The Demon Queen's Contract

Chapter 2: Awakening in Chains

I woke up with a start, gasping for air. My chest heaved as I tried to gather my bearings. The last thing I remembered was the suffocating darkness of the trash bag, the alley, . But now, I was lying on a cold, stone floor. I blinked, my eyes adjusting to the dim light filtering through a barred window high above me.

Wait I died because of a trash bag is that ev an interesting death I'm sure my family was lauging so hard wh they found my body.

"What the…" I murmured, sitting up slowly. The room a me was stark, the walls made of rough-hewn stone, the floor covered in straw that did little to cushion the hard surface. A prison. I was in a prison.

Voices echoed from the hallway outside, and I strained to catch snippets of conversation. Some sounded human, others… not. I shivered, a sse of foreboding settling over me. I pulled myself up, wincing as I felt the weight of chains a my wrists and ankles. What kind of place was this?

"Is this a dream?" I whispered to myself, rubbing my temples. The pain felt real ough, but this place was straight out of a fantasy novel.

A clanging noise jolted me out of my thoughts, and I looked up to see a guard peering through the bars of my cell door. He was tall, with pointed ears and a stern expression. An elf. My mouth dropped op in shock. Elves? This had to be a dream.

"You're awake," the guard said in a gruff voice. "Get ready. The human king and the demon que are waiting for you."

"What?" I managed to croak out, utterly confused. "The human king? Demon que? What is going on?"

But the guard didn't answer my questions. Instead, he oped the cell door and stepped aside, motioning for me to follow. I hesitated, looking down at the chains that bound me. How was I supposed to walk like this?

As if ssing my dilemma, another guard, this one human, approached and unlocked the chains a my ankles, leaving only the ones on my wrists. "Come on," he said, his voice impatit. "The king doesn't like to be kept waiting."

I stumbled forward, my mind reeling. My usual brown hair now hung in front of my eyes, but it looked differt. Black. How was that possible? I couldn't see my reflection, but the change was unmistakable.

They led me through a maze of corridors, the air growing warmer as we moved deeper into the castle. Torches flickered on the walls, casting eerie shadows. The architecture was grand and imposing, with high vaulted ceilings and intricate carvings that told tales of battles and magic.

It was a place steeped in history and power, and I couldn't shake the feeling of dread that settled in my gut.

Finally, we stopped in front of a large wood door. The human guard knocked, and after a momt, a voice from within granted us try. The door swung op to reveal a lavish room. Rich tapestries adorned the walls, depicting sces of great wars and legdary heroes.

A grand chandelier hung from the ceiling, its crystals catching the light and casting rainbows across the room. A large, ornate table stood in the cter, sured by plush chairs.

At the far d of the room stood a man who could only be described as regal. He was tall and broad-shouldered, with a commanding presce that made the air a him seem heavier. His hair was a deep auburn, streaked with silver, and his piercing blue eyes seemed to see right through me.

He wore a crown that glinted in the light, a symbol of his power and authority. His face was lined with age, but there was a sharpness to his features that spoke of intelligce and ruthlessness.

"Welcome, Elara," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Or should I say, our greatest thief."

I stared at him, my heart pounding. "I don't understand," I said, my voice trembling. "I'm not a thief."

The king's lips curled into a smirk, his eyes cold and unforgiving. "Oh, but you are. You've be a thorn in our side for quite some time. But now, you're finally going to be useful to us."

I tried to protest, to explain that he had the wrong person, but the king raised a hand to silce me. "Enough. You are finally going to be useful because the demon que is going to be your future wife. You are going to suffer."

He laughed, a sharp, cruel sound that st chills down my spine. He gestured to the guards, and they removed the chains from my wrists. I rubbed my sore wrists, trying to process his words. A future wife? Demon que? None of this made any sse.

Just th, the door behind the king oped, and a figure stepped into the room. My breath caught in my throat. She was stunning, in a terrifying sort of way. The demon que.

Her presce commanded atttion, her aura radiating power and authority. She had long, flowing hair , smooth skin. Her eyes were a striking shade of purple, piercing and cold. She wore a classy suit and tie, perfectly tailored to acctuate her tall, slder frame. The suit was black with intricate silver embroidery that shimmered as she moved.

Horns curved elegantly from her forehead, and her lips parted to reveal sharp fangs. Despite her fearsome appearance, there was an undiable allure about her, a beauty that was both mesmerizing and deadly.

She glanced at the king with a nod, th turned her gaze to me. Her expression was unreadable, her eyes cold and distant.

"You shall be my future wife," she said, her voice calm and commanding.

I stood there, speechless, my mind racing. The king's smirk, the demon que's icy demeanor, the chains now lying at my feet—all of it felt like a nightmare I couldn't wake from. How had my life come to this?

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