The Bodyguard System

Chapter 16: Sparring

In the main mansion's living room, Clifford and Lynette were currtly discussing some matters related to the companies that they owned.

Now that the feud with the Williams had escalated, it was definitely obvious that some troubles would be arising in the companies. But ev th, there was nothing that they could do for the momt other than trying to block the Williams as much as possible, as they waited for the right momt to strike back.

Just as they were continuously discussing, Stev the old butler walked in. After giving a slight bow, Stev wt ahead and spoke.

"Master, I have already made arrangemts on the matters concerning Jad. He should be able to attd the university tomorrow. More than that, I have also arranged for a small group of people to monitor him, and offer assistance just in case." Stev stated with a calm voice.

Clifford nodded. Stev was quite efficit wh it came to dealing with these matters. That was the reason why he was the butler, ev after his father had handed over the position of the lead of the family to him.

"That's good. With that group that you have organized for, it should be definitely quite easy to help Jad in case he doesn't have the capability of handling the problems that he would be facing." Clifford stated.

It was not that they trusted Jad that much. In any case, according to the backg information that they possessed about Jad, they understood that he had gone to a certain organization for training, but they did not know much about his combat capabilities.

After all, despite the fact that the Johnsons were quite influtial, they did not possess any influce in that organization. So, it was impossible for them to be able to get information about Jad and his achievemts in that organization.

But ev th, since Jad did not spd that much time in the organization, they believed that his abilities were definitely not that much high. So, ev if the group that they had organized was not as skilled as Jad was, but they at least could make up the numbers, and help whever possible.

Just as Clifford was about to continue discussing with Lynette on the countermeasures that they were supposed to take, he realized that Stev had not left.

"Is there something else that you would like to say?" Clifford asked with raised brows. This was definitely the first time that he had se Stev holding back from saying something.

"That's right master. I have just realized that young lady Scarlet has gone to the servants quarters. I do believe that she is planning something against Mr. Jad. This is definitely not good, right?" Stev stated with a hint of worry in his eyes.

Of course, he understood the personality that Scarlet possessed. Since they had looked for a bodyguard for her, she was definitely going to look for a way that she was going to sd that guy away.

But with the currt situation that the family was facing, Scarlet definitely required a bodyguard. And if Scarlet did something that made Jad to leave, and he actually possessed ough capabilities to be able to protect her, th they would have made a big loss.

Clifford frowned for a momt before he responded, "Just let it be. But just in case, you can monitor the movemts that Scarlet is making. We cannot afford to lose Jad for the time being, unless we understand his capabilities fully. If he doesn't have much capabilities, we can just sd him away after we find another person to replace him."

"Okay master. I will do that now." Stev responded before he turned a and left the living room.

Lynette looked at Clifford and asked, "Are you sure about this? If Scarlet actually ds up offding Jad, and the relationship betwe the two of them gets tse, it definitely will not be helpful considering that Jad will have to protect Scarlet."

"There's no problem at all. I don't believe that Scarlet is going to do something that is going to ruin the relationship betwe her and Jad. And ev if she does something like that, I do believe that the relationship will not be ruined in such a way that they would be emies with each other." Clifford responded.

Th, he continued after a momt of silce, "It might be true that Scarlet is kind of stubborn, but ev th, she has some brains. So, I do believe that she will not go that far wh it comes to provoking other people."

Lynette wanted to say something, but in the d, she decided to remain silt. After all, she understood the matter, and this was just a test that they had talked about not long ago, about trying out the abilities that Jad possessed.

It would be good If they could use Scarlet to test out the abilities that Jad possessed. If he actually did not ev possess the ability to deal with Scarlet, that implied that he was definitely not qualified to be protecting Scarlet.

"Well, let's hope everything goes well." Lynette stated before she focused on other matters.

Jad followed Scarlet into the basemt that was located in the main mansion. Although it was a basemt, it was quite well arranged, and it did not look like a basemt at all.

The lights in this place illuminated every corner of the basemt, including the corridor that they had utilized in order to ter into the training room, removing any darkness.

The air within the basemt was well circulated considering that several air conditioners had be installed in the basemt, and they were capable of maintaining a good atmosphere within the basemt.

During the time that they were coming in, Jad realized that the basemt possessed three differt doors. The doors were currtly closed, and the one that they had tered into was the one that led to the gym, which was the training area for the mansion.

The gym was quite big, occupying a large area of about 3,000 m². It was clear that the basemt was bigger than the mansion that was located on top.

The gym was well equipped with all the modern equipmt, and there was ev a ring that could be used for sparring or fights. Additionally, a the ring, there were ev several pairs of bches, obviously for the spectators.

Currtly, in the tire gym, there was nobody else other than a lady who was currtly training by punching a punching bag. She was wearing black lady gym crop top, and a pair of tight trousers, accompanied by sports shoes.

She was sweating as she continuously punched the punching bag. And wh the two of them tered, she did not ev pay atttion to them, and just continued with what she was doing.

Jad observed her movemts for a while, and he could not help but be a little surprised by the power that she possessed. With every time that she punched the punching bag, it would tremble intsely, that ev he who was in a distance could see it clearly.

At that momt, Jad realized that he was definitely not supposed to underestimate the Johnsons. Just this lady here was possessing such strgth, th what about the bodyguards that they had be getting before?

Scarlet did not pay atttion to the lady who was continuously training, but instead, she headed straight to the ring. The momt that she got into the ring, she realized that Jad was paying atttion to the other lady that was training.

Pursing her lips, she looked at Jad and asked angrily, "What are you staring at? Don't tell me that you want to marry her as you have already fall in love with her the momt that you saw her?"

Jad could not help but feel his lips twitch wh he heard what Scarlet had said. Was it wrong to look at a person training? Additionally, it was not as if he was looking at her obsequiously, right?

He was just impressed by the power that this lady possessed, and that was all. But in any case, he did not respond, and immediately headed towards the ring.

But he did not ter into the ring, and stood outside. He was not sure what Scarlet was planning, but he believed that it might be related to the mission. But in any case, unless Scarlet asked him to ter into the ring, he was definitely not going to do so.

"What? Don't tell me that you are afraid of fighting with me? I wanted a sparring partner, and as you can see, my cousin over there is busy training on her own. So, I can only ask you to train with me." Scarlet narrowed her eyes as she looked at Jad, while saying with a hint of dissatisfaction in her voice.

Jad immediately understood the relationship betwe Scarlet and the lady on the other side. But he did not care about it, and immediately jumped into the ring. In any case, he had a mission to complete, and that was what he was going to do.

The momt that Jad jumped into the ring, Scarlet did not give him a chance at all, and immediately attacked. She wanted to prove that this guy was definitely not qualified to be her bodyguard. And after beating him up, she would go ahead and talk to him about logic, where he was weak as compared to the person that he was supposed to protect.

That way, with his ego as a man, he would definitely not continue wanting to protect Scarlet, who had just beat him up. That way, she would be able to make him retreat by himself.

Jad who had just stepped into the ring ssed the attack. Immediately, he leaned backwards without hesitation, despite the fact that he was sneak attacked.

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