The hivemind is conquering for me?

Chapter 189: What The?

Exiting the elevator in the 5th floor, I was greeted to a small hallway with two doors. I walked over to the door on the left and walked in with no problem.

Looking around, the decoration was similar to Sophia's apartment which meant it was clearly for high value clientele. Making my way further inside, in the living room on the couch, Willow and Rhea were huddled up next to each other passed out. Willow had left a large drool stain on the sleeping Rhea's dress strap and was quite comical to witness.

As I passed the couch, Willow stirred a moment as if feeling my presence, but then she simply wiped her mouth and continued sleeping. I proceeded through the guest room until I reached the bedroom.

Opening the door quietly, I saw a beautiful red haired woman sleeping soundly. She must have been exhausted or drunk when she came in as her dress was planted right by the doorway while her shoes looked like they were kicked off and sent flying across the room.

I smiled at Kathrine momentarily before I made my way into the room. Kathrine did not stir at my presence, even when I sat down on the bed next to her. I watched for a moment as her chest went up and down in her sleep. She looked otherworldly beautiful in that particular state.

I felt compelled to stroke her hair and the side of her face as I continued to watch her. After 3 minutes, a smile emerged on Kathrine's face as she turned to her side and grabbed my hand. Her face looked flushed upon grabbing it and she proceeded to mumble something under her breath before she positioned my hand close to her mouth and began to suck on my finger.

I felt weird at this point and was not sure how to proceed. 'Do I just let her finish her dream? Or should I wake her up?' Thankfully, I did not have to decide as a look of disappointment emerged on Kathrine's face as though her sleeping state knew that my finger is not what she was sucking in her dream. As a result, she opened her eyes slightly to figure out what was going on.

Opening her eyes, the first thing she saw was a hand with a finger covered in saliva. 'What the?' She thought to herself before she blinked a few times to get all the sleep out. Now her eyes were clear, she went to locate the owner of the hand in question and when she spotted said owner, she rested her head slightly different from when she was sleeping and looked at him lovingly.

"Morning." I said with a smile and removed Kathrine's hair from her face. "Morning." She whispered before she shot up with wide eyes as she held her throat. The sudden action however, triggered Kathrine's hang over and she proceeded to hold her head to stop the room from spinning.

"What's wrong?" I ask confused about the chain of events. "Sorry dear." She says after a few moments of collecting herself. "I lost my voice after taking some drugs last night and I only just got it back and I am hungover so forgive my state."

Kathrine was in the presence of a close one so she felt no need for modestly as she let the bedding roll off her, revealing her ample bosom. "No need for forgiveness, you still look as gorgeous as ever."

Kathrine blushed at my compliment before responding. "Oh stop darling, I already feel sick and I don't need your sweetness right now." I smiled at her before I got up off the bed. "I'm sorry, wait here and I'll go and get you something to drink."

Once I left the room, Kathrine ignored her queasiness a moment and took an item out from under her bedsheets. One of her many sets of panties were now scrunched up in her hand. Only these were special. They were stained with Apollo's virile essence and smelt just the same.

Most people would be grossed out by that, but not Kathrine. It had only been a couple days, but to her it felt like weeks since Apollo left her side. The only thing keeping her sane was the smell of him on her undergarment and she now had to smell it constantly throughout the day to stay sane and could only sleep when it was by her side.

She did not want Apollo to see a perversion she was embarrassed by, weakness, so she reached for her clutch and placed the item back inside and shoved it under the bed.


In the Kitchen, I opened the fridge and looked for something for Kathrine. It seemed my little cult were well equipped for managing their High value targets as the fridge was full with electrolyte packed drinks. There was specialty hang over remedies and foods. There was even a catering number if people wanted more than what was in the fridge.

I picked up one of the drinks and read the label. "Blue blocker 'Block your hangover symptoms with our scientifically proven chemical formulae.' Blue flavour." I read the label and something irked me. "Blue flavour? What the fuck is blue flavour? Blue is not a flavour."

In my frustration, I decided to open the bottle and take a sip to see just what drugs the makers of this drink were on. I took a sip and opened my eyes wide and looked at the bottle after I swallowed.

"I stand corrected, that tastes like blue."

Putting the lid back on, I began to shut the fridge door and once I did I almost had a heart attack. "By all that is Psionic!" I said in my surprise as a pink haired woman had managed to sneak up on me while I was distracted with the whole blue fiasco.

With my hand on my chest, I breathed out a sigh of relief and said. "Phew, scared me. Sorry about that Willow, are you ok?" Willow nodded her head and smiled kindly at me. "I am fine, sorry for scaring you, now what is in here?" Willow then opened the fridge and peered inside. I was about to step away from the woman and head to Kathrine.

However, Willow suddenly locked her arm with my own as she leaned down into the fridge.

"Oh what is blue flavour? That sounds dumb. Meh I am not that thirsty ill- Oh wait the have pink flavour? Sold!" Willow said all that and reached into the fridge with her arm still linked to mine.

After she took a sip and smiled as she bathed in the taste of 'pink' I asked. "Willow? Why are you holding my arm?" Willow then gave me a look that said. 'Are you stupid?' but in a way that did not want to hurt my feelings by saying I am stupid.

"Because you are my future boyfriend of course? Why are you being weird? You already know this." Willows confidence in her claim actually made me think for a minute. 'Did I know this? She seemed so confident.'

Before I had a chance to verbalise my thoughts, Willow continued. "So what are you doing here so early in the morning? Oh are you here to see Kathrine? Don't worry you two can fuck till your hearts content, Ill just listen from the other side of the door ok?" Willow then kissed me on the cheek and walked back into the living room and sat down on the couch like nothing happened.

I was stunned. What just happened? I Just got picked up by a woman without even realising what was going on.

'If I had a credit for every time a female has suddenly declared I am to be their sexual partner out of nowhere, I would have two credits. Which isn't a lot, but weird that it has happened twice.'

To be honest, It was not even the declaration of relationship status that took me off guard, it was the confidence. The Willow I have seen this morning is vastly different from the one I met in the starlight way.

I rubbed my head and reached into the fridge for another bottle of blue blocker and took a large sip of the one I previously opened as I was getting a headache from my confusion. 'Ok Apollo, you really need to work on your EQ as I have no idea if that was a strange interaction or if it was just me not reading the room right.'

Leaving my thoughts to the side as thinking anymore would just leave me exhausted, I head back towards Kathrine's room. On the way, I spotted Willow sitting on the couch on her communicator. She must have felt my eyes lingering on her as she turned around and smiled. She then blew me a kiss and mouthed 'go get em.' Before returning her attention back to her communicator.

I could not help but to linger a little longer at the woman as confusion continued to build up inside me. As it built up, the best my brain could come up with to vent my confusion was a simple.

"What the fuck?"

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