The Heartbeat at the Tip of the Tongue

Chapter 67

Word count: 1966

Viktors mistake

That was thecontestantfrom Canada.

On the screen, the judges werearranging their napkins on their chests, already ready to taste the first dish.

That was a mini Italian pizza dumpling.On thesurface, it looked fried to agolden brown,the smallcrescent, looked very exquisite, the sauce at the base of the plate looked very well proportioned.

En editor Winston nodded his head, like he was full of anticipation, when he used a knife to cut the dumpling open, he gave a sigh, on average, onlya little oil is needed tofry the pizza dumpling. Even though its a little, there still needs to be an appropriate amount. When cutting the dumpling open, the skin wasnt crispy enough, this will greatly affect the taste.

The pizza dumpling only got 5 points. This wasnt a great start.

The Canadian contestant grabbed his forehead with his hand, and gave a forceful sigh, only being able to put his hopes on his main dish of Italian beef ham roll.

The presentation of the main dish was pretty good, its only a pity that in a rush, the veal didnt receive enough of a pounding and the flavours could not sink in. the comments werent great, only 6 points.

At this time, no matterhow good the dessert was, there was no chance of a recovering the gap, and the judges had already lost interest.

The fruit flesh in the passion fruit mousse wasnt stewed to sufficient thickness, the taste was disappointing.

The final score the Canadian contestant got was only 5.8 points.

This made the audience hum, and gave the other contestants on set lingering fear right into the palms of their hands, and start to worry about whether the preparations they had made before were sufficient.

All the ingredients have to be prepared meticulously, and precision takes time. Jiang Qian Fan said.

Yes, Sir.SoIm very pleased, because according to Lin Ke Songs current state, everything that she is doing is done meticulously, everything is in her control.

At this time, Lin Ke Song was peeling the apples. Her actions were very quick, she was using the fruitknifeand not the blade for peeling. The fruit peel twirled down in rounds, without a slight trace of breaking off.

All ofthe audience was attracted. Uncle Lin asked Song Yi Ran who was beside him: What are they curious about? Thats the way we all peel fruits!

Lin Ke Song pretty much only needed 10 plus seconds tofinishpeeling an apple, then juice it.

Even if it were a fully juiced apple, she didnt forget to make sure of its taste.

Is she going to give the judges apple juice? Whats the point in that? Lin Xiao Xue was nervous at that point of time, because she could see that there were contestants who were done with the competition already, What the judges want is an appetiser, a main dish and a dessert, nothing to do with drinks at all ah!

Dont be agitated. The pulp can be used to make dessert, and the juice can be used to make the seasoning. Song Yi Ran explained while laughing at Lin Xiao Xue.

Is that so ah Lin Xiao Xue had never thought that fruits could be used to season things.

The Mexican contestants foodwassent to the front of the judges.

His appetiser wasCabbacioraw beef. When the judges saw the appetiser, they guessed who his mentor was.

Oh I really wonder if this raw beef would have the standard of Chef Morris? Winstons expression was full of anticipation.

But this raw beef dish only received a score of 7 points.

the Italian vinaigrette should have been simmered over a small fire to a syrup, but its obvious that you were rushing for results, the fire was too great. Even though the sauce was cooked faster thannormal, it has lost its rich flavour.

His main dish and dessert too, had pretty much the same scoring as the appetiser.

After that, there were a few contestants whod also finished the competition, but all their scores didnt go past 7.5 points.

The audience started murmuringagain. They all thought that the dishes had pretty presentations, that whettedpeoplesappetites, but the scores that the judges gave all werent high, was it because it was a competition, so they were harsher than before?

Its not because they are too harsh, but the contestants are hurried for many things, the heat wasnt enough, too many mistakes were made on the details.

Uncle Lin exhaled a breath. Looking at Lin Ke Song who was currentlystir-fryingthe sauce, he suddenly felt greatly at peace.

It looked like at least up to now, these mistakeswontbe happening on Lin Ke Song.

At this time, Viktor raised his hand up, to announce that he was done with his own cooking.

The cameraman panned the view to Viktors food. The appetiser looked intricate and beautiful, the colour of the main dish, the chicken cooked by the beam method made people covet it, the dessert was Italian sorbet, but it was a little different from the average sorbet. Everything was so perfect it was like the dishes of a 3 starred Michelin restaurant.

Lin Ke Song continued busying like she hadnt heard anything.

And in the hearts of each of the audience, this competition had arrived at its climax.

Viktorliftedthe sides of his lips in confidence, and let everyone in the audience believe that he will be giving the judges the best experience.

This was a dish ofMediterraneanbasil tomatoes. Everytomatothat was only slightly bigger than the thumb had had the pulp in the middle removed, then stuffed with stuffing.

