The Demon Queen's Contract

Chapter 44: I will still protect you

After Elara wt to bed, exhausted and shak from the attack, I lingered in the hallway, my thoughts racing. The weight of the day's evts bore down on me, but the most pressing concern was suring Elara's safety.

Each step I took toward our chambers felt like trudging through a mire of anxiety and fear. Just as I reached the heavy wood doors, a familiar presce blocked my path.

"Seraphina," my grandmother's voice cut through the air, cold and commanding. Her sharp eyes, glinting like daggers, scrutinized me with an intsity that could pierce armor.

She stood there, a formidable figure draped in the regalia of our house, exuding an air of unassailable authority.

"Grandmother," I acknowledged, forcing a calm demeanor despite the turmoil inside me. The tsion betwe us was palpable, the air thick with unspok accusations.

"We need to talk," she declared, dismissing the nearby servants with a curt flick of her hand. The corridor emptied swiftly, leaving us alone in a silce that felt as if it could swallow us whole.

Before I could muster a response, her hand shot out, slapping me hard across the face. The sting was sharp, a -hot flash of pain, but I refused to flinch. My cheek burned, a physical manifestation of the seething rage beath my calm exterior.

"How dare you?" she hissed, her voice a low, vomous growl. "How dare you bring this shame upon our family?" Her words dripped with contempt, each syllable a dagger aimed at my heart.

My jaw clched, anger bubbling beath the surface. "What are you talking about?" I demanded, struggling to keep my voice steady.

"You married one of the greatest thieves in the kingdom!" she spat, her eyes blazing with a fury that threated to consume us both. "Elara is nothing but a common criminal, and you have the audacity to make her our que?"

"Elara is more than her past," I retorted, my voice steady despite the rage building inside me. "She is strong, capable, and deserves a chance."

"Strong?" My grandmother scoffed, the sound harsh and bitter. "She couldn't ev defd herself from that demon earlier."

I frowned, confusion creeping into my anger. "What are you saying?" The day's evts replayed in my mind, the ferocity of the attack, the terror in Elara's eyes, and my desperate attempts to protect her.

"That attack wasn't a test," she revealed, her tone laced with bitterness. "It was a real demon, st to kill Elara."

The revelation hit me like a punch to the gut. My mind raced, piecing together the implications. "A demon? Who would sd a demon after Elara?" The very idea was unthinkable, a nightmarish scario that I had hoped was a mere illusion.

"I don't know," she admitted, her anger momtarily giving way to a flicker of guine concern. "But it proves my point. Elara is a liability."

"She's not a liability," I argued, stepping closer. The air betwe us crackled with tsion. "She is my wife, and I will protect her."

"Ev if it means putting your own life at risk?" she challged, her voice softing slightly, a note of something almost akin to pity tering her tone.

"Yes," I answered without hesitation. "I made a vow to her, and I intd to keep it." The conviction in my voice surprised ev me, a testamt to the depths of my resolve.

My grandmother's expression softed, a mixture of frustration and reluctant admiration. "You are too much like your father," she said quietly, her voice tinged with a sadness that spoke of old wounds. "Stubborn and reckless."

"Maybe," I conceded, "but I love Elara. And I believe in her." Each word was a declaration, a defiance of the shadows that sought to undermine our union.

She sighed deeply, the sound carrying the weight of gerations of expectations and disappointmts. The tsion betwe us was almost unbearable, a taut string ready to snap. "Seraphina, this path you have chos is fraught with danger. Are you prepared for that?"

"I am," I said firmly. "Whatever it takes, I will keep Elara safe." My resolve was a shield, my love for Elara an unbreakable sword.

For a momt, silce hung betwe us, heavy with unspok words and unhealed wounds. Th, with a final, reluctant nod, my grandmother stepped back. "Very well. But remember, I will be watching. Do not disappoint me."

"I won't," I promised, meeting her gaze with unwavering determination. Her eyes held a mixture of doubt and reluctant respect, a testamt to the chasm that still lay betwe us.

She turned and walked away, the echo of her footsteps fading into the dimly lit corridor. I took a deep breath, trying to steady my racing heart. The reality of the threat against Elara weighed heavily on me, but my resolve only strgthed. I had to protect her, no matter the cost.

As I stood there, alone in the darkness, the ormity of the task ahead loomed large, but I knew one thing for certain: I would not falter.

Quietly, I made my way to our chambers. The sight of Elara, peacefully asleep despite the turmoil of the day, brought a wave of tderness over me. I approached the bed and gtly caressed her cheek, my fingers tracing the soft contours of her face.

"I don't care about other people," I whispered, my voice barely audible in the stillness of the room. "But I will still protect you, my love."

Elara stirred slightly, a soft sigh escaping her lips. I leaned down, pressing a gtle kiss to her forehead, feeling the warmth of her skin against mine. Despite everything, she was my anchor, the one who ged me.

As I settled into bed beside her, I kept a watchful eye on the shadows, my sses alert to any pottial threats. The world outside might be dangerous, filled with those who sought to harm us, but within these walls, I would create a sanctuary for Elara.

Together, we would face whatever challges lay ahead. And I would sure that she felt safe and loved, no matter what.

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