The hivemind is conquering for me?

Chapter 188: Outer Family Courtship Ritual

After breakfast, I had Keyla help me get changed into something that would pair well with my jacket and made my way downstairs. I made my way into the bar area and spotted Samantha sitting on a bar stool eating was was evident to me as a processed biomass stick.

Samantha was rubbing her head and mumbling under her breath and did not take notice of my advance until I wrapped my arms around her waist and hugged her. Samantha jolted for a moment, but the shock kickstarted her other senses and could smell my scent and calmed herself down.

"Good morning Samantha. You look a little rough, are you ok?" I said honestly. Samantha smiled and leaned into her loves embrace. "MMmh all better now that you are holding me Daddy~" She teased a seductive smile as she looked up towards me before continuing. "I just took a lot of drugs, like a lot of drugs, still coming down even with my innate resistances."

I was a little surprised to hear that. I ran my hand up Samantha's back and up her neck and then up her hair. Once my fingers were imbedded alongside the hair, I grabbed a clump and tugged her head back, causing a small moan of excitement and surprise to escape her lips.

"And what reason would my beloved Hive have for taking. 'Like a lot of drugs?'" I asked as Samantha began telling me all that happened last night from her point of view while looking at me lovingly.

As she was explaining something, a chill suddenly went down my spine. "Wait, wait, wait." I said interrupting her a moment. "Did you say Onyx took drugs?" Samantha was confused by my question and just simply nodded her head.

I began to look around the bar for any damages or random limbs hanging from the ceiling. "What is wrong Apollo?" Samantha asked now that the warmth of Apollo's arms dissapeared from her.

"Just making sure the bar is still sound and a pile of bodies aren't present. I mean, you are all big girls, but Onyx is psycho crazy, putting drugs into the equation is just trouble waiting to happen."

I suddenly felt a presence leave my Mindspace after saying that and I did not have to wait long to figure out where it went.

On my back was a very heavy woman who was actively attempting to suppress my Gyrokinetic affect on her. Her eyes were currently leaking green Psionic energy from there edges and a deranged smile was on her face.

"My universe thinks I am Psycho? I will show the the very most bottom layer of the love that pours out of me!" Onyx declared loudly. She then moved my clothes slightly and bit me hard on the shoulder.

Obviously she was holding back a lot of force as her normal bite could rip a good chunk out of me. However, she had still drawn blood so I began acting . "Onyx, what the hell, get off!" I began flailing trying to get the mosquito off my back, but she had locked her legs around my waist and was not moving.

She continuously evaded any backwards swings of mine and continued to apply pressure to her bite. Worrying about my worst fear coming true and that she may in fact begin to eat me, I went for a last resort.

I tensed up my enhanced leg muscles and allowed them to balloon in size for a moment before I jumped backwards with everything I had into a nearby wall in an attempt to get the lamprey off.

My plan succeeded, kind of, as a moment before the impact, Onyx leapt away from me causing me to hit the wall with my full force. As I stood up, I did not have time to admire the still fully intact wall and its sturdiness due to the fact Onyx was still looking at me with her energy pouring out of her eyes.

I began to question my sanity for a moment because although the look she was giving me was terrifyingly crazy, It also turned me on a little bit. Onyx, who was naturally reading the thoughts of her mate/opponent, let a wicked smile sprawl across her face.

I knew now she was adamant on a little fight and tried not to think any more lewd thoughts about my opponent. 'Why does she look so hot when she stares at me like that. I just want to pin her down and- Dammit!'

Onyx used my distracted thoughts and rushed forward to prove she was not in fact a psycho and all her love bites she would give Apollo would prove it... somehow.

Since Onyx was coming from the front this time and obviously not using her stealth, I had a bit more of a chance and blocked her initial wild charge and brought her into a bear hug before slamming her down onto the floor.

The staff of the club who were cleaning up after the long night were confused beyond belief. Fortunately all present were members of the bio cult, but that also left them conflicted. They had no idea if they were supposed to help Apollo or Onyx, both or none? Was this some sort of outer family mating ritual?

Samantha heard the mumbling of the workers, but did nothing to stop them. No she was fighting her own battle right now as she watched her Daddy go toe to toe against the big bad stalker.

She felt like it was a taboo act. Biting deep into her Daddy like that and tasting his blood and flesh. She also found the very action of Apollo fighting her future mentor on the ground right now beyond attractive and had a problem simply staying still on her seat.

Meanwhile, Onyx and I had begun a rather complex wresting match on the ground, trying to overpower one another as we constantly wriggled around like a snake mating ball with our limbs going here, there and everywhere. I eventually found an opportunity during after falling into quite the submission hold from Onyx.

As she tightened her thighs around my head, I could feel the pressure building and building. Fortunately for me, this was a no hold barred wresting match so instead of succumbing to what would have been a spectacular end, I decided to get some revenge and chomped down hard into Onyx's thigh.

Onyx's soft skin was deceptively durable underneath her leggings, so it took almost my entire biting force to draw blood and make her back off. She made space and looked at me with shock as I stood up and took a defensive position.

She then looked back at her leg and whispered. "You bit me..." Her voice was barely audible, but a mixture of shock and glee were evident in her tone. She then turned her attention back to me. The energy that was pouring out of her eyes began to recede, leaving her only with her beautiful green iris'

As she stared at me, I could feel the crazy leave the air around me as her face grew yet another smile. This one was not as sadistic and crazy as the last one, this smile was pure delight.

"You bit me!" She screamed and ran at me again, much faster than she had shown during our little match up. I had not time to react, but she did not attack and only wrapped her legs around my waist once more and rubbed her forehead against mine.

The staff began murmuring again and now the show cooled down, Samantha spoke up. "Ok all, back to work. Apollo and Onyx were just doing a special outer family courtship ritual like one of you said. Apollo won of course, so feel happy as you go about your day knowing how strong your Father is!"

As the cultists present heard that, they all had radiant smile bloom simultaneously as they began to chat in great detail about the rare and precious spectacle that happened before them.

Samantha rolled her eyes at the simple hybrids and walked over to the loving duo.

She had obviously missed something in there conversation as once she got into earshot, she heard Onyx whisper. "-Oh this is going to be so much fun! I cant wait for you to start ripping my flesh open with your teeth as you lay into me with everything you have. Actually I don't think I can wait my universe, how about we forget going out and head back upstairs?"

Samantha then watched as Apollo looked at Onyx with a tender caring in his eyes. "No my pretty little bloodsucker, I am not getting you all riled up again, you let crazy you out after my little joke, now rest up and make sure you are still fine."

Onyx smiled at Apollo one last time as she ran her nose along his neck before kissing near where she bit him. After that, she simply vanished into thin air and Apollo looked at Samantha and then asked.

"Sorry about that, now can you tell me where Kathrine is currently staying I should see her if she went through the trouble of staying over."

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