The Demon Queen's Contract

Chapter 19: You must be getting ready for your wedding night

The echo of Seraphina's words, "That's ough for today," still reverberated in my mind as I made my way back to my chambers. My heart pounded with a mixture of exhilaration and confusion, each step bringing a fresh wave of emotions that I struggled to contain.

The tsion that had sparked betwe us during the dance lesson lingered, its heat making me flush with embarrassmt and something else—something I wasn't quite ready to name.

As I tered my room, the soft light of the setting sun filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the elegant furnishings. I sighed, closing the door behind me and leaning against it for a momt to gather my thoughts. The ssation of Seraphina's touch still tingled on my skin, a reminder of the intse, electric connection we had shared.

A gtle knock on the door pulled me from my reverie. "Lady Elara, may I come in?" Anara's voice was soft but clear, carrying a note of concern.

"Yes, please," I called out, moving away from the door as she tered. Anara, my maid, was a comforting presce, her warm smile and gtle demeanor always managing to soothe my frayed nerves.

"Would you like to take a bath, my lady? You look like you could use some relaxation," she suggested, her eyes flickering with understanding.

"That sounds wonderful, Anara. Thank you," I replied, grateful for her intuition.

Anara moved efficitly, filling the large porcelain tub with steaming water and adding a handful of fragrant herbs and oils that filled the room with a soothing sct.

As the bath was prepared, she helped me undress, her hands gtle and respectful as she guided me into the warm embrace of the water.

I sank into the bath with a sigh, the heat seeping into my muscles and easing the tsion that had built up during the lesson. Anara began to wash my hair, her fingers massaging my scalp in a way that made me close my eyes and relax further.

"How was your dancing lesson today, my lady?" she asked casually, her tone inviting me to share.

I hesitated for a momt, unsure of how to put my feelings into words. "It was… intse," I finally admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. "There was so much tsion betwe Seraphina and me. It was almost… intimate."

Anara chuckled softly, her laughter a soothing balm to my nerves. "Well, you must be getting ready for your wedding night, th."

I felt my cheeks burn with embarrassmt, the heat rising to my face in a fierce blush. "Anara!" I exclaimed, horrified and flustered. "I'm not ready for that! If it's anything like what happed today, I might just run away on the wedding night."

Anara's laughter bubbled up again, rich and warm. "Oh, Lady Elara, you'll be just fine. It's normal to feel nervous, but you'll see, everything will work out."

Her words were meant to reassure me, but they only served to make me more aware of the impding wedding. I sighed, letting the warmth of the bath soothe my anxiety ev as my mind raced with thoughts of the future.

After the bath, Anara helped me dress in a soft, elegant gown suitable for dinner. The fabric was smooth against my skin, and the rich color complemted my complexion. As she styled my hair, I tried to push aside my worries, focusing instead on the prest momt and the comfort of Anara's presce.

Wh I was ready, I made my way to the dining room, my stomach fluttering with a mixture of nerves and anticipation. The room was beautifully set, the table adorned with fine china and gleaming silverware. The aroma of the meal wafted through the air, tantalizing my sses.

I took my seat, my eyes scanning the room until they landed on Seraphina. She was already seated, her posture as poised and graceful as ever. Our eyes met briefly, and I felt a jolt of the same electricity that had charged our dance earlier. I quickly looked away, my heart pounding.

The meal began with a delicate soup, a bld of flavors that was both subtle and complex. I tried to focus on the food, but my mind kept drifting back to Seraphina and the tsion that still simmered betwe us.

Next came the main course: roasted game h with a medley of seasonal vegetables, the flavors rich and satisfying. Despite my initial awkwardness, I found myself relaxing into the meal, the conversation a the table providing a welcome distraction.

"Elara," Seraphina's voice broke through my thoughts, drawing my atttion. "How did you find today's lesson?"

I swallowed hard, the memory of our dance flooding back. "It was… lighting," I said carefully, choosing my words with care. "I feel like I'm starting to understand the dance better."

Seraphina's lips curved into a small, approving smile. "You're making good progress. With more practice, it could be great but for tomorow it will be alright."

The mtion of the wedding made my heart skip a beat. I nodded, trying to hide my unease. "Thank you, Seraphina. I'll do my best."

Dessert was a decadt chocolate torte, the rich sweetness melting on my tongue and providing a momtary respite from my swirling thoughts. The meal ded with a selection of fine cheeses and fruits, a fitting conclusion to the feast.

As the dinner drew to a close, I excused myself, feeling the weight of the day's evts pressing down on me. I made my way back to my room, the corridors dimly lit and silt.

Once inside, I took a momt to breathe deeply, trying to calm my racing heart. The room was a sanctuary, the familiar surings providing a sse of comfort and safety. I changed into my nightgown, the soft fabric soothing against my skin.

I climbed into bed, pulling the covers up a me and letting out a long, weary sigh. As I lay there, my mind drifted back to the dance with Seraphina, the intse connection we had shared, and the promise of what tomorrow might bring.

"Tomorrow is the wedding," I whispered to myself, the words hanging in the air like a promise and a challge all at once. And with that, I closed my eyes, letting sleep take me as I prepared for the day that would change everything.

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