The hivemind is conquering for me?

Chapter 41: Seriously boon?

The void-swimmer landed quietly and the bio-forms inside sprang to action I was still sitting in my designated 'Apollo seat' that most ships now have in silent contemplation. Knowing that when I step onto the planet something I don't understand will happen to my power left me both anxious and excited.

I decided not to let my emotions guide me this time and let fate do as it decreed. I got up held Zircon tight in my right hand for support and placed rolled my left arm which was covered In the arm of my power armour as a reminder that I'm safe.

Once I reached the exit of the swimmer, I looked down at the black ground Infront of me I took a deep breath and placed my right foot on the ground... Nothing happened... And then it did. Onyx appeared in front of me out of thin air for the first time since I saw her in my Mindspace "Onyx what-" I was cut off as she began to count down.

"3-2-1 and." Onyx stretched her arms out and cached me as I passed out falling flat forward. "At least the queen had enough foresight to separate Orchid from our love, He faints way to much during this Psionic infancy. If he did so again Infront of her, Orchid would become even more clingy and I cannot have that hehe~" she said while she stroked my cheek with a deep love oozing from her eyes.

"Enjoy your gift and become stronger my love~ WE Are only going to love you even more from now on~" Onyx let a slither of her future personality slip through for a moment before composing herself. She did a quick check to make sure she did not affect any nearby drones forgetting she was still in her stalker body and had not undergone her mutation yet.

she sighed in relief and carried my into a nearby tunnel to take me back to my room.

I don't understand what happened but I was currently floating in the Psionic plane just outside of what I perceived to be my Mindspace as it felt familiar. It was strange though I felt like I was being tested and my defence was a lot stronger than it was yesterday.

I decided not to dally around as the psionic plane is dangerous when your defences are down and since I'm currently outside of mine I am extra susceptible.

I am fortunate that for years before I started training with Jewel I had a few dozen Psionic agitators teach me in how to invade a mind. I floated over to the my barrier and begun to massage a small part in order to coax and weaken it. This strategy helps if you are familiar with the target you wish to invade. luckily for me I am very familiar with myself.

The defence of the barrier slowly weaken in this small section It would fortify itself If the attack felt like one but due to the 'pleasure' the defence is receiving It does not notice the weakness building up. Once at a level I am comfortable with I position myself carefully then.


I enter my Mindspace like a bullet through the small gap I had created the barrier noticing its been duped repairs the whole up behind me. It is then I can feel my defences fall under my control once more. It seems I have passed some tribulation of sorts but why? I hope I find out.

Upon taking in first sight of my Mindspace, I noticed It seemed larger. I could not quantify how much bigger but I could tell it was at least double. This was a surprise to be sure but a welcome one as when it comes to Psionic power the size of your Mindspace does matter.

As I explored a little I found where I left Zircon. She was still chained in the place I had left her which brought me some ease. My Mindspace may have been altered but the things inside are still the same. I looked over to my right to check on onyx's bondage to me to discover something different. Earlier when she was residing inside my Mindspace, her silhouette was fully tangible.

now however the silhouette has become transparent indicating she was no longer here in the flesh. As I began to turn around the silhouette looked up at me and just for a split second morphed into another. When I looked back It was back to its stalker variant body so I just assumed I saw something and moved on.

Upon leaving the area the Silhouette once again looked up and into the direction I went the stalkers pitch black eyes turned a beautiful emerald green before flickering back to what they once were. Onyx who was currently carrying me down noticed her eyes changing and panicked slightly. Her future self was trying to usurp her present body temporarily to spend more time with her beloved.

"ugh I am going to have to change my body slightly ahead of schedule to calm myself down." she thought in her monotone voice "Fortunately It would seem future me is not to crazy enough to cause a retrocognitive snap and understands that this body is still needed for now."

Traversing my Mindspace I noticed despite the size increase everything was still pretty much in the same place as to where they were before hand. The memories of my past life were still locked away with their own barriers that are still much stronger than my Mindspace.

I have had years to speculate on why they are that way and the best I could come up with is to stop pesky telepaths from discovering the existence of other universes should my mind be breached.

Moving away from my memories I arrive at the centre of my Mindspace. That is when I see my Psionic Origin. "huh looks like I got swole" I quipped to myself. The Origin has grown to the size of a human adults head.

As I took a step closer to take a better look the white colour from my Mindspace vanished and I was now inside a fully black room with a strange red line. "oh I'm here again?" This time however the Psionic Origin manifested itself behind the red line. It itself was glowing a crimson red and looked a lot more ominous than the red the line lets out. "so what are you trying to creep yourself out?

because its working dummy." I said to it. This caused the origin to stop glowing and the black room began to shake what followed was a very deep but also very adolescent voice.


I felt myself becoming tired with every word my Origin spoke. I did not expect it to be able to converse as its supposed to be a reflection of your subconscious according to Jewel. Its supposed to be autonomous. For example when you want to move your arm you don't go 'hey brain can you move the arm' 'sure no problem' 'thanks your the best'. It just does what needs to be done on instinct and habit.

Saving my thoughts for when I have professional help I turn my attention to the now much dimmer origin. a smaller orb came out of it no bigger than a pebble and floated over to me. when I grabbed it in my hand I knew what it was automatically. "Is this- is this my boon?" How did my origin acquire the boon?

I distinctly remember as a baby that my boon was something I had interwoven with my soul not something that can be visually seen. I did not know what to do with it but I had a sudden impulse to place it inside my projections mouth. When I felt the impulse my origin also pulsed so I put two and two together and gobbled the pebble up.

The pebble melted instantly into my soul and It felt like my boon had become stronger.

Now that could be quite good if I had an offensive type of boon but I was now feeling worry the wording of my boon inside of my soul had changed by one word and that one word had me a little freaked out. 'the first female that see's you that is not a family member will instantly fall in love with you in a state of pragma eros mania MANIA'

"seriously boon? They are already bad shit insane over me and you make it worse? and you!" I said and pointed over to my origin "And you, How is that an improvement? I may love them just as much as they love me which is already a close to impossible feat with their unfair advantage and now this mania MANIA!

Calming down after my shock I placed my hand over my forehead and groaned "By all that is psionic they are going to eat me and call it the ultimate love I can already tell."

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