The hivemind is conquering for me?

Chapter 34: tales of the hivemind II *

"Well you see" jewel continued. "The loss we suffered was actually our first encounter with The Raghul. The fleet in question that was destroyed was specifically designed to devour a series of water worlds in a nearby star chart and were unprepared for the large bodies and strength of the Raghul."

"Ah gotcha so it was a temporary fleet anyway. please continue." I said now understanding.

"Yes now the interesting think about the drones new mutation is that although it was not as strong as a freethinker, the Raghul had one rather easy to exploit weakness, they could not see the colour green. I am still shocked to this day that such a prey species could become star farers with such an easy exploitation. So going forward, the the drone continued to kill and kill through the ship.

Creating more and more bio-forms that were also green in order to speed things along. After killing the first Raghul, it only took 13 hours to devour the entire ship."

"I thought you told me this was a failed experiment? From what you described It sounded like the drone variant was successful in Its endeavours." I asked stroking Jewels head with my hand covered in Psionic energy to prevent it from fazing through

"Well I was going to get to that I was telling you the prelude so you understood the context my love, After the Drone variant returned to hive controlled space and was assimilated back into the hive as its mutations were beginning to become unstable, I had an Idea to use the egg incubation strategy on Other races to see if it would work.

I Ordered the hive to gather A large quantity Of Raghul ships after Invasions as the Hunt against them had become trivially easy, with these ships I would place my newly created ambush eggs with the drone variants inside and Ordered the FTL drives on their ships to travel very far."

"The plan worked well the first few times Some unlucky scavengers would discover the now battered and malfunctioning ship and would think the only surviving thing inside, my eggs to be some kind of exotic curios and take it with them, or would be attacked and made a host instantly." A small blush crept upon Jewels exposed cheeks at the next "It did not take long for almost every prey species that discover that the eggs on derelict ships that they were bad and should be destroyed on sight."

"So they had common sense? Yeah I also wouldn't go near some random wet eggs I found in the middle of an abandoned ship hahaha. " Upon my laughter Jewel looked downtrodden for a moment. "Haha oh, no, no my love, don't feel upset, That was not really a failure anyway don't be so hard on yourself." Looking back up at me I could feel Jewel wanted me to explain further.

"Well lets look at this from my perspective, a scientists perspective. You set out an experiment in which you would determine If a particular trap style hunting strategy would work. You thought about the greed of species who would want to scrap and search the abandoned ship and the altruism of those who would want to help and see if anyone was inside who could be rescued.

The way I see it dear this was a trail and error and in the end you learnt something... Don't make eggs to wet or people will destroy them hahaha" I added at the end to try and cheer her up which I think it did.

"So you don't think less of your precious Jewel my Apollo?" Jewel asked with renewed vigour through Our link. "Less of you? How could I? Jewel you have told me of something you considered a failure. That is a very intimate gesture and if its even possible I would say we have become even closer my sweet love-bug."

As I said this I felt the energy in the room shift, Nothing physical changed and there was no noise or change in pressure heck, even Jewel did not seem to notice. I felt like this energy was comforting and peaceful. It was If time was on the verge of standing still with Jewel and I at the centre Like the eye of a storm.

Forgetting the strange energy as If I subconsciously knew what it was, I focused all my attention Back onto Jewel. As I stared deeply at her I felt like now was the time.

Cupping Jewel by the cheek I pulled her towards me and initiated a passionate kiss. Her mouth Started to taste sweet as we went on as our tongues collided and wrapped around each others As the kissing continued I started my other hand from her waist up to her breasts.

At the feeling of my mind, Jewel melded Her chest protection Into her body And let out a steamy moan into my mouth As I started rubbing her Breasts. The purple psionic energy that pooled out of the eye slots had turned fully pink and her head had also done the same. With the energy permeating, a smell rather similar to salted popcorn began wafting in the air.

Breaking the kiss and catching my breath for a second I looked at Jewel and asked "You have gone into heat haven't you?" Jewel could not respond she was doing her best to keep the hive functioning rationally while also trying not to accidentally kill her love now he wishes to FINALLY MATE!

Reading her emotions as clear as day I said laying her down on her back. "You don't worry about anything let me make you feel good." Re igniting the kiss, I slowly started to trail my hand down her exposed midriff and arrived at her cave. Jewel was already wet with her juices as I began to stroke her outer lips.


The stimulation caused her to moan out loudly before biting my lip aggressively trying to retain coherence in the moment. We continued this for a few minutes longer before I could feel her lower lips begin to throb as she let out another moan as she reached climax. Bringing my drenched fingers away from her lower cave I brought them to my mouth and gave them a lick.

"Hmmm tastes like berries." I don't think Jewel even heard me at that Point she was just staring at me panting before a torrent of voices entered my mind "MORE!"

I let out an inward chuckle. 'Don't worry darlin' we are just getting started. I took of my pants and remains of my shirt from Jewels clawing of me Before adjusting myself in between jewels legs. The sight before me was incredible. Jewel panting heavily her breasts heaving up and down. her hands above her head with her fingers literally dug into the ground below.

I was rock hard at the sight and rearing to go but First I wished to taste of the berry garden directly from the source. My tongue wrapping and lapping everything and anywhere that caused a reaction in Jewel. Her arms and legs were twitching and convulsing before the Torrent of voices re entered my mind. "WE CANNOT HOLD ON ANY LONGER MY LOVE PLEASE TAKE ME!"

With a slight frown I grabbed Jewel tightly by the throat "I said I would take care of YOU, do not tell me what to do." The sudden asphyxiation and dominant behaviour from her mate sent Jewels bodies Into overdrive. For a second all the bio-forms On every nearby ship felt her bodies pleasure as she received another Orgasm from the excitement she felt from the act.

Seeing her submit I place my forehead against her faceplate and line my rod up against her entrance and entered paradise. As I entered I could not help but let out a deep moan, when a being is able to create their own body for the sole purpose of their partners pleasure they really do go all out.

Her cave was warm and tight I could feel the muscles of her walls actively pull me in and squeeze in all the right places. Jewel herself faired no different as I entered she screamed in Euphoria. 16 long years had finally bore fruit her pleasure was so immense she ripped a gaping hole in the floor On each side of her as she tensed.

I started to piston back and forth drawing moans from the both of us as I did so. My hands naturally found themselves wandering all over Jewel but returned fondly to her breasts the most. The pleasurable act continued for almost an hour before I could feel Myself reaching the end.

Jewel had released her love multiple times during the soiree but I wanted to make her do so one last time with me which gave me an Idea. "I'm close my love *haaagh* are you ready?"

"GIVE ME YOUR SEED MY MATE! LET ME BEAR YOUR LIFE!!!" Jewel screamed into my mind. Once I was upon the precipice, I pressed my body deeply against hers and pulled my hand through the back of her head.



The scream she wailed out sounded like a banshees as her walls choked my trouser snake as I finished. After I allowed the wave of pleasure to finish passing over me, I dropped down on Jewels chest and started to catch my breath.

"By all that is Psionic That was incredible." Jewel was oddly silent I looked up "Jewel?" The energy that usually emanates from Jewels body had disappeared and Jewel had become completely unresponsive.


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