The hivemind is conquering for me?

Chapter 185: Stalkers Protection

In Sophia's apartment, our sharing of each others time apart had long come to a close and by the dim light, Sophia, Orchid and I were sensually kissing. I was currently kissing Sophia and allowed her serpent like tongue to wrap itself around mine while Orchid was kissing my neck and rubbing my chest as her hand slinked underneath my shirt.

As I pulled away from the kiss with Sophia and moved back to Orchid, Sophia was about to start caressing the other side of my neck when she suddenly jolted and yelled. "Thank you Apollo!"

The sudden increase in volume in what was previously a calm and steamy ambiance caused Orchid and my lips to separate as we looked at Sophia. "Um, your welcome? Soph, are you ok?" I asked as Sophia closed her eyes and had a frown on her face.

It look Sophia twenty seconds to respond, causing me to worry. However once she opened her eyes, she explained. "I am so sorry about that Apollo, That useless bio form more commonly known as Keyla fast tracked a Psionically gifted human and activated her parasite after only two days. The woman is strong so she was able to relay her intent through the sub link and directly to me.

Considering how at peace I was, I accidentally let it slip out."

Sophia then stood up from the couch and proceeded to meld her form back into her infiltrator form. "By the queen I am going to kill Keyla for this." She whispered as she began putting her clothes back on. "I am sorry my sweet, but I think it is best I go and deal with this now in case something goes wrong."

I flashed a sad look at her for a moment that broke not only her, but Orchids heart as well before I said. "Ok my lovely, but come back right after ok?"

"I will do my best my sweet." She said as she walked over and placed a kiss on my head before walking towards the elevator. Sophia kept a loving warm smile until the door closed behind her and then her warmth dissapeared as she used her sub link. 'Keyla, what in Apollo's name are you doing! I was so close to sleeping with beloved! When I get to you there will be hell to pay!'

Meanwhile, Keyla rolled her eyes upon hearing her mothers reaction and proceeded to drown her out with her task. She was currently sat on the floor, leaning against the wall while Willow was looking up at her desperately as her head rested on Keyla's legs.

"Can I please have more Keyla? I want to feel that way again, I want to feel that incredible connection I had to so many people. Please." Keyla then smiled lovingly at Willow and began to stroke her pink hair. "Oh pink, you can't be getting greedy already, If Mother lets you live, there is so much that needs to be taught."

Willow was about to ask who 'Mother' was, but she suddenly had a face burned into her brain. A gorgeous blonde with star blue eyes and natural red lips. With this information inside of mind somehow, Willow asked. "Why would mother want me dead? Did I do something wrong?"

Keyla was about to respond, but another voice answered instead. "Because Keyla followed her own instincts instead of the instinct of the family so to speak." Looking up to the intruder, Keyla relaxed after seeing the woman sitting on the box Willow was a few minutes ago, with one leg crossed over the other.

"Onyx? I did not realise you followed us down here." Keyla said, allowing surprise to show on her face. "If you did, I would be bad at my function." Onyx replied. She then turned to Willow and flashed a neutral smile. "Don't worry Willow, you won't be killed this night. You are valuable.

Not only to Apollo, but to the Hive as a whole."

Willow was confused as to Onyx's meaning, but she was still pretty wasted. Knowing she was safe, she decided now would be a good time to take a nap and proceeded to fall asleep on Keyla's leg.

After thinking how poetic it would be to snap the neck of the newest member of the family right now, Keyla turned her attention back to Onyx and asked. "So why did you follow me? You aren't here for revenge for stealing your treat right?" Onyx narrowed her eyes at the goading, but chose to ignore it.

" I am making sure you did not get yourself hurt, that woman is dangerous in ways you don't understand. The fact your instincts picked up her value and your sense of smell determined she was viable stock for the cult is truly impressive. It is even more impressive that you accomplished an impossible task by planting a parasite in her Mindspace." Onyx said as she looked at Keyla with a curious grin.

"It truly makes me wonder what your Psionic ability has done to your Mind. Perhaps I should take a look around one day?"

Keyla smiled at Onyx. "By all means take a look, but all you will see is darkness and bloodshed surrounding the alter that is Apollo's radiance. And please, Onyx don't go talking all 'foreseery' on my ass. I am smart when It comes to killing, manipulation and taking pictures of people right in front of them without them realising, but Psionic powers? I will just fall asleep."

Keyla then felt a wetness on her pant leg as Willow had begun drooling. "Oh you bitch, I liked these pants." She vented to the sleeping Willow before she looked back to Onyx. "What should I do with this one then?"

"Take her to one of the guest rooms like you said you would do with Kathrine." Keyla stared blankly at Onyx for a moment. "Do you listen to everything I say or are you just that good with your foresight?"

Onyx giggled at that comment. "Oh please, if my foresight was perfect, I'd be constantly scheming the best ways for Apollo to be inside me for as long as possible instead of just mostly doing that. No, I can just drown out sounds as much as I want. The club upstairs? I actively supressed all the sounds except the individuals I was going to be talking to. Simple trick, I will show it to you sometime."

Onyx paused a moment looking at Keyla's unimpressed face. "What?" Onyx asked. "Sorry I did not get a word of that, I couldn't hold back the drugs from affecting me anymore and you just look like a massive shadow." Keyla said to the talking shadow.

It was Onyx's turn to look at Keyla with an unimpressed look. She then hopped off the box and dusted off her pants. "Fine, I will take the woman upstairs and oh, never mind." Onyx turned her head to the right and Keyla followed suit.

Down the hallway, a woman exited the elevator and without needing to get her bearing, started charging straight towards the trio of women.

It did not take foresight to see Sophia's current emotion, so Onyx decided to pick Willow up and throw her over her shoulder. As she did that, Sophia had made it to Keyla. She said nothing as she picked to woman up by the neck and forced her into the wall with a loud thud.

Keyla's eye twitched at the impact and her link was telling her to say nothing, but her mind was damaged goods so. "What no foreplay? Mommy come on~ you gotta make a girl wet first before starting with the whole Dom play."

Sophia was not pleased as she began to squeeze harder. By now a normal humans neck would have snapped, but Keyla was still struggling. 'Shit, she is really serious... I might die right now. That is so hot!'

Deciding now would be a good time to intervene, Onyx grabbed Sophia's arm in a way that relived all pressure and allowed Keyla to drop to the floor. Sophia turned around and with a strange calmness asked. "Why did you do that? I was not really going to kill her."

Onyx changed her pose as she looked Sophia up and down. "I wouldn't be so sure. I recognise the look in your eyes, I smell your hormonal changes and Apollo's saliva still lingering on your breath and his delicious scent all over your body. You have gone into a heat state and would have killed your subordinate without realising it due to your fluctuated emotions."

Sophia was taken aback by that statement and then looked back at Keyla and spotted the bruising that had already formed around her throat. "Oh." She said before turning back to Onyx.

"I feel no remorse for what I just did Keyla, she broke procedure, now how do we deal with this woman? From what I can tell from the sub link, she has ties to the Hyllus'?" She said.

Onyx looked at her and actively took a step back from Sophia. "More than ties to those red heads Sophia. As Apollo's cloak and shield, I am placing Willow under my protection and by extension, Apollo's"

Sophia was shocked by the statement and it brought her back to her usual state. She looked at the Stalker in front of her with confusion.


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