The Bodyguard System

Chapter 40: Fatally Injured

"Mom, why am I being told that I cannot leave the compound today? I was just about to do something important, but I was held back." Scarlet complained the momt that she met with her mother.

At this momt, she could not talk to her father considering that he had already left. The only one prest at the momt was her mother, who was currtly in the study room dealing with a few documts.

Lynette looked up from the pile of documts at her daughter. At this momt, she could not help but feel a little helpless about this daughter of hers. They had always be spoiling her, and that was something that led to the currt attitude that she possessed.

It might be true that she was not that much childish, and would always think before doing things, but she possessed a fiery temper. Due to that, in case a person angered her, they would definitely suffer. Stev and her parts together with her siblings were the exceptions, with Sylvia of course.

But for those people that she did not know, she would use her own strgth to deal with the issue. She rarely depded on the family influce in order to be able to deal with the majority of the problems that she was facing out there.

But this was something that they did not support. After all, it was completely risky for her to be involved in fights. It was just that they could not do anything about it considering that they were already late. After all, Scarlet was already all grown up.

"Sigh." Lynette sighed. Th, she said, "Scarlet, you have to understand the currt situation of the family. I do understand that you don't really care much about the politics that are related to the family and the businesses. But ev th, you are still a member of this family.

That implies that if the family is affected, you will definitely be affected as well. So, I will have to inform you that we are currtly dealing with the Williams, which I do believe that you already know about it. The attack yesterday was related to them, but there is nothing that we can do about it considering that we do not possess ough evidce.

But ev th, it seems that they are willing to do everything in order to eliminate us from the position that we are holding, before monopolizing all the markets that we are competing with them.

You are part of the Johnsons, and so, you are the main target considering that they understand that you are the weak-link of our family. The momt that they manage to deal with you, that implies that they would be forcing our family to a narrow d.

Previously, they did not have the inttion of killing you or kidnapping you. Instead, they were simply attacking you as a form of warning to us. Since they attacked you once, it implies that they would attack you once again later on."

Scarlet listed to her mother saying all this. To say the truth, she did not pay much atttion to what her mother was saying, considering that she already understood that currtly, they were facing the Williams. It was kind of risky, but she did not believe that they would definitely do something like killing her, right?

"Mom, I do understand that you are doing this for my own safety. But ev th, why is it that I cannot go out today? I will always go out on weekds to spd time with my frids. So, what is the differce this time? It is not as if we began fighting against the Williams today, right?" Scarlet asked with confusion on her face.

"Yes, we began fighting long ago. But this is the first time that they have made a move against you. And it is clear that they will make subsequt moves on you. Currtly, Jad has left, and will be back on Monday. So, until Monday, you will have to remain within the premises of our residce, because this is the only safe place for you for now." Lynette stated.

"What? You are trying to imply that I have to stay confined until Monday? That is too long. It is not as if I cannot protect myself. I want to go out, otherwise, I'm going to die of boredom inside here." Scarlet argued back.

Lynette frowned after hearing that. Scarlet was at some point unreasonable. And this was one of those momts. She believed that Scarlet could easily tell the danger that she was in, but she was trying to ignore the danger and go out.

In fact, Lynette believed that Scarlet was looking forward to being attacked. This way, she would be able to deal with the emies that would attack her, so that she could prove that she could protect herself.

That was exactly what Scarlet was thinking at this momt. And wh her mother refused, she could not do anything in the d. Of course she was angry, but what could she do?

To vt her anger, she immediately wt to the gym. But wh she got there, she realized that Sylvia was already there. In the d, the two of them began fighting with each other, with Scarlet fighting with all her might.

At this momt, she realized that if she wanted to be free, she had to be strong ough to be able to protect herself. It was only th that she was going to be able to roam everywhere without depding on others.

At the same time, she could not help but blame Jad. After all, where the heck did he go? And for the first time, she really wanted him to be a. After all, it was only after he was a that she could be allowed to go out.

The problem was the fact that she did not have his number. Otherwise, he would have already contacted him and asked him to come over. That way, she would be allowed to go out and deal with the issue that she had organized. But now that she was not going to go out, she could only postpone the issue.


Jad was driv to the area where he lived. Of course, the one who took him home was not Stev, but a driver that belonged to the Johnsons.

After they arrived outside the dilapidated building, Jad alighted. He thanked the driver, before heading directly for the building. But the momt that he was about to ter into the building, he suddly detected that there was somebody that was keeping an eye on him.

Immediately, he turned his gaze and looked towards that direction. At that momt, he suddly saw someone's head being retracted.

Jad squinted his eyes in that direction, but in the d, he decided to leave the matter for now. Instead, he tered into the building, and directly wt for his room. But the momt that he arrived in front of his door, he realized that the door had already be brok.

Just from outside, he could already see that everything that he had organized before had become a mess. It was clear that there was somebody that had come over, and they seemed to be looking for something.

Jad could not help but frown. At the same time, he immediately thought of the head that he had se retracting. It seemed that there was somebody that was looking for him. And if he could make a guess, he believed that it might be related to the Williams.

In the d, Jad shook his head and decided to ter into the room anyway. In any case, there was nothing of great importance within the room. Everything important had already be lost back th wh his relatives took everything that had be left by his parts.

The momt that he tered into the room, Jad immediately detected the smell of blood. Immediately, he shifted his atttion towards the direction that the stch of blood was coming from.

At that momt, his pupils suddly contracted wh he realized that there was a body of a person lying on the g. There was a pool of blood suring the body, indicating that this person had suffered a big injury.

Jad's heart began racing, considering that he could tell whose body it was. It was the body of the old man who owned this apartmt.

Jad rushed forward. He grabbed the old man, and looked for signs of life. At the momt, he detected that there were some signs of life, but they were extremely faint. At that momt, he began administering first aid, something that he had learnt along the way during his survival.

This was to be expected. After all, he was gaged in several street fights, and he was injured more than once. Had it not be for the fact that the system had healed him, his body would have definitely be full of scars.

After giving a little first aid, he wt ahead and used a the only remaining bandage gauze to wrap a the wound on the chest of the old man. From Jad's observation, it seemed that somebody had stabbed the old man in the chest. It was a good thing that it missed the heart.

But from the looks of it, if the old man did not receive emergcy medical atttion, he would definitely pass away. Using his strgth, Jad managed to carry the old man from the floor, before rushing from the apartmt.

Of course, as he carried the old man, he made sure to be careful not to make any big movemts that would d up injuring the old man further.

After arriving outside the apartmt, he looked for a vehicle, and coincidtally, or luckily, there was a taxi that had just dropped a person here. So, Jad managed to get into the taxi by promising to pay double the price to the taxi driver, before the taxi driver agreed to have them on board.

Th, the driver began driving towards the hospital. They had to get there as soon as possible, and so, Jad told the driver to drive as fast as possible. As for the matter of the traffic rules, they would handle later after saving the patit.

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