Winstoninhaled a breath,useda spoon to carefully scoop up a tomato, and sent it into his mouth, the ends of his lips revealing a smile: After having mytaste budsgo through such long devastating periods, I have finally been saved. Even though I dont know who this contestant is, I know that their mentor is head chef Jessica Quentin, the evergreen tree in the fine dining industry. This is anappetiser that is very refreshing, soft and full of surprise. The amount of garlic is just right, letting the aroma of the basil comethrough, the tomato sauce wasnt overcooked to tartness, and on the contrary, totally brings out the freshness of the parmesan cheese and the little sweet shrimp. Without a doubt, this is the work of a great chef.

Viktors appetiser got a high score of 9.6 points, his eyes carried a confident and proud smile.

The colour of the main dish of beam cooked chicken was so light, almost to the point of whiteness, the transparent sauce slowly flowing on the surface was like a stream, and with only a whiff of the fragrance, the judges were already starting to swallow their saliva.

The main point of this dish is in thetartificationof the cream sauce, the fire used for the meat and the freshness of the liver stuffed inside the chicken meat. Any little mistake will make this dish lose its flavour. Winston lifted his fork and knife to cut open the muscle, everyone was in anticipation, as he brought the chicken meat to eh camera, to let everyone see the insides of this dish clearly, the liver didnt have any signs of greyness to indicate that it was overcooked, on the contrary, it looked very smooth and tender.

But, it looks like, this contestant hasnt made any mistake. Winston smiled as he cut a piece, and sent it into his mouth, En the chicken bones were remover very meticulously, there is no texture of the meat being cut. The celery and onion did not snatch the spotlight from the lemongrass and cumin, instead they added layers of flavour to this dish. The mostmostimportant thing is the slight curry flavour from the liver that is left jumping on the tongue, like mischievous little fish in a quiet and peaceful lake. This is incredible incredible

Because this dish was so flavourful, some of the judges could not help themselves and ate half of the dish. For the sake of allowing the judges to continue, the staff on site couldnt not give reminders. This attractiveness, didnt even appear in the previous competitors.

Viktorsmaindish got a high score of 9.7 points.

Mayer who was in the audience let out a sigh: it looks like, itsalmostimpossible for Ke Song to win him. Even if his dessert has a mess up, his score will still be over 9 points.

Forget the past competition, whatever thatshappeningnow is the most important. Jiang Qian Fan tilted his face slightly, Tell me, what does she look like now?

Shesjust reached the fridge, and taken out a bowl of peas and shrimp jelly. It looks like the shrimp jelly has taken shape, the colour and transparency issimilar tothe one that Mr Jiang made. Oh, she is cutting the shrimp jelly apart, it looks very bouncy I believe her appetiser was made successfully!

But of course. Shes always liked to eat that dish.Soshe remembers that dishs texture and flavour, as long as they are remembered by her, she will definitely be able to reproduce.

Mayer nodded, and continued watching the competition.

The judges had already started tasting Viktors dessert. It wasmatchaopera cake.

Even though this was only an average cake, people in the finediningindustry knew, Jessica Quentinsmatchaopera cake was one of a kind. Cake that was fluffy yet bouncy, soft buttercream, the light freshness ofmatchaand the richness of the chocolate sauce, these all came together to make a delightful taste at the tip of a persons tongue.

Winston took the first bite, and exclaimed: As expected, no matter if it were the tongue or the teeth, they are all able to feel the bounciness andsoftnessof the cake embryo I really wanttoknow what the secret is tocreatethis result!

Even after he slowly swallowed the cake, he still had his eyes closed to deeply relive the taste.

Then Winston gave a sigh: Everything is close to perfection, but there is an extremely minute flaw

The audience all stretched their necks, really wanting to know what this flaw was.

I know that this competition gives the competitors a lot of pressure. Everyonehas todo a few things at the same time. Hands cutting ingredients, while keeping an eye on 2 or 3 pots cooking, everything is done busily. But its just that the appetiser and main dish were so perfect, I couldnt help but harshly expect that the dessert would become a wonderful memory. It is expectedotuse vanilla beans and white sugar to make a sweet syrup.Imguessing, at the first round of simmering the sugar water, the pot was close to drying up, this contestant couldnt help but add more water, and fish out the vanilla beans to save it. But even though the slightly burnt taste was covered well in the 2ndlayer of the cake my sense of taste is not like an average persons

Viktor gripped his fist tightly.

He had already carefullymade adjustmentsfor this mistake, but he didnt think that Winston would be able to taste it.

As expected when facing Winston, oneshouldnttake any chances

Winston lifted his hand to look at his watch, and said regretfully: Actually, this contestant had the timetoremake the sugar syrup, but I understand that once a step is messed up, it is possible to mess up what was once easily done but this syrup was too important to this dessert

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