The Heartbeat at the Tip of the Tongue

Chapter 68

The standard of Jiang Qian Fan

And judge David was an even harsher critic of the dessert.

He had only one mouth, and furrowed his eyebrows: Everything was done perfectly, but precisely because it was done to the T, the burnt taste of the syrup is even more obvious I was prepared to be fullyconquered but my whole heart feels empty now

Yes, Viktor made a mistake. This mistake may be nothing to average chefs,afterall, only few customers would be able to taste it, but to these judges with sensitive taste buds, it was impossible to close an eye.

Viktorsmatchaopera cake received a score of 6.8 points, his final score was still 8.7 points.

The audience exhaled, as long as it were above 8.7 points, Viktors placing would still be very obvious. Unless the 2ndplace LinKeSong got 10 points, it would be impossible to beat him.

It looked like, Viktor was going to be the champion of this competition.

Actually, the second place is notoobad toobaImsaying that you managed to meet a competitor like Viktor so as long asKeSong is able to get a 2ndplace, and not be overtaken by thatGotoNozomi then itll be all fineimsaying, that even if she were taken over, shed still be able togeta 3rdplace right? Uncle Lin got nervous, and incoherent.

Dad, what are you talking about! It isnt even the last moment yet! Lin XiaoXueused her arm to give Uncle Lin a knock.

Song Yi Ran gave a little smile saying: yeah ah, it isnt even the last moment yet.

At this time,ShanShatoo, raised her hand to indicate that she was done.

Her cooking, from the appetiser to the main dish and even the dessert, were all vegetarian.

In New York, the most prominentvegetarianchef was the Witch Lilith.

ShanShasappetiser used various kinds of beans to make a puree, to place in the middle of mushrooms and sent to get baked, when the richness of the bean puree and the freshness of the mushrooms fused together, shove everything into your mouth at once, bite down on it, and the juices of the bean puree in the mushroom will flow out Winston let out a longlongsigh.

On the plate of every judge, there were 3 mushrooms, and David couldnt resist the temptation, and actually ate all 3 of the mushrooms at once.

Judge David, you have to stop, you must know that there are still a few more contestants whose dishes you have to taste! Annalise couldnt help but voice out.

Dont worry, my appetite has always been large. These 3 small mushrooms are small fry to me

All the audience guffawed, the competitive atmosphere became more relaxed.

AndShanShasmain dish was stir-fried tofu with spinach and mushroom sauce.

The expression of each judge when they cut the tofu open was like they were cutting into the tender fresh steak, and their expressions when the food entered their mouths were delightful too.

I have never thought that food without any trace of meat would be able to whet my appetite greatly! the way David licked his lips was like a fat cat, making the audience unable to help but laugh.

Winston, Kevin and the other judges had high praises for this main dish, the only flaw was that the tofu should have been fried on the other side too, to all every mouthful to be able to get the crunchy feeling.

As forShanShasdessert, it was goldenganmanicake. Tiny embellishments of mint leaves on the cake was scattered throughout, carrying flavours of orange, liqueurs and chocolate almonds, the cake was soft and moist, the only lacking thing was that in the process of making the cake, the cake hadnt fully frozen before the chocolate candy seal was applied.

ShanShascooking got a final score of 8 points, she looked obviously not satisfied with the score, because this score didnt allow her the absolute advantage to enter the top 3 places.

AfterShanSha,GotoNozomi too raised his hand to indicate that hed finished cooking.

why is everyone done and only left withKeSong and a Russian competitor ah! So anxiety-inducing! Lin XiaoXuewho was in the audience covered her eyes.

Uncle Lin turned around to pat the back of her hands saying: Dont be nervous! Dont be nervous! MaybeGotoNozomi will make a mistake!

Lin XiaoXuetook a look atGotoNozomis calm expression, and shook her head saying: no matter how you look at him, he doesnt look like hell make any mistake ah

WhatGotoNozomi presented was Japanese cuisine with a French twist.

His appetiser was fennel octopus salad.

Oh, fennel octopus salad is the most popular appetiser in French cuisine. The octopus itselfdoesnthave any flavour, whether the salad can be delicious, will depend on the balance of the ratio of the octopus and fennel. Too much fennel, the original taste of the octopus will be lost. Too little fennel, the freshness of the octopus will be unable to take off and be lifted.

Winston took a mouthful, then put down the utensils, this made everyone tense up was there a problem with the salad?

A perfect creation, if this were an opera, I would give it a standing ovation. In this salad, once the octopus and fennel meet, its like experiencing an intensely passionate kiss this dish has definitely shown the standard of seafood master Huggins!

Winston rarely used analogies to describe a contestants creation, this showed that he was really satisfied withGotoNozomis cooking.

