The Bodyguard System

Chapter 15: Optional Mission

He could not help but be slightly dumbfounded wh he realized that there were several clothes within the wardrobe. And each and every one of them looked extremely expsive.

For a momt, Jad did not breathe. He stretched his hand forward, and touched the clothes. He realized that they were made of quality material. Just by touching them, he could feel how soft they were, but they were also extremely tough and could not be easily worn out.

After retrieving his hand, Jad could not help but wonder if the room that he had be giv belonged to someone else. After all, these clothes did not belong to him, right?

Just as he was wondering if he was giv the wrong room, he suddly noticed that there was a small note that was placed on top of a few folded clothes. He took it and hesitated for a momt, on whether he was supposed to read it or not. At the d of it all, perhaps this was something that belonged to somebody else?

After a few seconds of hesitation, he decided to read it anyway. The momt that he took the note, he could not help but be a little surprised considering that the note was actually addressed to him.

{Mr. Jad, I purchased a few clothes for you. We realized that you came without making arrangemts of living in this place, but we are not going to allow you to go back for the time being. So, you will have to use the clothes here during the time that you will be on duty.}

After reading the note, Jad guessed that the one who had left the note was definitely Stev. He was the butler of the house, and he was definitely the one that could address him as Mr. Jad.

After reading the note, Jad could not help but wonder at how powerful the Johnsons were. He was only coming today, but they had already made arrangemts for him, and ev purchased clothes for him in just a short time.

From the time that he had be informed by Clifford that they were looking for information about him, to the time that he arrived here, it was just about an hour or so. But ev th, they had already made such arrangemts.

Just in case, Jad decided to take a few pairs of clothes so that he could test them out if they fit him. He could not help but be continuously surprised wh he realized that those clothes were actually meant for his body.

One had to know that the currt Jad had already changed much ever since he had be healed by the system. But ev th, these clothes actually matched the currt physique that he possessed.

Looking at his reflection in the mirror, he could not help but be surprised by how much he had changed by just changing the clothes that he was wearing.

Jad was just intding to relax wh suddly, there was a knock on the door. Without hesitation, he immediately put on a pair of clothes, a plain T-shirt, and black sweatpants before he headed to the door.

Wh he oped it, he was surprised wh he realized that it was Scarlet who was out of the door.

The momt that the door was oped, Scarlet could not help but be surprised. She looked at Jad who had appeared in front of her, and was momtarily dazed.

The reason behind that simply being that he had changed completely the momt that he put on the clothes that he was having now. He was completely differt from the way that he was during the time that she had se him first.

But ev th, Scarlet was able to recover quite quickly. With a hint of dissatisfaction in her eyes, she said, "I want to practice. Why don't you accompany me to the gym that is located in the main mansion?"

For a momt, Jad did not believe what he had just heard. What was wrong with this lady? He had just arrived today, and yet here she was, asking him to accompany her for training.

"Are you sure that is okay?" Jad asked. Of course, he was hesitant in training with this lady. At the d of it all, he had just arrived, and they did not know each other that much. Additionally, from the look that this lady was giving him, it was clear that she was definitely not planning something good.

Moreover, if he wt ahead and trained with her, what was he supposed to train with her in? It might be true that he possessed some skills wh it came to fighting, but it was not as if he had be trained professionally.

The skills that he possessed were due to the street fights that he had be involved in during the years that he had be surviving ever since his parts died.

To him, the job of being a bodyguard was simply for him to protect this lady. In case there was a group of people that came to kidnap her or something like that, he was the one that was supposed to deal with that.

Initially, he would have definitely have much trouble dealing with many people, but after his strgth had be increased, it was definitely quite easy for him to deal with that situation. If he was asked to fight with those people that had beat him up before, he would definitely be able to deal with them quite easily as compared before.

The only problem was the fact that he did not possess the skills that were required for combat, though he possessed ough strgth.

"Of course I am sure about it. Or do you think that I came all the way here just to joke with you?" Scarlet asked as anger could be se in her eyes. She really did not like a mere bodyguard asking her after she had asked him to do something.

Just as Jad was about to say something, another prompt appeared in front of him.

[Optional mission issued. Survive minutes under the attacks of Scarlet. Reward: Beginner level combat skills.]

Jad was momtarily stunned. A mission had actually be gerated just like that? Additionally, the reward had be stated this time, completely differt from the mission that he had be giv first, to make sure that he maintained his position as a bodyguard for a week.

The only thing that he was disappointed about was the fact that the reward that he was going to be giv was just beginner level combat skills. Were the skills that he possessed not at the beginning level?

In any case, the mission that he was giv was optional, and he could decide to not complete it. So, Jad was about to decline it wh suddly, Scarlet spoke up.

"You better do what I asked. Otherwise, you can as well leave this place and go back to wherever you came from. It is not as if I am going to have a weak bodyguard to protect me." Scarlet snorted wh she looked at Jad.

She could tell that Jad was not willing to go to the gym with her. As for whether he was afraid of her or not, she did not care. To her, since he did not want to go, that implied that the plan that she was having was definitely going to fail.

So, it was better for her to provoke him, to sure that he agreed. Otherwise, if he did not agree, she would have to come up with another strategy in order to deal with him. But of course, it was not as if she liked thinking that much, unless it was necessary.

She did not want to start scheming against this guy, as she had already gott used to dealing with most of the problem in the most simple way possible.

Wh Jad heard what Scarlet had said, he could not help but be slightly surprised. Th, thinking about the mission that he had be giv by the system, to maintain the position as a bodyguard for a week, he definitely could not accept to be st away.

Additionally, if he was not a bodyguard, th what was going to be the use of the bodyguard system? That implied that no matter what he had to maintain the position as a bodyguard, in order to be able to exploit the system and get the advantages from it as much as possible.

"Okay, I'll go with you." Jad stated. After that, he turned a and wt back into the room. He had to put on his shoes first before going to the gym. The clothes that he was wearing were definitely not that bad for him to go to the gym with.

He already knew what was going to happ in the gym. Well, at least he hoped that it was according to the mission that he had be giv by the system. If that was the case, if he was just fighting the young lady, it was definitely not going to be that much troublesome, right?

Ev if the reward from the system for completing the mission was not going to be something very big, but in any case, he was going to complete the mission anyway. Just dealing with Scarlet was not going to be something that was going to take that long, right?

After putting on a pair of shoes, the two of them left the servants quarters and headed towards the main mansion. But they did not use the main trance of the mansion, but instead, they used another trance that was located at the back of the mansion, before they headed towards the basemt.

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