The Demon Queen's Contract

Chapter 20: Getting ready

The first rays of dawn filtered through the heavy drapes, casting a soft, gold glow over my room. I was lost in the embrace of sleep, the evts of the previous day a distant, hazy memory, wh a gtle yet insistt knock pulled me from my dreams.

"Lady Elara," came Anara's familiar voice, gtle but firm. "It's time to wake up. Today is your wedding day."

My eyes fluttered op, struggling to adjust to the light. For a momt, I lay still, the weight of those words sinking in. Today was my wedding day. My heart fluttered in my chest, a mix of anticipation and nervousness swirling within me.

Before I could fully process the thought, the door to my room oped, and Anara tered, followed by t other maids. They moved with a quiet efficicy, their faces sere and focused as they began to prepare the room for the day's activities.

"Good morning, Lady Elara," Anara said with a warm smile, approaching my bed. "We have a lot to do today to get you ready."

I sat up, feeling a little overwhelmed by the number of people in the room. "Good morning, Anara," I replied, my voice still thick with sleep. "I suppose there's no turning back now."

Anara chuckled softly, her eyes twinkling with amusemt. "Indeed not, my lady. But don't worry, we'll take good care of you."

The other maids began to bustle a the room, preparing a bath, laying out various cosmetics and hair tools, and suring that every detail was attded to. I was gtly guided to the bathing chamber, where a large tub awaited, filled with steaming water infused with fragrant oils.

Anara helped me undress, her movemts deft and practiced. "Let's start with a relaxing bath," she suggested. "It will help you feel more at ease."

I sank into the warm water with a sigh of relief, the heat soothing my nerves. As Anara and another maid began to wash my hair and body, I closed my eyes, allowing myself to relax for a momt.

"Are you feeling alright, Lady Elara?" Anara asked, her voice soft and reassuring.

"I think so," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper. "It's just… a lot to take in."

Anara smiled sympathetically. "It's natural to feel this way. But you are strong, and you will get through this."

After the bath, I was wrapped in a plush towel and guided back to my room, where the maids were waiting to begin the next stage of my preparation. They had laid out my wedding dress, a vision of soft ivory silk and lace, on a nearby chair. The bodice was intricately embroidered with delicate floral patterns, and the skirt flowed gracefully, ding in a subtle train.

It was both elegant and ethereal, like something out of a fairy tale.

Anara and the other maids began the meticulous process of drying my hair, brushing it out until it shone like a waterfall of gold. They chatted quietly among themselves, their voices a soothing backdrop as I tried to steady my nerves.

"Hold still, my lady," one of the maids said gtly as she began to braid sections of my hair, weaving in delicate strands of pearls and tiny, fragrant flowers. The intricate style took time, each movemt precise and deliberate.

I glanced at Anara, who was busy preparing a selection of cosmetics. "Anara, do you think I'm ready for this?"

She paused, meeting my gaze with a reassuring smile. "You are more ready than you realize, Lady Elara. Trust in yourself, and everything will fall into place."

Once my hair was finished, the maids began to apply my makeup, their skilled hands transforming my features with subtle strokes of color. They worked with a practiced ease, hancing my natural beauty without overwhelming it.

"Close your eyes, please, my lady," one of the maids instructed as she applied a delicate sweep of eyeshadow. I complied, feeling a strange mix of excitemt and trepidation.

The room was filled with the quiet hum of activity, the maids moving like a well-rehearsed ballet. As they worked, they exchanged light-hearted banter, their words a welcome distraction from my swirling thoughts.

"Lady Elara, you have such lovely skin," one of the maids remarked, her tone guine. "This foundation will make you glow ev more."

I smiled at her complimt, grateful for their kindness. "Thank you. You're all doing such a wonderful job."

As the final touches were applied, I was helped into my wedding dress. The silk felt cool against my skin, the lace delicate and intricate. The maids worked together to fast the buttons at the back, their fingers deft and sure.

"Almost there, my lady," Anara said, her voice filled with pride. "You look stunning."

I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, hardly recognizing the reflection staring back at me. The dress fit perfectly, the fabric flowing gracefully a me. My hair and makeup were impeccable, transforming me into a vision of bridal elegance.

Anara stepped back, her eyes shining with admiration. "You are ready, Lady Elara. Absolutely beautiful."

I turned to face her, feeling a surge of gratitude. "Thank you, Anara. For everything. I couldn't have done this without you."

She smiled warmly, a hint of emotion in her eyes. "It has be an honor to serve you, my lady. Now, let's get you to the ceremony. Everyone is waiting."

The other maids gathered a, their faces beaming with pride as they admired their handiwork. "Good luck, Lady Elara," they chorused, their voices filled with guine affection.

As I made my way to the door, Anara at my side, I took a deep breath, trying to steady my racing heart. The ormity of the day ahead loomed large, but their unwavering support gave me the strgth I needed to face it.

With each step, I felt a mixture of excitemt and apprehsion, my thoughts a whirlwind of emotions. Today was the day that would change my life forever, and I was determined to embrace it with all the grace and courage I could muster.

As we reached the threshold, Anara gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. "You've got this, Lady Elara. Remember, we're all here for you."

I nodded, a smile tugging at my lips despite the butterflies in my stomach. "Thank you, Anara. Let's do this."

And with that, I stepped out of my room, ready to face the day that awaited me, the day that would mark the beginning of a new chapter in my life. The future was uncertain, but with the support of those a me, I felt ready to meet it head-on.

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