The Demon Queen's Contract

Chapter 45: Did you forget about me

I woke before dawn, the first rays of sunlight creeping through the curtains casting a soft glow over the room. Elara lay beside me, her chest rising and falling in a gtle rhythm. She looked peaceful, almost ethereal, with a faint smile playing on her lips.

My heart swelled at the sight, and for a momt, I let myself bask in the serity of the momt. Seeing her like this made everything worthwhile.

With a heavy heart, I knew I had to leave the warmth of our bed. Carefully, so as not to wake her, I slipped out of bed and padded across the room to the bathroom.

The cold tiles under my feet were a stark contrast to the warmth of the bed, and I shivered slightly as I turned on the shower. Stepping under the hot spray, I let the water cascade over me, washing away the remnants of sleep and the worries that lingered from the previous day.

As the steam filled the bathroom, my mind wandered back to the evts of last night. The attack, my grandmother's harsh words, and my vow to protect Elara. I had to stay strong, for her sake. Today, I needed to discuss security measures with the guards, suring that such a breach would never happ again.

After a few minutes, I turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, wrapping myself in a plush towel. I took my time getting dressed, donning my usual attire: black trousers, a fitted shirt, and my long, dark cloak.

The familiar weight of my clothing was comforting, a reminder of my role and responsibilities.

I glanced back at Elara one last time before leaving the room. She was still sound asleep, her face peaceful and sere. I quietly slipped out of our chambers and made my way down the corridors to the guard's quarters.

The palace was still waking up, and only a few servants moved about, preparing for the day ahead.

As I approached the guard's quarters, I straighted my posture, letting the cold mask of authority settle over my features. The guards stood at atttion as I tered, their faces a mix of respect and wariness.

"Good morning, Commander Seraphina," Captain Lyra greeted me, her tone formal and respectful.

"Captain," I acknowledged with a curt nod. "We need to discuss the security breach from yesterday."

Lyra's expression harded, and she gestured for the other guards to gather a. "Of course, Commander. We've increased patrols a the perimeter, but we need more specific instructions on how to prevt such an incidt in the future."

"First, we need to assess how the demon was able to infiltrate the palace," I began, my voice steady and authoritative. "Review the footage from the security crystals and interrogate anyone who might have se or heard something unusual."

"Yes, Commander," Lyra replied, jotting down notes on a parchmt.

"We also need to hance the magical wards a the palace," I continued. "Consult with the mages and sure that every possible try point is fortified. We can't afford any more lapses."

A murmur of agreemt rippled through the guards. I could see the determination in their eyes, a reflection of my own resolve. Protecting Elara was not just my duty; it was a personal mission.

"Commander, what about internal security?" one of the younger guards, Tristan, asked hesitantly. "Should we increase the number of guards within the palace itself?"

"Absolutely," I said firmly. "Double the shifts and sure that every corridor is monitored. No one should be able to move through this palace without our knowledge."

Tristan nodded, his face set in determination. I could see that my words were having the desired effect, instilling a sse of urgcy and responsibility in the team.

"Commander," Captain Lyra spoke up again, "do you have any specific suspects in mind? Someone who might want to harm Que Elara?"

I paused, considering her question. "We cannot rule out anyone at this point. Everyone, from servants to visiting dignitaries, should be scrutinized. Trust no one without verification."

The gravity of my words hung in the air, and I saw the guards exchange uneasy glances. I couldn't afford to be soft or lit. Elara's life was at stake, and I would not allow any more threats to slip through our defses.

After the meeting, I dismissed the guards and lingered for a momt, my thoughts swirling. The weight of my responsibilities was heavy, but it was a burd I bore willingly. As I made my way back to our chambers, my thoughts were interrupted by the sight of my grandmother waiting for me in the hallway.

"Seraphina," she called, her tone a mix of curiosity and concern.

"Grandmother," I replied, stopping in my tracks. "Is there something you need?"

She approached me, her sharp eyes studying my face. "You seem troubled, my dear."

"It's nothing I can't handle," I said, trying to maintain my composure.

Her eyes narrowed slightly. "You're under a lot of pressure. Don't let it cloud your judgmt."

"I won't," I assured her, though I could feel the tsion building within me.

She reached out, placing a hand on my arm. "Remember, Seraphina, you are not alone in this. Lean on your allies."

I nodded, appreciating her words ev if our relationship was strained. "Thank you, Grandmother. I'll keep that in mind."

With a final nod, she turned and walked away, leaving me to my thoughts. I took a deep breath and continued toward our chambers, my resolve stronger than ever.

As I tered the room, I found Elara still asleep, her chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm. She looked so peaceful, so vulnerable, and it stirred something deep within me.

I sat on the edge of the bed, watching her for a momt before reaching out to gtly caress her cheek. Her skin was soft and warm, a stark contrast to the cold exterior I had to maintain in front of others.

Leaning down, I pressed a gtle kiss to her forehead, letting my lips linger for a momt. "Why can't you recognize me," I whispered, my voice barely audible. "Did you forget about me."

Elara stirred slightly, a soft sigh escaping her lips. I stayed by her side, my hand resting on her cheek, feeling the steady beat of her heart beath my fingertips. This was where I belonged, by her side, protecting her from whatever threats lurked in the shadows.

As the first light of dawn filtered through the curtains, I knew that today would bring new challges. But I was ready, and I would face them head-on, for Elara's sake. No matter what it took, I would keep her safe.

And so, with rewed determination, I prepared myself for the day ahead, knowing that my love for Elara would be my guiding light through the darkness.

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