The hivemind is conquering for me?

Chapter 35: A bit of warning next time

I was cradling jewels doll like body in my arms for two minutes, She had yet to recover from my impromptu act. I knew that when my hand passed through her head, she receives a pleasure almost exactly the same as an Orgasm only throughout a Large portion of the hive as well. It was never my intention To render her into this state. All I desired was for her to feel more pleasure as I loved her so much.

"A-Apollo." A familiar yet rough sounding voice entered my psionic link "Orchid!" I turned quickly in panic and took stock of her in a dishevelled state. She seemed to have crawled here on her hands and knees leaving a trail of clear liquid behind her as she did so.

"Orchid what has happened? Are you ok? Is Jewel ok?" I asked in a flurry allowing panic to set in now I have seen someone familiar "O- Orchid Is fine my mate, The queen is fine as well, she was forced to retreat from her current body to her previous one Due to a psionic overload your hand caused.

Yy- You really should have warned her you was going to touch her open link like that Apollo-love, The pleasure We received was so incredibly intense Orchid can still feel it now."

Hearing Orchids explanation I let out a long drawn out sigh of relief. It seemed me touching the link had not caused any damage or hurt the hive in any way as I it was just too much for her second body to process while keeping her hive fully operational.

Knowing she was now fine, I placed Jewels body down on the ground gently and walked over to Orchid, "Are you sure you are ok?

you cant even stand, Here let me help" I asked while picking her up "mmmh Orchid is getting better by the moment she will be even better now knowing she can freely mate with her Apollo now." I let out a low chuckle and planted a kiss on her forehead "Your lucky I don't have the stick my dear.

Here you are in shared post orgasm bliss with the rest of the local hive, and the one thing you can think about is when is it your turn. you are incredible."

"Feeling your hand touch Orchids very essence through The queens Psionic brain in her second body and feeling you mate with Orchid is very different. While it did feel good Orchid wishes to feel you herself." she said while sneakily bringing her hand towards my trouser snake.

Seeing the creature commonly known as Orchid acting like her usual self again I let out another small laugh before allowing her to stand on her own. "come on dear lets not keep Jewel In the cold room, lets take her back to my room so she's comfortable when she returns."

Orchid pouted at this but did not disagree. As She watched me lift up Jewel, she noticed something on the ground nearby. It seemed Some of the seed I had sown had leaked out of Jewel after our time together and was now soiling the now broken flooring. "You coming Orchid?" I asked as I noticed Orchid in a daze.

"AH yes my Apollo, Orchid will be right with you She just has to order some drones to clean up the room." I saw nothing wrong with this as she oversees drones all the time so I went ahead leaving her to do what she needed to.

Once Apollo was out of vision from her Orchid turned her attention back to the mess that lay on the floor. Her eyes were round and her mouth was salivating "A little snack would not hurt before I return." she thought innocently.

After I brought Jewel back to my room I had placed her comfortably onto my bed and had my bed bug cover her for an extra touch. Orchid followed a few minutes later with a very pleased look on her face as she waltzed over while taking a big gulp and sat on my lap.

I didn't ask her what had gotten her so chipper as my intuition was telling me I wouldn't like the answer so I just sat In silence with her for a while.

While sitting there with Orchid I was thinking over the situation, having my first time with Jewel didn't feel like something that needed celebrating.

A lot of people in the stories that I can remember took losing your virginity as some sort of huge tribulation and made them super excited and happy, to me It just felt like a natural phenomenon as if Jewel and myself bonding in such a way was always destined to be and finally participating in the action while felt extremely good was just a Natural thing to happen.

My thoughts kept going back and forth between nonsense and slight worry for Jewel. Even though I knew she was fine and was up and about in her other body currently the feeling in my heart could not be controlled.

Orchid could seem to sense my emotional turmoil as always and kept grinding up against my nether regions as a 'distraction' but was probably just her trying to initiate her own mating time with me.

Having enough of the lap dance I finally relayed to the creature on my lap.

"Ok Orchid cut it out I'm not in the mood again after what happened with Jewel happened very organically it just felt like the right time, Like our time in the pools on the planet It just happened in the moment." Orchid looked saddened for a moment before smiling at me "Of course my dear Apollo, Orchid would wait a millennia if that was what it took Its just that the heat the queen felt in the moment your hand touched us through her brain it was relayed to every other bio-form during the touch and it its still winding down even now."

Grabbing her by the waist I lifted her off my lap and stood up myself.

"In that case as Jewel seems to be taking her time lets have a quick spar to get our minds off of thing." Reading my intent, Zircon who had been floating idly in my room for the past couple of days torpedoed itself towards me almost impaling Orchid in the process. "It seems your blade Is thirsty for blood today trying to impale your Orchid from behind like that, No wonder the inferior queen was devoured by us with such simple to read attacks" Orchid said playfully goading Zircon.

Zircons fuller flickered a tinge of red for a moment before going back to its cool blue so fast that neither me or Orchid noticed. "Don't look down on me and my sword we did just fine during the battle. Didn't we? I said while stroking the fuller of the blade with a tenderness that made Orchid slightly jealous. "now grab you swords and lets head in to the other room, more space there and all that."

Once we arrived in the room I finally put on some pants once more as I didn't want my meat mace bouncing around while engaged in combat. Although It could prove an interesting diversion tactic for some Orchid took her spars with me surprisingly serious considering her personality and would not even eye my nether regions even if I performed a helicopter manoeuvre, not that I would ever do that...

I decided to forgo wearing my power armour for the spar as first, I have never wore it before in the past against Orchid as I did not have access to it and second, Orchid was truly an amazing sword wielder for a former 5 meter tall walking death bug, and all of the injuries she would inflict upon me during training would only graze the skin due to her having so much control of her weapons which healed quickly thanks to my enhanced healing factor.

As for Orchid though she had melded her full war gear onto herself. During the years, I have been instructed by her to fight with the intent to kill her as Its the best way for me to learn, aim for the target not its weapons, was a good way to explain it.

Even with that said the most damage I had ever inflicted was a suicidal attack that although did end up impaling her stomach, In a real fight she would have survived the attack as it only went an inch and a half in and I would be missing a head.

After a quick stretch to get my blood flowing I sauntered over to Orchid and gave her a quick good luck kiss while she was still in standard Orchid mode before becoming the battle demon I knew she was about to become.

A memory from the other day flickered into my mind for a second of a gore covered Orchid after the battle against the Ker'mins, I let out a small shudder and properly got back to my ready position and took my stance

"Ready when you are Dear."

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