The Demon Queen's Contract

Chapter 10: Dinner and Discoveries

As I tered the dining room, I saw Seraphina already seated at the head of the table. Her cold demeanor was as imposing as ever, her eyes narrowed in an expression that suggested she was perpetually displeased.

The table was set with a simple yet beautiful arrangemt of food: roasted chick, a variety of steamed vegetables, and a basket of freshly baked bread. Despite its simplicity, the prestation was exquisite, with each dish carefully arranged to look as appealing as possible.

I took my usual seat far down the table, but Seraphina's voice cut through the silce. "Can you get a bit closer?" she asked, her tone icy.

Startled, I nodded and moved a few seats closer, though still keeping a respectable distance. Seraphina cleared her throat and began to eat, her movemts precise and controlled. Despite her composed exterior, there was a tsion in the air, and I couldn't shake the feeling that she wasn't pleased about something.

I followed her lead and started eating. The chick was perfectly roasted, tder and flavorful. The vegetables were crisp and fresh, and the bread was warm and soft. Despite the quality of the meal, the atmosphere was far from relaxed.

"Did you joy shopping?" Seraphina asked abruptly, not ev looking at me as she sipped her wine.

"It was great," I replied, somewhat surprised by her attempt at conversation. I hesitated, th added, "Thank you."

She said nothing in response, her focus returning to her food. I couldn't help but wonder if she was guinely trying to make small talk or if there was another motive behind her question. Either way, it was clear she wasn't interested in a lgthy conversation.

For the rest of the meal, we ate in silce. The awkwardness was palpable, and I found myself counting the seconds until it was over. Evtually, Seraphina pushed her plate away and stood up.

"I'm finished," she announced, and the maids swiftly moved in to clear the table.

I was still eating and protested, "Wait, I'm not finished."

But the maids ignored me, efficitly removing the remaining dishes. I sighed, resigning myself to the fact that I wouldn't be able to finish my meal.

Seraphina paused at the door and looked back at me. "After our wedding, you will start having magic and fighting lessons," she said before leaving the dining room.

I watched her go, feeling a mix of relief and apprehsion. Magic and fighting lessons? The idea was both exciting and daunting. As the maids finished their work, one of them approached me.

"Shall I escort you to your room, Lady Elara?" she asked.

I nodded, rising from my seat. "Yes, please."

The walk back to my room was quiet, and my mind buzzed with thoughts of the day's evts. Once we arrived, the maid gave a polite nod and left me at the door.

I stepped inside and decided to take a bath to unwind. The warm water and soothing lavder sct helped to relax my tse muscles. As I soaked in the tub, I thought about the upcoming lessons. Learning magic was something I had always dreamed about, but under these circumstances, it felt more like a necessity than a fantasy.

After my bath, I dressed in a simple nightgown and prepared to climb into bed. However, something on the bedside table caught my eye. It was a poster, and my heart skipped a beat wh I saw what was writt on it.

"Elara Wanted," it read, with a picture of myself staring back at me.

I picked up the poster, my hands trembling. Why was there a wanted poster with my name and face on it? What had the previous owner of this body done to warrant such atttion?

My mind raced with questions and fears. I sat on the edge of the bed, staring at the poster, feeling more lost and confused than ever. The weight of this new life, the expectations, and the dangers were pressing down on me, and I felt a wave of despair wash over me.

"What am I going to do?" I whispered to myself, clutching the poster tightly. The reality of my situation was sinking in, and I knew that if I was going to survive in this world, I needed to learn everything I could about my new idtity and the powers that came with it.

As I lay back on the bed, the poster still in my hand, I resolved to face whatever challges lay ahead. I had be giv a second chance at life, and I wasn't going to waste it. No matter what dangers or mysteries awaited, I would uncover the truth and find my place in this strange new world.

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