The Demon Queen's Contract

Chapter 11: Sister in law

I held the poster in my trembling hands, my eyes scanning the details. It was as if the more I read, the heavier the weight on my shoulders became. My breath caught wh I saw the age listed: . So, I was twty-one in this new body. That much was clear. But the rest?

It was almost too unbelievable to fathom.

"Elara, Age: ," it read. "Wanted for theft and possible murder. Reward: million gold coins."

A million gold coins? My mind reeled. That was an astronomical amount of money. Why was there such a high price on my head? Had the former owner of this body stol something incredibly valuable, or worse, killed someone important?

I sat back on the bed, trying to process it all. Theft and murder. The words felt heavy, sinking into my mind like stones. What kind of life had this body led before I inhabited it? I tried to recall any details from the life I had be thrust into, but it was all a blur.

"How am I supposed to deal with this?" I whispered to myself, feeling a growing sse of dread.

The implications of the poster were clear. I was a fugitive, and people would be hunting me for the reward. The demon que's protection suddly felt ev more vital, but also more precarious. Why would she want to marry someone with such a dangerous past?

As I lay there, lost in thought, I realized that the only way to understand my situation was to find out more about this body's past. But how? I didn't ev know where to begin.

I folded the poster carefully and hid it under the mattress. I couldn't risk anyone finding it. If the maids or guards saw it, they might start asking questions I wasn't ready to answer.

I stood up and paced the room, trying to shake off the anxiety that clung to me like a shadow. I needed a plan, but without more information, I was stuck.

"There's no use worrying about it now," I told myself. "I need to rest. Maybe things will be clearer in the morning."

I closed my eyes and let sleep take me, hoping that the next day would bring some answers.

I woke to the ssation of something—or someone—jumping on my bed. I groaned and oped my eyes, blinking against the morning light. A little girl with vibrant red hair and striking purple eyes was bouncing on the mattress, her giggles filling the room. She looked to be about six years old, with an impish grin that reminded me startlingly of Seraphina.

"Good morning, sister-in-law!" the little girl chirped, her voice bright and cheerful. "Wake up now, I want to play."

I sat up, rubbing my eyes. "Who are you?" I asked, still groggy and trying to make sse of the situation.

The girl paused mid-bounce and looked at me with wide eyes. "I'm Lily! Didn't Seraphina tell you about me?"

"Uh, no, she didn't," I replied, feeling more awake now. "Nice to meet you, Lily."

Lily giggled again and resumed her bouncing. "Come on, get up! We have so much to do!"

Before I could protest, she grabbed my hand and, with a mischievous glint in her eye, she teleported us out of the room. The world a me blurred for a momt, and wh it came back into focus, we were standing in a lush gard filled with vibrant flowers and towering trees.

"Wow," I said, looking a in awe. "This place is beautiful."

"Isn't it?" Lily beamed, her purple eyes sparkling with excitemt. "Come on, let's play!"

She dragged me along, showing me her favorite spots in the gard. We climbed trees, picked flowers, and ev chased butterflies. Despite my initial reluctance, I found myself laughing and joying the morning. Lily's ergy was infectious, and for a while, I forgot about all my worries.

"Catch me if you can!" Lily shouted, darting off towards a small pond.

I chased after her, my laughter echoing through the gard. "You're too fast!" I called, trying to keep up.

We played for what felt like hours, and by the time we finally sat down to rest, I was exhausted. Lily, however, seemed as ergetic as ever.

"That was fun," she said, her cheeks flushed with excitemt. "But I'm not done yet!"

I chuckled, shaking my head. "You have a lot of ergy, don't you?"

"Of course!" she replied proudly. "I'm a demon, after all."

Her words reminded me of Seraphina, and I couldn't help but wonder about their relationship. "Lily, are you Seraphina's sister?"

Lily nodded, a serious expression crossing her face. "Yes, she's my big sister. She's very important, you know."

"I can tell," I said, thinking back to Seraphina's commanding presce. "She's very powerful."

Lily looked at me curiously. "Do you like her?"

The question caught me off guard. "I... I don't really know her that well yet," I admitted.

Lily giggled. "You will. She's not as scary as she seems."

I smiled at her optimism. "I hope you're right."

Just th, my stomach growled loudly, reminding me that I hadn't eat anything since last night. "I think it's time for breakfast," I said, standing up and brushing off my dress.

Lily pouted. "But I don't want you to eat yet! Let's play some more!"

I laughed, shaking my head. "I need to eat something, Lily. I'm starving."

She crossed her arms, a determined look on her face. "Just a little longer, please?"

I sighed, realizing there was no arguing with her. "Alright, but just a little longer."

We spt the next half hour playing hide and seek, with Lily always managing to find the best hiding spots. By the time we were done, I was thoroughly exhausted.

"Okay, now we really need to go eat," I said, panting slightly.

Lily finally relted, nodding. "Alright, let's go."

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