The Beast's Virgin Claim

Chapter 3 - The Next Heir

"Theia, do not run so fast. You will fall. Why must you do this every time we come to visit?" Cronus shouts whilst he chases after me. His tone irritated yet I feel the concern pooling within the depths.

Jumping above rocks and sharp stones my feet bare muddied with the wet dirt I run to the castle that beckons me. The servants welcome my energy whilst I dash past them, my laughs loud enough for every wolf to hear. They have gotten quite used to my antics.

"Hurry up, Cronus!" The screech of my voice carries through the chatter. Wolves knowingly move out the way freeing my path before I bump into them.

"Good morning, Theia." Agatha the head servant of the castle greets me whilst carrying a bucket of white blankets.

"Morning, Agatha. Where is he?" Skidding to a stop in front of her, I question jumping like a wild hare. My heart pounding with the excitement of the fun day waiting ahead for me to experience.

"Where else? The same place as usual." She whispers eyes peering behind me at my brother who seems to be falling behind. Though he is faster than me he purposely runs behind as a form of protection.

"Thank you!" I say whilst sprinting off again only to hear an annoyed groan from my brother as a sign of surrender. He says he cannot imagine where I get such energy early in the morning. Perhaps because I do not train as much as him or even similar to how he is taught by father.

The wind is harsh this morning scraping past my flesh my hair twisting within itself pushed forward to cover my eyes often blocking my view until I sweep it back to stay behind my ear.

I run past the familiar white cage of doves to our usual place of meeting. It had rained heavily last night and still drizzles at the moment that my father made sure to cancel plans today. Yet I did not back down without a fight. The only way I knew I could acquire what I wished. By crying.

"Are you here, yet?" I question into the silence of the garden for the birds are asleep and the servants are not present.

Receiving no reply met only with a cold welcome I frown taking tiny and slow steps to the hidden entrance at the side. The arch is covered by a thick growth of vines that one cannot find unless they truly looked. He introduced this entrance to me a few months ago, it was his. One that he made himself. No wolf knows of it but him and me.

He is often present at this time. Has he not finished with his training today? My heartbeat sinking back to its normal pace upset that my eyes haven't found the view it wished to see.

"I am here, Theia." A low whisper into my right ear has me scream, sudden immense fear taking over my senses. Swiftly turning around ready to jump on the intruder has me meet ocean eyes that seem to be smiling as they regard me.

"Phobos! Must you do this to me? I am merely six!" I shriek my eyes blazing for he has taken a liking to scare me whenever he can. It is easy for him for he possesses the ability of a ghost. You will never know he is near you or watching you from within the eerie darkness.

He smiles as if he finds this funny. His eyes flutter whilst he blinks and I peer into him. "Haven't you gotten used to me yet, Theia?" He questions.

With a huff, I move past him to take my rightful seat below the tree as always. "I will never get used to you. You possess a frightful side." I whisper sending a small playful glare his way.

"Frightful side? You still haven't seen that side of me yet, Theia." He mutters beneath his breath but I hear it. He strides forward taking his seat to my left. Pushing his knees into his chest elbows placed above his kneecaps he takes a deep breath, eyes closed relishing the fresh yet cold morning air.

"So, what will you teach me today?" I question excitement surging. He merely peers down to my muddy feet. Scanning my feet with a tilt of his head he opens his mouth to ask me a question.

"Did you run barefoot?"

I sit down straighter moving closer to him. Nodding my head my chest puffed spine straight, "Yes. Indeed I did." I declare.

His hand reaches towards me and he ruffles my hair disrupting its well-kept peace yet I pay no heed to it. "I am proud, Theia." He utters a soft smile sparking up in his face.

Mother often trains me how to be 'feminine' and I learn attentively and was becoming one. Well kept, graceful and elegant is what she teaches me saying I must master the meaning of these words so that I will reap what I saw in the future.

But Phobos. He teaches me different things. He teaches me how to be wild. To be free. He teaches me how to be myself.

"I wore the short heeled shoe mother picked out all the way here and as soon as I was on your grounds I ripped them away!" I state my chin tilted to the sky wanting more of his compliments. It makes me happy when he assures me of his pride in me.

"Is that so? Well done, Theia." He chuckles pinching my right cheek with gentleness.

"You didn't answer my question!" I whine pushing myself closer to him. My body is often cold despite the different changes in the weather even when the sun is high I am cold. Phobos has a unique warmth to him that I find myself often cuddling to him.

"I will once we have washed your feet. Today was not a good day to run bare feet, Theia. The ground is drenched. You will catch a cold." He utters concluding, getting up swiftly peering down at me. When I don't move he gives me a curt nod giving me his hand to take. With a sigh, I raise my palm which he quickly clasps helping me up to stand on my feet.

"Come." He whispers as I follow him towards the castle. I somehow feel I have just been scolded.

But before I could take a step inside he squats down, his knees bent face kept forward. Frowning I take a step back. "What are you doing?" I ask.

"Get on, Theia. The servants just cleaned the floors. Do you wish to dirty it?" He questions turning his face to the side, eyes glancing behind at me from behind his lashes.

Without another word, I climb up his back my hands clamped around his neck legs bound around his waist. His hands hold me up palms under my thighs as he lifts me with ease.

He begins to carry me inside and up the stairs to his room. A chuckle passes my lips. "Father carries me in such a way as well. Elephant back ride!" I screech my fist pumped into the air swinging my legs, my laughter echoing past the walls.

