The Bodyguard System

Chapter 10: First Mission

"It seems that you have already arrived. Welcome." That young man stood up from the couch that he was sitting on, next to the lady, as he approached Jad with a smile on his face.

Jad was a little surprised at the thusiasm that the young man possessed towards him. But ev th, he did not respond awkwardly, and wt ahead and shook hands with the young man.

He was definitely not surprised that the young man already knew about him. After all, a matter concerning The Johnson family was definitely not something that could be considered small. Additionally, since Jad had be tak to become a bodyguard here, that implied that the members of the family definitely knew about it.

Since the butler had already investigated about him, it was clear that he had already shared the information with the family ev before Clifford arrived.

Clifford did not say anything, but instead, he wt ahead and sat next to the lady who was still seated, while observing Jad. She had to scrutinize this young man, considering that he was the one that was going to be in charge of the security of her daughter.

Through the observations that she had made, she realized that Jad was definitely quite good. That was just a matter of an instinct, and that was the vibe that she felt from Jad.

Jad and the young man wt ahead and sat to a couch that was facing Clifford and the lady. The momt that the two of them sat down, the young man did not speak anymore, but instead, he remained silt while looking at his father, Clifford.

Clifford did not speak as well, and simply remained silt. Jad could not help but raise his brows a little, wondering what was going on. But just as his thoughts were about to picture the possibilities of what was going on here, the lady finally spoke up.

"I believe that you have already be informed about the mission that you are going to handle, and that is the security of my daughter. You already know about the dangers that are involved in this matter, and we already know about your backg." The lady stated with a calm voice.

At this momt, her blue eyes were staring directly at Jad without blinking. From the posture that she possessed, Jad believed that she definitely held quite an authority, and had be in power for quite a while for her to be able to possess such an aura.

This was something to be expected considering that she was a member of the Johnson family, a family that was dealing in many things in the business world and many more. So, he had to be a leader somewhere, and she had already gott used to talking to her subordinates while asserting her authority.

"Your backg is completely clean, and I do believe that you are good for this job. So, as long as you agree, you will definitely get the job." The lady continued.

Jad had long made a decision the momt that he decided to come together with Clifford. So, there was no reason for him to think much about the situation.

"I have already be informed about the mission, and I know the dangers that are involved in it. But ev th, I would still like to get information about the person that I'm going to protect." Jad stated.

This daughter that they were talking about, although he knew that the Johnson family actually possessed a daughter, he was not familiar with her at all. Additionally, completely unlike her two brothers, she was not featuring in any news headlines, and she seemed to be in the dark completely.

But from the actions of the family of trying to look for a bodyguard for her, it implied that they really cared about her.

The lady looked at Jad with raised brows. But ev th, she did not say anything concerning what Jad had asked. She understood that as a bodyguard, of course Jad had to understand who it was that he was going to protect.

He had to understand her behaviors, so that he could be prepared for any situation. But ev th, she just looked at her husband Clifford, clearly signaling him to speak up.

"You can get information about Scarlet from Anthony. After you get acquainted with the information that you require, we will make arrangemts for you to meet up with Scarlet." Clifford stated.

Scarlet was other than Clifford's only daughter. She was the one that Jad was supposed to protect.

"Let's get going. I will be telling you about the information on my sister, as I show you a this place. You will have to live in this place after all." Anthony, the young man who was sitting beside Jad stated as he stood up.

Although Jad was not sure about why this young man seemed quite thusiastic about him, he still stood up theless, and left together with Anthony.

The momt that they stepped out of the mansion, Anthony finally began speaking. The smile that was on his face did not fade at all, maintaining it all the same.

"I have already gone through the information about you, and I can say that you are actually clean. But ev th, that is just according to the backg check that we have carried out.

If I ever find out that you are somehow related to the Williams, believe me, I'll make sure that you experice the most cruel torture." Anthony stated, this time, the smile that was on his face suddly fading the momt that he spoke the last stce.

Jad was a little surprised by the sudd change. But ev th, he did not say anything, simply remaining silt. In this situation, it was not as if there was something that he could say.

They had already carried out a backg check, and since they found out that he was not related to the Williams in any way, that implied that he was not. After all, a person of his level was definitely not capable of dealing with a family like the Williams. Ev during the time that his parts were alive, it was impossible.

Seeing that Jad was silt, Anthony did not go on with the threat. But instead, the smile that was always on his face returned.

"Leaving all of that aside, let me tell you about my sister. Since you are going to be her bodyguard, you have to be prepared to undergo a lot of trouble. I do believe that my father told you that my sister is quite stubborn." Anthony stated with a chuckle.

Jad raised his brows, wondering at just how stubborn this Scarlet was. He was being reminded about her being stubborn again and again. Could it be that she was so troubles on that the other bodyguards could not actually deal with her?

"Leaving that troublesome personalities that she possesses, overall, she's quite a good girl. She usually works hard, and she is determined. As long as she makes a decision, it is quite difficult for us to be able to change her mind." Anthony continued, regardless of Jad's reaction.

As the two of them talked, they continued to walk a the vicinity of the mansion. They wt behind the mansion, and Jad saw that there was a huge oak tree that he had se the time that he was tering into the compound.

From the looks of it, it seemed that this oak tree had be surviving in this place for over several decades. Additionally, the scery a this mansion was pleasing to the eye, and it was no wonder that the Johnsons were among the top power within the city.

Jad observed that a distance away from the mansion, there was another building. And in front of that building, there was a huge swimming pool that was definitely capable of accommodating hundreds of people at the same time.

As the two of them continued to walk, they countered several people that were in charge of taking care of the mansion and its surings.

Anthony on the other hand kept on informing Jad about the information on his sister. And by the d of the trip a the compound, Jad had basically gott a grasp on who Scarlet was.

"But I'll have to tell you in advance. My sister is quite a charmer, and she has many admirers. So, since you are going to be accompanying her almost everywhere that she goes, you will definitely be targeted by those people, other than those from the Williams family." Anthony stated jokingly.

Jad was not that much surprised that he would be targeted by the Williams. But the matter of him being targeted by those admirers, he really did not care at all. In any case, in this world, there was actually nothing that he possessed other than himself.

And to say the truth, he was just like a person who possessed nothing to lose. Since that was the case, why would he be afraid of those puny admirers? Additionally, he possessed a system. And as long as he managed to complete several missions, he would definitely be capable of getting stronger through the system.

As long as he was strong ough, he would definitely be capable of dealing with almost every problem. But of course, he understood one thing, although he could be strong physically, it was not as if he was above the law.

[First mission gerated. The host has to make sure that he maintains his position as a bodyguard. Time frame, week. Rewards would be calculated depding on how well the mission was completed, together with the difficulties countered.]

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