The Beast's Virgin Claim

Chapter 29 - Wickedly Dangerous - Part【1】

"Where are you heading, Drakho?" I question with interest standing close beside him whilst the male pauses his task shifting to regard me.

"The goods we were awaiting have arrived by the shore, we are leaving to go collect them." He answers stacking the trunks of the parked trucks with hollow wooden containers large enough to withhold numerous items.

"The shore? Is this pack located by the sea?" I am astounded for I was not aware of this. I adore the sea from the depths of my heart, the saltiness it carries the soothing sounds of its waves as it frailly kisses the shore and the light breeze it sends out to sweep past the strands of my locks and caress my flesh with a delicacy.

"Indeed. We need to traverse through the dense wilderness to get to it. It is not a safe ride for those who are not used to those trails but it is manageable for us as we have journeyed to the shore countless times once every three or four months."

I was awoken early in the morning by the boisterous chatter and movement outside my tent and when I had curiously peeked through the covers I noticed they were preparing for something. I was not informed of anything concerning it so I left the warmth of my shelter wanting to be a part of whatever it was.

"Is Phobos going with you?" I ask as he smiles fondly at me, he is pleased I am curious of his Alpha.

"Of course, he leads the travel. We merely follow him once he sends out the signal it is safe to do so." He replies sealing the backdoor of the last truck whilst the other wolves do a final inspection of all the cases counting them, reviewing their sturdiness and so on. Perfection. They do everything here with utter excellence that often baffles me.

"Then I shall join you as well." The Beta's eyes swell in shock to my words as though he is amazed by my immediate interest in this.

"Females are not permitted to join us on this travel." He responds with a shake of his head as I narrow my eyes with impatience. That sounds offensive with the way he is stating it, does this mean that none of the females here have ever seen the shore despite residing so close to it?

"Why not?"

"Because it is a responsibility for males, the females have other duties to tend to." He replies as my agitation grows with every word he spews, I wish to go. I want to see and know more of their ways. There are no shops here or anything that resembles the modern world which other packs possess. Rather their produce is planted, nurtured and harvested on these soils. They raise cattle as well and now I have learned that they trade with their nearest pack.

"It does not matter, I wish to witness this trade. Perhaps there would be something that would interest me."

"You can tell me what you would like, I shall buy it for you, Luna. What I hold here is a list of what the females here would like to purchase if it is brought in, if you'd just tell me I can-"

"How would I inform you if I do not know what it is they are selling in the first place and if I cannot see it with my own two eyes? I am coming, Drakho." I declare with finality in my tone. I do not wish to be argued with in terms of this matter, I do not wish to be oblivious to many of their customs.

"I-I am unsure, we have never done this before. Alpha Phobos would not authorise-" He initiates to protest once more yet the racket of hooves clopping on dry earth has the both of turn towards the source.

My eyes broaden to what I behold, my moon blessed is sat comfortably upon a magnificent onyx horse that possesses a stunning polished and silky mane. His fingers grip onto the reins steering it towards us, his face concealed beneath the hood of his cloak.

"Alpha Phobos." Drakho bows humbly in reverence as I peer up at him with awe, ocean blues plunge deep into mine with blistering seriousness. How is he riding a horse? Horses dread our true essence rather our wolves that they discern with clarity behind barriers. He must be the first in our world to be perched upon this animal. This is staggering.

"H-How is he-" I unknowingly question whilst Phobos crouches down to examine the equipment that is strapped to the horse. It does not perceive any threat in him rather it is docile and obedient enabling him to lead it.

"This is Asger, he belongs to Krl." Drakho introduces the noble and spirited horse to me who stands patiently awaiting orders from my male.

"Is he not frightened of Phobos? And what of Phobos's beast, how is he comfortable with this?" I doubt my eyes adhered to the intriguing features Asger holds, it is my first time observing the animal this close. It truly is beautiful.

"Quite the opposite, he loves him. Asger submitted to Alpha's wolf when he was sixteen, this horse is unique."

"How so?"

