The Bodyguard System

Chapter 11: Trouble?

[First mission gerated. The host has to make sure that he maintains his position as a bodyguard. Time limit, week. Rewards would be calculated depding on how well the mission was completed, together with the difficulties countered.]

Jad was not expecting that the system was going to give him a mission at the momt like this. But ev th, he could not help but get a little excited about the mission that he had be giv by the system.

Of course, it was not that he was happy about the contt of the mission, but instead, he was happy about being giv a mission by the system. This implied that as long as he succeeded, he would definitely be rewarded by something that would be able to increase his strgth.

But the momt that he wt through the information about the mission, he could not help but crease his brows a little. Why the hell was the mission informing him that he was supposed to maintain his position as a bodyguard for an tire week.

Just how difficult was it for him to be able to maintain the position as a bodyguard for a week? But thinking about the information that he had be giv about Scarlet, being a very stubborn person, he could not help but wonder if it was going to be difficult for him to maintain the position.

But ev th, no matter what, he was definitely not willing to give up. He had to make sure that he maintained the position as a bodyguard. It was not that he was happy to be someone's lackey, but instead, this was the only way out of the misery that he had be going through, at least he hoped.

So, with determination clear in his heart, he decided that no matter what, he had to complete the mission. As for what Anthony had said about being targeted by other people, he really didn't care about it. In any case, as long as he managed to survive for a week, that was definitely a possibility for him to get something that was going to able him to get stronger, increasing his survival chances.

Anthony looked at Jad, and he could not help but be a little surprised to the momt that he realized that there was not much of a change of expression on Jad's face.

At that momt, he internally nodded. It seemed that the person that his father had brought over was definitely quite compett. The only thing that they would have to pay atttion to was the matter of his ability to do the job.

They had already gone through the backg that he possessed, and according to the backg, he was definitely fit for the job. But ev th, that was just information that they had gott, and not the practical ability that he possessed, well, at least what they had se.

The two of them continued walking a the mansion and the area, trying to make sure that Jad got familiar with the area.

Since he was going to be living in this place, th Jad had to be familiar with everything. After all, as a bodyguard, he had to be familiar with the vironmt that he was going to make sure the safety of his clit was assured.

After about 30 minutes of going a and chatting with Anthony, the two of them finally decided to go back to the mansion.

On the other hand, inside the mansion, the lady looked at Clifford and asked, "According to the information about this young man, it seems that he is quite compett. But ev th, some of the information about him is kind of incredulous considering his age."

Clifford looked at his wife siltly as he pondered for a momt. Th, he looked at Stev who was standing behind the couch that the two of them were currtly sitting on, and Stev immediately understood the signal.

Without hesitation, he took a tablet that he was having inside his coat and handed it over to Clifford. Clifford received it and wt through the information that had already be oped siltly.

The Information that was possessed inside that tablet would have definitely surprised ev Jad himself, despite the fact that the information was about him.

According to the information that was displayed there, Jad possessed quite a simple backg. He lost his family at the age of 5, and was forced to depd on himself for several years until today.

But ev th, at some point in time in betwe after he had lost his parts, he had joined an organization that was in charge of training people, especially teagers within the country.

That was an indepdt organization in the country and it was giv the permission of doing that. Those that tered into that organization would definitely come out with incredible abilities.

And according to the information, it seemed that Jad had gone into that organization, and had come out just about 3 years ago. But within those past 3 years, he had just be doing simple jobs, trying to survive without ev utilizing the abilities that he possessed.

Of course, ev the information about him being beat close to death was displayed within the tablet, showing how terrifying the Johnson's were wh it came to looking for information about a person within the city.

Clifford could not help but frown a little. But ev th, he did not say anything, and continued going through the information. After a while, he handed back the tablet to Stev, and contemplated for a momt.

"According to the information displayed here, as long as he joined that organization, he definitely possesses ough ability to protect our daughter.

It might be true that he might not possess ough abilities considering that he spt only a short time within the organization, but ev th, it is better for now, considering that we don't have that much of an option for the momt." Clifford stated all of that in a single breath.

Lynette remained silt as she knew what Clifford had said was the truth. At the momt, with the Williams pressing so hard on them, it was definitely going to be difficult for them to be able to find somebody that was going to be protecting Scarlet.

"I guess with the skills that he gained during the time that he was in that organization, he can actually manage to hold on for a few days. After that, we can simply look for another person who is more skilled. But that will require us to utilize more resources in order to find that person." Lynette stated with a frown on her face.

Clifford agreed with her but he did not say anything. Of course, he understood that the job that they had giv Jad was definitely quite difficult. So, the only thing that they could hope was for Jad to be able to hold on for a few days before they found another person to take the position.

Of course, they did not have that much of expectations from Jad, as they believed that he did not have that much of an ability to be able to hold on for much longer. After all, the people that they were dealing with were not simple.

"Though, we have to do something about Scarlet. We all know that if she knows that we have hired a bodyguard for her, she is definitely going to cause trouble for him." Lynette stated with a hint of concern on her face.

After hearing what Lynette had said, Clifford simply dismissed it. "If he simply cannot ev handle Scarlet, th that implies that he definitely doesn't qualify to take the position of guarding her. If he cannot ev deal with her, how is he supposed to deal with the trouble that she cannot deal with?"

After hearing what Clifford had said, Lynette did not say anything. Instead, she simply thought that what he had said was actually true. If Jad could not ev handle Scarlet, th there was definitely no use for his presce at all.

After the two of them came into an agreemt, Clifford finally looked at Stev and instructed, "Make sure that all arrangemts are made. You can inform Scarlet in advance, so that she knows what is going on. I don't want her to come here to be surprised by what we have done."

"Yes master." Stev stated in response after giving a slight bow. Th, he turned a, going to carry out the order that he had be giv.

Lynette on the other hand looked at Clifford with raised brows. She could not help but ask, "Are you sure that this is going to help? I'm pretty sure that the momt that you inform Scarlett about what has happed here, she might actually ev decide not to come back home. And if she comes back home, she is definitely going to cause trouble for that young man."

"I understand that she doesn't want a bodyguard at this momt at all. She has always be stubborn all her life, but we have no choice this time. We cannot allow her to play a just like that. As for causing trouble for Jad, this is going to be the first test. If he cannot handle the situation here, we can at least make an early decision on what to do next." Clifford responded nonchalantly.

Immediately after saying those words, he got up and left the living room. Lynette thought about what Clifford had said, and she thought that he was actually right. In any case, this was just a test if Jad could actually manage to handle Scarlet. Otherwise, they could just dismiss him.

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