The Bodyguard System

Chapter 41: Lucas Smith

Due to the promise of high pay, the driver drove the taxi at a high speed. He also understood that currtly, he was carrying a person that was about to die. So, it was better for him to get rid of this person as soon as possible, in case this person died inside his vehicle.

The best way to do that was to get them to their destination as soon as possible. So, having driv the taxi for several years, he was more expericed on the road. So, in just a matter of a few minutes, they finally arrived in front of the hospital that was located closer to the area that Jad was living in.

The momt that they got out of the car, Jad did not pay much atttion to the taxi driver. Instead, he wt ahead and handed over the patit to the doctors who immediately reacted by taking him to the emergcy sector.

Jad th wt back to the taxi driver, before making the paymt. In order to come to the hospital, the price was usually $7. But now, Jad paid the guy $0.

The taxi driver was so excited that he shouted at Jad before leaving. "In case you want me to drive you anywhere, you can find me across the street, not far away from where you found me before. I usually come to those areas. So, you can find my number the next time that we meet."

After saying those words, the taxi driver drove away. Jad on the other hand tered into the hospital. Currtly, they hoped that everything would go well with the old man. But ev th, according to the way that he had se the injury, he could clearly tell that the old man was fatally injured.

Jad was not sure about who it was that had decided to attack the old man, but ev th, since the old man was currtly in his room, it implied that the old man came over wh that group of people was rummaging through his things.

In a sse, it could be said that the old man was injured because of him. So, Jad felt responsible for taking care of him.

Jad asked the doctors about the situation due to his nervousness, and they told him that they had just received the patit, and they were still making observations while administering first aid. For the results to come out, they would need to wait for more than 30 minutes.

Jad waited outside the ICU area, where there was a theater located close by. There was an operation ongoing, considering that the injury that the old man had suffered was extremely dangerous.

All this while, Jad was fuming. At this momt, he decided that he would find out who it was that was looking for him. And the momt that he found them, he would definitely make them pay what they had done.

As he remained there, time wt by, and over hours finally wt by without ev Jad noticing that. Th, a doctor wearing a coat came over. He possessed a face full of beards that were well kempt.

The momt that he arrived in front of Jad, he remained silt for a momt before finally speaking. "Ahem, young man, that is something that I would want to inform me about the patit that you brought in."

Jad was brought back from his own world, and his heart could not help but skip a beat after hearing what the doctor had said. He hoped that there was not going to be any more bad news. Otherwise, things would definitely get out of hand.

Realizing that he had already gained the atttion of the young man in front of him, the doctor continued. "By good luck, we were able to stabilize the condition of the patit. But ev th, due to his old age, he is not going to last long unless an operation is carried out."

"The operation that is to be carried out is related to the lung. That is something that our hospital here cannot do, so we will have to refer the patit to a higher level hospital. But ev th, you have to know that the costs of doing that is going to be extremely high." The doctor stated with a grim expression on his face.

According to the doctor, the patit, the old man, had be injured by a stab of a knife. The knife did not hit the heart, but ev th, it managed to puncture the lung. The old man was quite lucky, considering that although the lung was kind of injured, the injury that he had suffered was not a death stce.

But of course, they would have to carry out operations that would save the old man, considering that a lung injury was extremely fatal. Currtly, they had only managed stabilized the condition of the old man, but the condition would keep on worsing as they kept on waiting.

The old man was being supported by the life machines, otherwise, he would have died. In fact, it was quite lucky that the old man had survived this long.

All in all, Jad had to make arrangemts for the old man to undergo another operation. They had to take care of the injury in the lung as soon as possible. It was good that the injury was not that big, rdering the lung ineffective.

"Okay. I will make arrangemts for that. Can you please help me with the recommdation to the hospital that I can take my patit to. At the same time, please, help me so that the procedure can be completed as soon as possible. It doesn't matter the amount of money, just help me with the patit." Jad stated resolutely.

At this momt, he did not care about the amount of money that was required for the operation. To him, as long as this old man survived, all was going to be well. After all, the old man had sustained Jad for quite a long time, and it was time for Jad to repay the old man.

But thinking about it, the old man was again injured because of Jad. So, it could be said that it was only right for Jad to deal with the situation of the old man.

The doctor nodded his head. Th, he directed Jad towards the reception area, so that they could deal with the bill that was involved with the first aid for the old man.

Jad wt ahead, and from the reception, he was informed that he was supposed to pay $,000. He could not help but raise his brows a little. After all, this price was extremely high. Not to mtion the fact that the old man was not treated, but instead, he was just offered first aid, this was actually quite high, right?

In the d, this was a private hospital. So, it was expected that the price was going to be high. It was a good thing that he had received money from Clifford. Clifford had transferred the money to him not long after he had left the residce, and so, it was not difficult for him to make the paymt.

But from the looks of it, he would have to look for a way to earn more money. Otherwise, it is going to be impossible for him to be able to pay the costs for the operation of the old man.

Thinking about it, the only source of money at the momt was the Johnsons. Jad thought that wh he got back there, he would try to ask Clifford if he could give him the money that was required for the treatmt of the old man in advance, and Jad would continue with the work without receiving the paymt until everything was cleared out.

He was not sure If Clifford would accept, but he hoped that he would. Otherwise, Jad was not sure on where he was supposed to get the money.

Later on, Jad spt the rest of the day within the hospital. The old man was still within the ICU, and it was impossible for him to be tak out at the momt due to his life depding on the life support machines.

As for the matter of his meals, he completely ignored them. It was only in the eving that he finally left the hospital, to go and look for a meal first. Nevertheless, he did not go far away from the hospital, believing that there might be a group of people that might come over.

Since they did not find what they were looking for, considering that Jad did not believe that he possessed anything that would interest them, Jad believed that they would come and look for him. Encountering the old man might be coincidtal, but now, they would come looking for him.

Thinking about that, killing intt could not help but erupt from Jad. This immediately frighted a few people a him. Realizing that he was currtly in a food stall, Jad retracted his killing intt and focused on eating.

The food was quite simple, and he completed it within just a few minutes. Immediately after that, he headed straight for the hospital.

What Jad did not know what the fact that the momt that he left the area, a group of people arrived. This group of people was led by a young man. It was other than the young man who had ordered for Jad to be beat up.

It was other than Lucas Smith. (This is another Lucas, completely differt from the one who is obsessed with Scarlet.)

"I don't really believe that there is nothing that leads us to more information to the breakthrough of the research. We will have to ask him himself. Otherwise, we will have to go back without anything to show." Lucas Smith stated with a frown on his face.

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