The Bodyguard System

Chapter 7: Understanding the System, Arrival

After leaving the company, Jad did not care much about the looks that he was receiving. To him, all of that did not matter at all, instead, all that he cared about was the next mission that the system was about to offer him.

Instead of communicating with the system during the time that he was prest in the building, he decided to go home first. There, he could communicate with the system once again, before planning his next step.

It was true that he had already joined a company, and a mission had already be arranged for him. But ev th, considering the risks that were involved, it was better for him to be prepared for everything.

As for the details, he had be informed by Alex that he was going to receive it as long as he met with the person who was going to give him the job. As such, he had to be patit. He was to meet with the person the following day at eight in the morning, in the same company.

The momt that he arrived home, he immediately took off his suit since he was not that used to wearing those kind of clothes. After changing into his casual outfit, which made him feel quite comfortable, he immediately hopped on his bed and began communicating with the system.

'System, I have already completed the mission. Is there another one that has be offered for me to do?' Jad asked excitedly. As long as there was a mission, he was going to make sure that he would complete it.

It would be better if he got a mission that could be completed right now. That way, he would be able to get a little stronger before beginning his job the next day where he was supposed to be someone's bodyguard.

[Responding to the host. New missions have not yet be granted considering that the host has not yet become someone's bodyguard. The host has to understand that the system is called The Bodyguard System.]

[As the title suggests, it is related to the host being a bodyguard. So, all the missions that are going to be giv to the host from now on are going to be related to his bodyguard mission.]

Jad was a little disappointed after hearing that. It seemed that he had to wait until he received the information about the job that he was going to do. Only th would he get missions from the system.

But ev so, Jad decided to ask for more information about the system. After all, considering the missions that would be giv in the future, he had to understand them well. This was so he could exploit them to the maximum level possible and take advantage of them during the time that missions were giv out.

Jad wt ahead and asked the questions, and the system immediately responded. According to the system, not all missions had to be completed. But ev th, there were other missions that Jad had no choice but to complete.

Of course, that was something that Jad did not like. After all, that was like being forced to do something, ev if it was going to be considered impossible. But ev so, there was nothing that he could do, considering that right now, the system had already be permantly bound to him.

Nevertheless, according to the system, missions that were considered compulsory were ones with better rewards. So, although it was true that some of them would be risky, so long as he managed to complete them, he would be granted a reward according to the level of danger the mission involved.

Jad finally got an understanding of the system and missions. With that understanding, he prepared himself, hoping that the following day, after meeting up with the person who had giv him the job, he would get a mission from the system.

After finishing the discussion with the system, Jad wt ahead and relaxed. The momt that noon came, he wt out to eat at a street stall that was located not far away from where he lived.

Jad th wt ahead and spt the rest of the day doing some chores. Since he was going to work as a bodyguard, it was obvious that he was not going to be available at his residcy, at least during the time that he would be working.


The following morning, Jad put on the new suit that he had purchased. The suit was bought using the money that he had be saving all this while. The suit cost him $5 to buy. The total remaining amount of money he had was $98.

Although it took a large chunk of his savings, Jad did not have much of a choice. After all, he had to give off a good first impression on his first day at work. Additionally, he had to try to keep his job, because considering the system, so long as he did not have a job, th he would not get any missions.

Furthermore, it was not as if it was going to be easy for him to get a job that would pay him this well. So, with such a well-paying job, his standards of living would rise.

After completing all the preparations, Jad immediately wt to the company, the Assured Bodyguard Association.

Wh he arrived, he realized that the crowd that had be filling up the company's trance had already disappeared. It seemed that something had happed the day before.

Recalling what Alex had said to him about him receiving assistance from the one who had giv out the job, it seemed that he had already received the assistance that he required, and that was the reason why he had be able to solve the issue.

Jad wt ahead and tered the company building. The momt that he did so, he found that everything had be reorganized once again, and was in good condition.

After tering, he found that Alex was already waiting for him in the lounge area that was located on the g floor of the building. He looked quite groomed as compared to before.

Wh he saw Jad arriving, the worry in Alex's heart immediately disappeared. Although he had already agreed with Jad that he was going to work for him to complete the assignmt, it was not as if Jad could not change his mind.

At the d of it all, it wasn't as if they had signed a contract the previous day. But now that Jad was here, it implied that he had already accepted everything. Additionally, looking at the way that Jad was dressed, it was clear that he was ready for the job.

"Welcome Jad. It is good to see you again," Alex welcomed him with a warm expression on his face.

Jad simply smiled back, as he accepted the greeting from Alex. Although it was true that Alex was currtly his boss, the direct boss, considering the situation that Alex was in, it was Alex who was depdt on Jad.

If at any time Jad decided to no longer accept the job, Alex was going to be in trouble. But ev so, it was not as if Jad was planning to quit the job.

It was currtly about 7:30 In the morning. So, there was a little over 30 minutes remaining until the meeting time.

The one that Jad was supposed to meet had not yet arrived. Jad did not say anything and just waited together with Alex, who had already arranged for someone to bring tea for the two of them.

As the two of them drank their tea, they chatted with each other casually. Of course, Alex was trying to get to know more about Jad. He did not want something that had happed before to repeat itself again.

But ev th, he believed that there was no way that Jad was going to do anything like that. After all, where he was going to work was at a completely differt level as compared to where that guy had stol from.

As they casually chatted with each other, time moved on, and finally, just about five minutes before eight, somebody arrived at the trance of the lounge area.

The person who had arrived was a man who seemed to be in his late forties. But ev th, Jad could see that hair had already begun appearing on his temples.

He possessed medium-lgth blonde hair and gre eyes. He was currtly wearing a high-d suit while possessing an authoritative demeanour.

He walked over with a straight posture, while his slightly muscular body and authoritative demeanour could easily intimidate a person. Had it not be for Jad's past experice, he would have be flustered in front of this middle-aged man.

His expression was calm. But ev th, at a closer inspection, Jad could see that there was a hint of worry in his eyes, hidd behind the calmness that was shown on his face.

The momt that the middle-aged man arrived, he immediately looked at Jad. Since he was quite familiar with Alex, so, the momt that he saw Jad was prest, he immediately knew that he was the one that he was going to meet.

Looking at him, he could not help but raise his brows a little. But ev so, he did not say anything as he was welcomed by Alex. As a form of courtesy, Jad also stood up, before the three of them finally sat on the couches, with Alex and Jad facing the middle-aged man.

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