The Bodyguard System

Chapter 8: Feud Between Top Families

The middle-aged man looked at Jad siltly. He was currtly scrutinizing him meticulously, analyzing his features. He could see that the person that Alex had gott him was extremely young, but ev th, looking into the eyes of Jad, he could see that this young man had expericed a lot.

As for the matter of his strgth, although it was true that physique could not determine the strgth of a person, looking at Jad right now, it seemed that he had some muscle on him.

After about a minute of silce, the middle-aged man finally spoke. "My name is Clifford Johnson. I do believe that Alex here has already informed you about the fact that I want a bodyguard."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Clifford. My name is Jad Moore. Mr. Alex has already informed me about the mission, and I'm only waiting for the specific mission details from you."

Clifford nodded his head in response. Of course, he had not informed Alex much about the job itself and had simply told him that he required a bodyguard. As for who it was that was going to be guarded, he had not told anybody.

"Since that is the case, let's get going. I do believe that since you're here, you have already decided to accept the job. Let's go first, you will get to know more about the job after we arrive. After we get there, you can decide if you're going to continue with the job, or you can decide to quit as well," Clifford stated, his expression still calm and indiffert.

Jad did not say a word and immediately agreed. So, after bidding goodbye to Alex, the two of them immediately left the building.

Wh they got out of the building, Jad realized that there was a black BMW X5 M. It was a luxurious vehicle, with tinted windows.

Jad could not help but feel awed by the vehicle. According to the information that he possessed about vehicles, the price of this vehicle was a $30,000. This was not something that he could afford. After all, it was already difficult for him to eat, how could he think about getting something as luxurious as this?

Clifford did not say anything and oped the door of the car. He tered the driver's seat whereas Jad took the passger's seat.

As the car began driving away, silce dominated the car's interior, as no one spoke. Although Jad was amazed by the luxury of the car, he did not act like an idiot who simply looked a from time to time. Instead, he simply maintained his posture, only looking in front.

The car drove from the outskirts of the city that was located on the eastern side of the city, heading towards the west. Clifford did not utilize the cter of the city, instead, he utilized a about heading west in order to get to the western part of the city.

It might be a long way, but it was better considering that the traffic on the road was better compared to the city's cter.

As they finally began approaching the western side of the city, Clifford finally spoke up. "I wanted us to get to our destination first, but I think it is better if I start informing you about the job right now."

The momt that Clifford began speaking, Jad immediately paid atttion. Although he was a little surprised by the decision that Clifford had made, it was not that much of a surprise. After all, why would he want to take him to the western part of the city, only for Jad to refuse to take the job?

It was better for him to be informed right now, rather than getting there first. So, he simply nodded his head as he waited for Clifford to continue.

"I will not hide anything from you. Although it is true that the Johnson family is extremely influtial in the city, it is not as if the Johnson family is the only family that is prest within the city that is of a high level," Clifford began.

The momt that Clifford mtioned families, Jad immediately understood what was going on. It seemed that there was something that was happing betwe the two families who were considered the top within this city.

The first one was the Johnson family, a family that was well-known within the city due to its influce, and participation in various businesses. At the same time, there was the Williams family, which also delved into several businesses as well.

Due to the fact that of them had any area that they specialized in, they oft clashed with each other considering that what they dealt in were quite similar.

Of course, as one would expect, both families wanted to dominate a certain industry, but most of the time, the other family would prevt them from doing so. They had be fighting covertly and oply, but ev th, of them had be able to win against the other, considering that the power of the two families was almost the same.

The information that Jad possessed about the two families was geral. He only heard about them through rumours and news related to the two families.

"I do believe that you already know about the Johnson family and the Williams family. The two families have be having tsion, and the situation is not looking good," Clifford continued.

"I will be straightforward with you. The job is quite simple, you have to protect my daughter. But I'll have to warn you, this job is extremely difficult. It is not only because you are going to experice a lot of danger due to the Williams family, but ev my daughter herself is quite stubborn."

Jad simply listed. As for the matter of the job being risky, that was something that he had already be informed of and had already expected something like that. As for the part where he was supposed to protect the daughter of Clifford, that was not something that he had be expecting.

According to his thoughts, it was a risky job, but he never thought that he was supposed to protect an important member of the Johnson family.

According to his knowledge, he understood one thing, with the power and influce that the Johnson family possessed, they would not find it difficult at all to get a professional bodyguard.

Jad possessed zero experice in being a bodyguard. So, this was not the most suitable job for him, dealing with the security of an important figure. Additionally, that person was ev being targeted by a very strong family within the city.

He understood that the methods that the big families could utilize in order to get what they wanted could at times be extremely cruel. So, it would not be strange if he ded up dead a few days after he began his job.

Clifford observed Jad's expression closely. But until now, there was only a small shift in his expression, which was a surprise. But ev th, it did not seem that Jad did not want the job at all, and neither did he seem afraid.

Nodding in his heart, Clifford continued. "Of course, I know that you're wondering why it is that I did not look for a professional bodyguard. But with the influce that the Williams family possesses, they are more than capable of easily being able to gain the loyalty of those professional bodyguards by the use of money."

"It is not that my family does not want to spd money in order to sure the safety of my daughter. It is just that with the currt situation that my family is in, we definitely cannot afford to spd a huge amount of money. Additionally, there is no guarantee about the loyalty of the person."

"As we are speaking right now, an investigation about your backg is being carried out. Once we get to our destination, your full information will be there. As long as you have nothing to do with the Williams family, and as long as you agree to do the job, you will get the job."

"As for the matter of your skills and so on, you don't have to be so worried. The Williams family will not utilize skilled people to come and deal with my daughter. Instead, they would use simple tricks, such as hiring small goons, and so on. I do believe that you're capable of taking care of that, right?"

"Yes. That should not be a problem at all," Jad responded with a solemn expression on his face. Of course, before he reached the level that he currtly was, he had already dealt with several gangsters in the streets.

So wh it came to dealing with one or two or ev three of them at the same time, it was not difficult for him. But, if they exceeded that number, it was going to be difficult for him to deal with them, considering that he was not a professional fighter.

Seeing the confidce that Jad possessed as he responded, Clifford felt that he was telling the truth. But ev th, he did not say anything and just continued speaking.

"My daughter is currtly in her second year of university. So, all that I need you to do after getting the approval and the job is for you to join the university that she is in. I'm going to organize everything else, including the matter of you joining the university," Clifford stated.

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