The Demon Queen's Contract

Chapter 3: I don't want to go with you

"No," I stammered, my voice trembling. "I can't—"

"I do not have time for your resistance," she said coldly. The demon que's expression didn't change, but a flicker of irritation crossed her eyes.

Without another word, she raised her hand, and suddly, red flames ignited in her palm. The heat radiated from the fire, and I could feel it ev from a few feet away. I instinctively took a step back, my heart pounding in my chest.

"Wait!" I cried, fear making my voice high-pitched. "I don't want to go with you!"

She didn't reply. Instead, she allowed the fire to coil a her fingers, forming fiery chains that glowed ominously. She took a step towards me, her eyes never leaving mine. I braced myself for the pain, for the burn that was sure to come.

But the chains wrapped a my wrists and ankles without harming me. The heat was intse, but the flames didn't burn my skin. Instead, they seemed to meld with the air a me, binding me without causing pain. My fear gave way to confusion as I looked at the glowing chains.

"W-What is this?" I said.

The chains tighted a my wrists and waist, pulling me toward the demon que. She stepped forward, her icy gaze locked on mine.

"Let's go to the demon realm now. I don't have time for that kind of shit," she said, her voice as cold as her eyes.

Before I could protest, there was a blinding flash of light, and the world a me dissolved. Wh my vision cleared, I found myself standing in a grand hall that took my breath away.

We stood in a grand hall of another castle, this one ev more imposing than the first. The walls were made of black stone, adorned with intricate carvings of demonic figures and ancit runes that glowed faintly in the dim light.

Massive pillars supported the high vaulted ceiling, and the floor beath my feet was covered in a plush, crimson carpet. Torches lined the walls, their flames casting flickering shadows that danced across the room.

In the cter of the hall was a throne made of dark, polished stone, crusted with precious gems that sparkled ominously. The atmosphere was suffocating, filled with an oppressive ergy that seemed to press down on me from all sides.

I pulled against the fiery chains, desperate to escape, but they held firm. Panic surged through me as I looked a for any means of escape. There were no windows, and the only door was heavily guarded by formidable-looking demons with sharp claws and glowing eyes.

"Let me go!" I cried, trying to wrch my arm free from the demon que's grasp. But she was far stronger than she looked.

"Silce," she commanded, her voice echoing through the hall. With a flick of her wrist, she summoned a burst of magic that clamped over my mouth, silcing me instantly. I struggled against the invisible gag, but it was futile.

She turned to a demon maid who had be standing quietly by the door. The maid was petite, with pale blue skin and large, dark eyes. Her expression was neutral, almost bored.

"Take her to her room," the demon que ordered, her tone cold and authoritative. "And post guards at the door. I don't want her escaping."

The maid bowed slightly. "Yes, Your Majesty," she replied, her voice soft but firm. She approached me and gtly took my arm, leading me away from the grand hall and down a long, dimly lit corridor.

I glanced back at the demon que, my mind a whirlwind of fear and confusion. Who was she really? Why had she chos me? And what did she mean by making me her wife? None of it made any sse.

The corridor was lined with heavy wood doors, each one intricately carved and bound with iron. The walls were decorated with tapestries depicting sces of battles and strange, fantastical creatures. The air was thick with the sct of incse and something metallic, like blood.

The maid stopped in front of a door near the d of the corridor and pushed it op. Inside was a lavishly furnished room, with a large bed covered in dark silk sheets, a wardrobe made of ebony wood, and a vanity table adorned with various brushes and perfumes. A fireplace crackled softly in one corner, casting a warm glow over the room.

"You will stay here," the maid said, releasing my arm. "If you need anything, the guards will fetch it for you."

I tried to speak, but the magic still held my mouth shut. The maid seemed to understand my predicamt. She glanced at the guards standing outside the door and gave them a brief nod before turning back to me.

"The que's magic will wear off soon," she said, her tone surprisingly gtle. "Just... try to stay calm."

With that, she left the room, closing the door behind her. I was left standing in the middle of the luxurious prison, my mind racing. I tried the door, but it was locked from the outside. The windows were barred, and there was no other way out.

Slowly, the magic binding my mouth dissipated, and I took a deep breath, my mind finally catching up with everything that had happed. I sank down onto the edge of the bed, feeling utterly lost.

"How did I d up here?" I whispered to myself, burying my face in my hands. "What is going on?"

I couldn't shake the image of the demon que from my mind. Her cold, purple eyes, her commanding presce, the way she had effortlessly used her magic.

She was powerful, terrifying, and incredibly beautiful. The thought of being bound to her, of becoming her wife, was incomprehsible.

I needed answers. I needed to understand why this was happing to me and what my future held in this strange, dangerous world. But for now, all I could do was wait and hope that someone would explain everything to me.

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