned a little at this I really am terrified at this next question but It needed to be asked for my own sanity as I cannot get it out of my head. "Onyx please be honest with me. Am i going to be eaten? I have a weird feeling that you lot see it as some form of ultra love." "Oh Apollo~" Onyx said brushing my cheek.

"While i would love to devour your body and keep its biomass inside of me forever and ever until the universe ends keeping you close never letting you go~" she composed herself as she almost cracked the veil once more "We could never live without being able to see you again and hear you laugh and talk and breath. In conclusion no you will not be eaten."

I let out the biggest sigh I think I have ever had at the information given to me. I was beginning to think everything would be fine and dandy before Onyx dropped a completely different bombshell onto me.

"As a word of caution because it is a fixed moment in time no matter what you do. when Jewel sees you when she rounds that corner she is going to experience the same feeling she did all those years ago when Orchid found you in that bin. And your pelvis is going to break. Good luck."

"WAIT WHAT!" I said to thin air As Onyx had vanished before me. As if on cue Jewel turned the corner alone She had ordered Orchid to oversee bringing and storing Apollos new food. She really just wanted some extra few minutes alone with her beloved as per usual. However when she saw her mate staring at her like a prey caught In a swarms charge something awakened inside of her.

Jewel began to feel hot. Very hot. SO very hot she could not contain herself. Just like 16 years ago when She found the most important thing in the universe, The whole entire hive no matter how far let out their mating pheromones. Jewels psionic energy went from her cool purple to hot pink and then even further to flaming red.

I had never seen that colour emanate off of her before I swallowed hard and put my hands up Infront of me defensively. The being Infront of me did not even feel like Jewel anymore but a possessed creature. "Jewel my love are-"

It seemed my use of words were my downfall as upon hearing them jewel head jolted 90 degrees before hurling herself towards me in such a speed I could not even see. "-shit" and then everything went black as I banged my head extremely hard against the floor.

I woke up a few times here and there feeling a both excruciating pleasure and equally excruciating pain. But I was always sent back into the blackness as Jewel In her manic lust state was not even bothering controlling her Psionic energy and the sheer power kept knocking me out. Fortunately even the energy she controls loves me so it does its best not to harm me even in its wild state.

As I woke up I was glad not to find that I was immediately put back to sleep once again. What saddened me though was a crying Orchid clinging to my body. I wanted to speak to her but I felt extremely dehydrated for obvious reasons so I just relayed to her.

"why are you crying my love?" I relayed to her. Upon feeling my link Orchid shot up from my chest and planted a kiss on my lips and another and another. Her actions spoke loudly I must have been in some serious trouble or something.

I expected It to stop rather quickly so I could ask more question or for her to tell me what happened but when I entered her link all i heard was " Apollo, Apollo, Apollo, Apollo, Apollo, Apollo, Apollo, Apollo, Apollo, Apollo-" Over and over and over. She was saying my name so much it started to not even sound like a word.

Thinking outside the box as my body felt very weak right now i used my Gyrokinesis on her and thanks to my increased mastery thanks to my origin She became incredibly light very fast. With a good heave I managed to pull her of my mouth which was now drenched. "Orchid what has happened." I said sternly.

Orchid seemed to compose herself and told me what happened. Apparently when Jewel saw me and activated the second Mania of my boon the whole hive once again froze only this time It lasted for well over a day. Orchid could feel everything that was happening to me through Jewel And felt amazing like the most incredible Euphoria.

Fortunately though Orchid at some point noticed that I was In pain and snapped out of it. Her deep possessiveness of me being the factor that allowed her to break free from the pleasure and ran to aid me.

She would have more than likely alleviated my suffering days in advance but even Jewels non gendered hive guards intervened and relayed to Orchid much to great pain on Orchids part that the mate must feel our love. It took two more days of anti psionic torture for Orchid to convince them that the queen was actually killing me with her love which got them to intervene.

Upon reaching my unconscious body the queen was still riding my body in her craze and her energy was starting to get out of control. The guards realising the trouble wrapped Jewel In an anti Psionic cocoon in Order to suppress her built up energy.

Even with Anti Psionic energy being her poison, It still took a day of incredible struggle on all the guards part to rip her off my body. In a rage she swapped back into her other body just ahead of were my body was ready to destroy her traitorous guards before she stopped upon seeing me.

When Onyx said my pelvis would be destroyed she was not joking. When Jewel and Orchid saw filled them with despair my entire lower body as well my legs were manged from gripping and pulling and my pelvis was practically dust at this point. In all honesty It was a miracle my meaty majesty was still in pristine condition amidst the rubble that was my lower half.

After witnessing what she had done both of Jewels bodies went limp and the hive went into autonomous mode. While Orchid took me to my lab to be safe and cried over me for another 4 days awaiting my awakening.

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