The Beast's Virgin Claim

Chapter 30 - Wickedly Dangerous - Part【2】

This soaring libidinous tension that awakens between us every time we come into contact, can he sense it as well? Does it immobilize him as it does to me?

The tip of his nose gently nudges the nape of my neck as he drinks in my scent, yet I cannot see anything just solely feel and this makes it even more palatable. The way his grip on my waist toughens, the way his breathing shifts to one of a perverse slowness and the way he sensually thrusts his hips into mine in synchronization with Asger's gallops. I knowingly entered the beast's den once more, I shall be devoured.

"P-Phobos," I whine softly. I wished to enjoy the ride but this is more pleasing. Our bodies clash as one deliciously his hands lingering on my quivering flesh. Ecstacy. He makes me feel naughty, as though I am an immoral siren luring her male.

"Hush." He whispers avidly in my right ear nibbling at my ear lobe his voice rumbling and hoarse his appetite for me dripping down erotically from the apex of his tongue to immerse deep into my ear. We both did not foresee this yet being unmarked and new mates have us in an unbridled heat, we are truly stupefied by the mate bond.

Yet this must be hellacious on Phobos for I know his beast must be shredding him apart from within to avouch me as his female. I am aware my male has no control over him yet I wonder how he has not taken me yet? Is it because of the words I had uttered that night when he ventured to do so in that tent or is it because he finds me repugnant for he presumes I have had countless males between my legs?

The thought of it has my heart clench sorely, we still have not addressed it. No matter how much I wish to clear this up my male keeps fleeing from any type of conversation with me as though speaking with me terrifies him.

We are approaching the sea, I can smell it distinctly. But that thing that audaciously pokes at my bum refuses to die down, would he not be embarrassed if his wolves see him this stirred when we reach there? Another abrupt whistle leaves his lips and Asger swiftly calms to a stop.

Why did we halt all of a sudden? Must we perhaps walk the rest of the way or is it something else? Phobos dismounts Asger seizing the lead with a trembling hand he leads us towards an enclosed obscure and shaded area to tie the horse up to a nearby tree. His actions are done hastily as though he is losing all control of himself.

When his dark and dilated half-lidded ocean eyes steamily elevate to lock with mine I pant for I witness the libidinous veracity that has him entranced, I am to be consumed now arent' I? He looks at me as though I am the cause of what he shall do to me as though I was the one who triggered his need.

No, we mustn't do this here on nature's soil. It is sinful. But he cares less of this I know for the beast takes what he demands, what rightfully belongs to him. The tips of his fingers caress my bare ankle, skimming laggardly upward from my exposed calf to my fluid glazed inner thighs. I cannot run for I am still seated upon his horse and this he takes as an advantage to grope me.

He mustn't do this, he cannot have me unless he discourses of his misunderstandings yet at this moment nothing else seems to be important but for him to taste my flavour. My tongue darts out to wet my dry lower lip as I quickly look away from his smouldering eyes. It is so arduous to fight my moon blessed, he wields a certain influence over me that I cannot avoid.

Without further delay Phobos brings me down to land on my feet, the suddenness of his actions is wretchedly tempting. My cunt is devilishly damp and weeping to this male's actions and I know he can smell my horniness.

He guides me by my wrist to the opposite side of Asger towards a pile of leaves and I am instantly conscious of what he wishes to do. "We cannot, we mustn't." Why does my voice sound like this? As though I am uttering obscene words to him, I mean no such thing. What is happening to me?

It is as though his ears are barred and all he can detect is me howling with my want of him for he pushes me down passively whilst the pile of leaves catch me within its softness. The untamed beast hurriedly unzips his pant as I gaze away my cheeks flushing to his unhesitant behaviour. I haven't seen his body in daylight merely near the dim candlelight.

He kneels by my feet as I lay the rear of my palm over my mouth my chest heaving in anticipation of what he will do to me. My mate forcibly yanks open the flaps of my dress uncovering my stomach to him whilst I flinch and shriek at his unexpected antics.

Have mercy on me Phobos, I-I haven't done these things before. You act as though I am experienced with all of this.