AndGotoNozomis main dish conquered the taste buds of the judges strongly: Spicy squid. The ingredients used were very simple, apart from squid, there was only onions, garlic, red pepper, rosemary, sea salt and black pepper. But the control of fire for this dish made the judges shout praise, all the ratios of the ingredients done to perfection, making people uncontrollably send the whole piece of squid into their mouth.

tender fresh and full of flavour, the tingling sensationfothe pepper spreads on the tongue the moment the squid opens, a surprise hidden in the balance offlavours this is the taste that wejudges wantottaste the most! No complicated cooking process, no hard to pronounce ingredients, everything depending on technique.

Winston said his heartfelt and most important expectation that he had for the contestants from the start.

A pity that compared toGotoNozomis appetiser and main dish, his dessert was lacking: Royal bittersweet chocolate cake.

The sweetness of the sugar cream gum was a little lacking, this was due toGotoNozomi himself not fancying sweet foods.

No matter,GotoNozomi got a high average score of 9.4 points. If the dessert were a little more perfect, his score for this round would have reached 9.6 points.

But this kind of excellence could not let him chase up to Viktors overall score. After all, the advantage that Viktor had gained for the previous 2 rounds was too much, and even though there was a huge mistake for the third round, the fourth round and the finale brought him back many points.

Annalise looked at the scoreboard, she smiled towards LinKeSong and the remaining Russian contestant: Darlings, there are 3 minutes left to the end of the competition! Are you all ready?

Both the Russian contestant and LinKeSong enter the plating phase.

The Russian contestant accidentally knocked a portion of the main dish to the bottom of the work island, he looked at the dish on the floor stupidly, and couldnt help but grab his forehead as he retreated.

The audience let out a gasp, and this unintentionally gave him more pressure.

Annalise couldnt help but give a reminder: Please take note, even if you lose a plate of the main dish, there are 12 judges, your score will not be affected by more than 0.5 points! My suggestion is that you calmly finish doing what you need to do, and hold on to the end!

The Russian contestant gave an exhale, and continued to finish his plating.

And at this time, LinKeSong raised her hands, indicating that shed finished all her cooking.

Ah LinKeSong! You must know that I myself have very high expectations for you! The judges have already tried Viktors perfect appetiser and main dish,ShanShassurprising vegetarian cooking andGotoNozomis subduing spicy squid,KeSong, if you wish to remain in the top 3 positions, you mustntve made any mistake, or have any flaws. You understand?

Lin KE Song lowered her head to look at the cooking that she herself had prepared, and nodded: They are perfect.

The audience who were watching LinKeSong from below the stage were surprised at her confidence. Even though they thought that this was the brave front of a young lady who persisted to the end, these 3 hours of her calm and methodical ways couldnt help but make them believe in her confidence.

When her cooking was placed on the food cart, and sent to the judges room, she didnt feel any of the uneasiness or nervousness from before, on the contrary she felt that everything was a lot lighter.

She turned her head, and looked towards Jiang Qian Fan, it was like he knew where she was, his eyes were looking in her direction.

The appetiser of the pea shrimp jelly was placed in front of the judges.

Annalise smiled and asked: judges, are you sure that you are still able to continue eating?

Oh heavens ah! Pea shrimp jelly all I know is that in this country, the only 2 people who are able to make this dish to peak standard are Michelin 3 stars restaurantpolarlightshead chef Brody and Jiang Qian Fan. If it werent for the gossip news, I definitely have not believed that head chef Jiang Qian Fan would mentor an amateur level student! So I firmly believe that this student definitely has some extraordinary talent! This dish combines the cooking methods of French and Chinese cooking, and presents the richness of the French cuisine and the uniqueness of Chinese cuisine to thetastebuds! I really want to know now, just how much of Jiang Qian Fans skill set did this dish inherit! David picked up his fork and knife in great anticipation, but he couldnt bear to fork the shrimp jelly, oh, heavens ah,Imreally nervous. This dish is beautifully plated. The green transparency of the shrimp jelly us like lying at the base of an emerald lake. With thisrefractiveness, its texture will definitely be amazing! ButImworried if it doesnt match up to the deliciousness of my imagination I will be so devastated ah

Mayer who was in the audience gave a sigh, and whispered in complain to Jiang Qian Fan beside him: this god damn fat David, cant he just talk less rubbish, and put the shrimp jelly into his mouth, then tell everyone if its good or not!

And Winston too lifted his hand to press against his brows: If I hadnt known that all the participants of the competition were under the witness of the audience the plating of this appetiser, colour, every detail will make me think that this was Jiang Qian Fan but the appearance doesnt matter. Only the perfection and exquisiteness of the layers of flavours, will really represent Jiang Qian Fans standard.

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