The hivemind is conquering for me?

Chapter 186: Making A Drink Together

The rest of the night passed peacefully after Sophia left. Orchid and I did not progress further than light kissing and a bit of grinding before we fell asleep in each others arms on the couch.

Looking outside the windows of the apartment, I noticed the sun was only just coming up. "What the?" I thought and looked at the clock that said 10 am. "This planets time frame is weird."

My mumbling stirred up the hug bug to my left. She opened her eyes and moved her hair off her face. "Good morning Apollo-love." Orchid said with a peaceful expression on her face. The look was irresistibly cute and deserved reward. I leant over and gave her a quick smooch before replying. "Good morning love bug."

I felt pretty good after waking up. Considering the first thing Orchid and I did was flirt, that meant our love dynamic had not changed other than the fact that she seemed to no longer be sex crazed.

It turned out I had spoken to soon as she rested her head on my shoulder and asked. "Do you want your Orchid to use her mouth to wake up your lower appendage?"

I gave her a loving smile that said. 'Oh, I won't say no to that.' As Orchid got on her knees between her beloved legs , the door to the elevator dinged open and three individuals walked out and one materialised herself into my Mindspace.

Turning my head, I saw a Tired looking Elias, A Sophia who looked like she had a headache as she massaged her temples and a chipper Keyla who yelled. "Chop, Chop Elias, so you had some drinks last night, everyone did. I am starving and I want sausages!"

Elias brought his hand to his temple as he winced in pain. Sophia saw this and scolded Keyla. "Keyla you have caused me enough trouble this day, don't go bossing my chef around." Keyla looked to the ground and whispered.

"I'm sorry." She had been constantly getting on her mothers nerves all night and this time it was n her fault, unlike earlier when the drugs had played a big part so now she felt bad about it.

Hearing his one true love defend him, he felt as though his hangover was cured as he said with great zeal. "Thank you my Lady." Sophia then looked at Elias' face and cringed internally as he laid his emotions for all to see across his face.

"Of course Elias, you are my chef after all. Now, what Keyla said sounds good, go make everyone sausages, Apollo and Orchid will have most likely worked up an appetite after I left them be so make a full breakfasts for everyone ok?"

Elias was about to reply to Sophia while her attention was on him, but then a hateful voice came from the living room. "Hey Soph, we did not take off any further than when you left." Seeing the joy spread across his loves face when that man spoke simple words of his adulterous engagements, he just could not understand her thought process and slinked off into the kitchen to do his job.

It was not Sophia to reply to me first. It was the downtrodden Keyla who perked up after seeing me. "Apollo!" She then ran from her spot and jumped over the couch to bear hug me. Her petite frame could not make me budge far, but Keyla was still strong and caused some movement from my pelvic region as Orchid was still completing her task.

"Ahh! Not the teeth darling, you know how sharp they are!" I said on reflex even though It was not her fault. She garbed up what sounded like a sorry, but her mouth was full as she continued her job.

Turning to Keyla, I raised my hand above my head and brought it down in a chopping motion. When my hand made contact with her skull I said.


Orchids PTSD made her flinch at the onomatopoeia, to many times had she heard the word. Keyla on the other hand, rubbed her head and looked at me like her world had just shattered around her.

As I was going to explain to her my logic, Sophia wrapped her arms around my shoulders and said. "Be lucky he does not have his dreaded stick with him Keyla, from what Orchid has told me, it is an anti psionic rod that suppresses your psionic abilities and to us, that is an awful feeling."

Sophia then kissed me cheek. "Speaking of awful feelings, I am sorry I had to leave earlier, is there anything I can do to make it up to you?" She had asked hoping she could imitate what her sister was currently doing. I did not see her eyes direction as she said that so I said. "Sure, If you could get me a coffee? I have a craving for caffeine right now."

Sophia's eye shot a look of envy towards Orchid, who was in her own world sight now, and proceeded to make her way to the kitchen.

When Sophia left, I wrapped my arm around the small thing sat next to me and catching her by surprise, she let out a squeak as I pulled her into me. "Does it still hurt?" She nodded her head in affirmation. 'Strange, I did not put that much power into the bonk.'

"Would you like me to kiss it better?" I said innocently. Keyla seemed to turn shy after her multiple scolding's and simply nodded her head. After her confirmation, I gave her a comforting squeeze and kissed the top of her head. As I pulled away, I saw her lips crease at the end as a small smile sprouted on her face, but it quickly dissapeared shortly after. She then whispered.

"One more..." I simply chuckled at the cutesy Keyla and obliged.

Elias was in the Kitchen with his fingers inside of a blender. Two of his metal fingers were placed inside of a custom port on the blender so he can automate the blades rpm, which blades spin, for how long and was a lot more accurate then simply eyeballing it.

As he was shredding the potatoes for prep, A figure walked into the kitchen. He can't remember the last time Sophia was in this room at the same time as him, his thoughts began to run wild as to why she was here and he accidentally caused the blades to spin at their maximum speed, turning his perfect shredded potatoes into a starchy waste.

"S-Sophia, are you here for, I mean what can I do for you?" He asked and took his hand out of the blender to avoid further catastrophe. His heart palpitated with a myriad of thoughts and myriad more scenarios that could play out.

Sophia had not even registered Elias' presence yet as she looked around at all the technology around her. She had lived here among the human prey for so long, but all the technology was like noise to her and all looked the same.

Eventually getting fed up of trying to figure out where the thing she was looking was, she finally turned to Elias and stated. "Where is the coffee machine?" The question brough Elias out of his fantasies and verbally said "Huh?"

Sophia frowned and repeated herself in a aggrieved tone. "Coffee machine. Where?" Elias sighed in his heart for letting his imagination get out of hand. "My lady if you wish for a coffee, you should have just shouted for me, you did not have to disgrace yourself to the kitchen. I shall make it for-"

Sophia was getting more annoyed by the minute at this humans lack of action. "Show me the Coffee machine now!" She ordered. Elias' smile dropped from his face, he was confused by what was happening, but decided not to use his brain for a moment and simply follow Sophia's command.

In silence he walked over to the machine and placed his hand on it. "The Machine my lady." Sophia then walked forward, causing Elias to shrink in place. He was then pushed away by a Sophia who once more could not care less for the man as she began inspecting the machine.

Elias looked on as Sophia simply stared at the machine for a good minute before pressing one of the buttons. When nothing happened, she pressed it again, and again, and again for two minutes straight until she backed away. "Elias, your machine is broke, go buy a new one and bring it here straight away." She said with certainty.

"My lady, I can guarantee you it is not broke, allow me?" Elias then walked forward and clicked the other buttons on the machine and it began to work.

Sophia looked over in a stupor for a moment at how easily Elias managed to fix the machine. "Ok Elias, teach me how to use the machine."

Elias broke out into a big grin and said. "Of course my lady." For the next 20 minutes, Elias got to stand really close to Sophia as he explained how everything worked, and after one last cup of coffee where with his instruction, Sophia managed to make a decent cup she smiled. "Perfect."

Elias felt glad that through his guidance, his lady was going to drink a drink they had made together, it seemed so intimate in a way. As Sophia brought the cup to her lip, she sniffed the drink a moment and nodded now she had the scent.

She then threw the liquid away and nodded to herself before saying to Elias. "I appreciate your help Elias, now I can make Apollo his coffee like he asked, you can go back to making the breakfast now."

Elias stood there in shock for a moment as he stared at Sophia before he turned around dejected and got back on with his job.

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