He unveils his edematous cock brazenly as I stare at him dazed and mellowed. "What are you going to do to me?" I ask timidly whilst he dips his head to the side with a mild tilt upward of his lips. He finds my question entertaining.


"No, you cannot. Phob-" His left palm briskly clamps over my mouth quietening me up as my eyes widen with a lucent awareness of his indecency. Whenever I am with him I feel as though I am a scared lamb just waiting to be savoured by the beast until I rest warmly in the pits of his belly.

Whilst he grips his cock in his hand I timorously clench my eyes shut and turn my face away from him but he allows none of that for he readily clutches my jaw overpowering me to meet his wild savage orbs that relish me from under his hood. He wants me to regard him as he pleasures himself to me.

There is no need for me to bare my ample breasts or my moistened pussy to him for all he needs are my eyes, this is sufficient for him to reach euphoria.

Slow strokes he begins, I do not see risk to see it for my eyes are feverishly anchored to his. I am immobile beneath him yet I feel so yearned physically as I am being fondled by his virulent palms in that way. I engrave it all from the way his chest heaves to his indefinable pleasure to the way he groans and grunts huskily with his all-consuming gluttony. It is such a sinful sight to witness and I blush fiercely.

His hand withdraws from my mouth to eagerly to dive downward and cup my right breast over my dress, it does not fit in his palm despite how large it is rather it pools out and this he feeds on with corrupt greed as an uncontrollable vulgar whimper leaves my mouth. This male drives me insane. Every stroke, every breath, every look has me drugged by him.

I lie here on this pile of leaves following his moist open mouth that releases his filthy sounds of bliss. Goddess, the way his gaze turns more heated when he engages with my lewd blues, burns me up inflaming my every organ like a wildfire.

My ears hear the sweet sound of the abundant nectar that smears his cock and I am drawn to glimpse at what lies in between his muscular thighs. Such a breathtaking attraction this truly is, watching him pleasure himself is divine surely a picture I have captured and shall use to calm my own needs.

His left palm squeezes my hip moulding the flesh to his liking whilst his right hastily positions his cock over my stripped stomach, there is an expectancy that surges from within me to mark the face he shall make when he unearths rapture. To store it in the abyss of my mind and cherish it during each haunting and lonesome night I shall undoubtedly experience in the future.

He kneads his swollen cock more agile gnarling to every unyielding stroke and I can see he is nearing what he urgently needed. I want to touch it, feel it and taste it on the peak of my tongue. Would that be too lewd of me to ask him?

"Fuck." He groans clasping my cheeks together vigorously my lips squashed to a pout angling up towards him whilst he bends towards me as though he pines to kiss me. My mouth opens involuntarily for my sultry pants to fly through, to accommodate his tongue that he shall ram inside for me to taste. He recognises that I crave to sample his mouth and this turns him on even more as his eyes ignite further to what he regards.

A booming growl departs his chest, his mouth hovering above mine as we both wheeze passionately whilst my male's face contorts into one of unutterable delight. His cock releases dense spurts of his semen all over my belly as he continues to pump his penis, hips tantalizingly thrusting forward until he is satisfied he has released the last drop.

Yet that kiss I wait for patiently never does come, his orbs descend to take in my plump lips yet he never makes a move until my heart determines the truth. This male finds my lips distasteful...used.

He immediately rises ocean blues taking in his masterpiece with torridity, he finds his work to be of topmost appeal with his female sprawled on nature's canvas her belly painted with his semen. Yet why is it that my soul suffers? Yet why is it that every time the passion between us diminishes I am left with nothing but a depressing feeling of emptiness?

My male grabs a piece of cloth from his cloak pocket only to kneel by my feet and wipe my belly off the traces of his lust. Yet they would all know what we did here for after all they shall smell him on me. He seals the flaps of my dress and without a single word of comfort or love he picks me up assisting me to settle back on Asger to recommence our journey.

As he sits behind me his cock now finally fulfilled and calm all I can think of is this is not how breeders are used.. For sexual gratification? They do not receive love only pleasure and pain. Is this how my male sees me his moon blessed as, an object perhaps?

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