"He understands power. They chose each other." He explains as I drown further with marvel. The horse picked my male? What does he mean by this? "Krlovna desires to join in on our journey, she wants to see the trade and the sea I suppose." I gulp as Drakho glimpses up at his Alpha delivering the truth with no reluctance as though he is snitching on me, suddenly I am unsure of my choices.

My male's striking intimidating eyes are instantly once more on me as I swallow diffidently, everytime he gapes at me undeviatingly all I can do is tremble beneath his piercing ruthless gaze. The power, the dominance he wields is he aware of how it causes my knees to weaken, my flesh to frantically quiver?

He is contemplating, I see this. There is a slight clench to his jaw, a mild narrow of his globes. I can read his actions like an open book but what I cannot are his thoughts and emotions for those are impossible for me to interpret.

My male hastily gets off his horse and my teeth descend into my lower lip. What is he doing? Why is he approaching closer? The beats of my heart quicken and I take a precarious step backwards in a trial to flee his emerging searing heat my being cannot handle.

His palms are fleet to seize my fleshy waist drawing me to his body as I gasp and surprisedly peek up at him. No matter whom we are in the midst of all I see is him. Every bone, every vein in my body senses his essence and readily yields to our bond writhing on its hands and knees surrendering to him. I do not know who I am when I am being touched by the flame of his fingers.

In one solid heave, he hoists me up settling me over the saddle of his horse. He shows me his answer to my wish whilst I peer down a smile radiating across my face. I am happy. Planting his foot on the stirrup he mounts Asger perching snugly behind me.

"We shall follow you once you give us the signal," Drakho mutters leaving us to oversee the trucks and supervise the other males.

Phobos's arms once more grapple my waist and I jerk whilst he positions me in a way that my legs are spread apart each on either side of the horse just like he is seated, and this embarrasses me for my dress is not fit for riding.

I am donning a light faded pink loose attire and I am naked beneath and as he prepares me for departure my dress raises above my thighs baring my crimsoning flesh to his devoted insatiable eyes.

Clasping my wrists he directs me to grasp onto the horn of the saddle, his way of making sure I shall be supported and safe during the entirety of the ride for he is aware this is my first time. The heat of his breath that strokes the sensitive skin of my neck propels me into a bubble of haze, this is a hazardous idea. How do I endure the trip when the fever of his being can be felt by every inch of my back?

I can feel everything, every hardened muscle every unstable inhale and exhale of his chest and the way his breath harshens when I wriggle around striving to get more comfortable. This is torture for the both of us, it is a test of whom shall succumb to the call of our galvanizing bond first.

A low whistle departs those luscious lips of his and Asger promptly commences to gallop forward abiding by my male's order as though he were starting a race, I can sense his excitement. A minute screech of fright escapes my mouth and I clutch onto the horn tighter in fear for my life at the rapid pace we are riding.

The wind is strong, my hair swaying to its music along with Asger's mane whilst our bodies spring to the way he runs. I blink down shyly for my male's hands are nestled tightly right beneath my breasts as he clings onto the reins keeping his horse in check yet each bounce of my bosom seems as though I am innocently seducing him for they raise only to descend brutally against his forearm.

This is too much for me to endure, I am not very experienced in these matters and even the most ingenuous of actions when it comes to him confines me in a cage of impure want. Wishing to establish space between his hands and my breasts I squirm backwards only for my breath to cease and my heart rate to achingly accelerate for his thick solid erect cock nestles cosily against my bum.

"Goddess," I whisper inaudibly as he freezes to my naive action, it seems as though he is finding it strenuous to breathe. The piquant sparks that arise on my parched flesh choke me with a passion. I cannot escape this. I should have just remained in the front for this is more physical. He must think I am doing this on purpose.

As I work to move forward his right palm braces securely around my hip dragging me back to him, my bum once more colliding with his waken cock. A faint grunt of pleasure parts his lips as I heave breathlessly to his deeds, I am greatly aroused so very wet and ravenous for him. My thirst for my male once more towers above any other emotion to claim him as mine.

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