The servants make way for us some chuckling at my behaviour. "Don't move too much, Theia. You will fall." He groans taking the stairs two at a time.

"If I were to fall, wouldn't you catch me?" I question whispering in his right ear as he did to me in the garden.

Taking a deep breath in his chest pulled back he nods his head. "Of course I would. Without hesitation." He utters striding towards the door of his room.

Kicking open the door I am carried into his personal space. I have come here several times to read the books arranged in alphabetical order upon the bookshelves. I do not understand their contents but I find it fun for the pictures they hold are quite interesting.

"Place your feet into the tub." He says and I immediately follow his instruction. Sitting upon the head of the tub I thrust my feet into its white mass.

He kneels upon the floor testing the warmth of the water whilst it sprays on his palm. He keeps twisting the controls of the faucet until he finds the temperature of the water to be satisfactory.

Pumping some soap into his hands he rubs forming the foam. Lifting my ankle he cleans my feet. I watch with patience but also a unique feeling springs in me.

Even mother does not pamper me this much. She makes me do everything on my own and I shall pay for my mistakes. Yet Phobos spoils me to the level that I go above my boundaries just for one compliment to slip past his lips.

"Theia." He whispers.

"Hmm?" I hum my eyes still watching the way he washes my feet. How can a male have such gentle hands? When mother's fingertips slide past my skin it doesn't feel as soft as his though she takes care of them like they are her pups.

"Do not be so hasty and impulsive. I am teaching you to be shrewd, not clumsy." He says whilst wiping my feet with a freshly warmed fluffy towel.

"I can take care of myself," I utter clenching my hand my nails digging into the flesh of my palms.

"No, you cannot. You are merely a pup." He declares gazing up to meet my eyes.

Gritting my teeth I stomp my foot down. Must every juvenile and adult say this to me? Mention every time that I am powerless and nothing but a pup. I am sick of hearing this for it is all they say. Nobody dares tell Cronus that he is a pup rather encourage him saying he is the future Alpha.

"It seems to me you did not like my words." He voices out his thoughts.

"Yes. I do not like being called a pup." I spit.

He tilts his head to the side. "Tell me, Theia. Are you capable of protecting yourself? No. Your brother does the job with his life. Are you capable of fending off wolves on your own? No. Are you capable of living in the wild by yourself? No. Are you-" His questions burn me and allow my fury to surge.

"Stop. I don't need you to spell it out for me! Is it because I ran here barefoot in the rain? Why are you making such a small issue into something big?" I question frowning with a shake of my head getting out of the tub heading into his room.

"Perhaps it is a small thing but your action dictates your character. I taught you to be free and run barefoot but it was up to you to choose where. It was a choice I gave you to make yourself for that choice would help me see if you use that brain of yours or not. What did I say, Theia?" He ends his explanation with a question.

"Choices bring consequences," I whisper. He made me repeat these words since we grew close during the past year. It is engraved deep within my mind.

"What would have been your consequence when you ran barefoot in the rain-drenched ground?" He questions whilst his back is turned towards me hands thrust into the drawer shuffling around.

"I would have caught... a cold?" I say unsure of my answer.

"Exactly." He utters striding towards me handing me a small pair of socks. "These belong to my brother. It might fit you." He says whilst taking his seat to my left upon the bed. I find that somehow we are naturally drawn to sit in a certain position. I sit to the right and Phobos always sits to my left.

"So you were testing me?" I inquire pulling the socks up my feet. They are quite warm and fuzzy. Never thought that Deimos would like these kinds of socks.

"Yes, I was." He nods speaking his truth.

"I guess I did not pass did I?" My lips are in a pout, eyes glued to the floor. I did not like failing his tests.

"You have plenty of time to get them right, Theia." He whispers.

"How can I get it right when I visit you once a month, Phobos? Father had stopped me coming today but I fought back!" I utter.

His eyes widen at my words. "How did you fight back?" He questions curiously pooling out of him.

"I cried of course! Sobbed until my eyes swelled and my cheeks grew red." I declare hands crossed upon my chest showing him my pride. But it vanishes as soon as it arrives, to his laugh.

His laugh is quite contagious where I would often join him when he starts. But now it makes me want to kick him with my feet. He finds my fight funny.

"See? This is why I told you. You are still a pup." He chuckles whilst he speaks.

"It is the only way that works." I chew my lip as I glare at him.

"It is because you haven't tried other alternatives. Next time. When you wish to acquire something, you negotiate." He says.

"Negotiate?" I question confused.

"Yes. Bargain with them. If they let you acquire what you wish to give them something in return." He explains his eyes peering into mine watching me to see if I understand his words.

"I do not possess anything of high value. I am six!" I state in case he had forgotten.

"So now you state yourself as a pup without power, is that it?" He sends me a playful scoff. "You do have something of value at the moment."

"What is it?" I shuffle closer to him curious to know what it is I possess that I do not know of but he does.

Bending low he whispers as if it's a secret. "Yourself."

"Myself?" I frown. This male does nothing but confuse me with his words that hold depth to them. I do not understand anything he says unless he explains it.

"Yes, you can do chores or perhaps help your parents in little things that require your presence. Or perhaps make a promise you will behave on certain occasions and abide by it." He says

"But I-" I begin to protest to his words whilst he cuts me off.

"Do it, Theia. If you master it now, negotiation shall be your greatest ally and strength as you mature." He utters.

Taking in his words with keenness whilst saturating it within my mind I nod to him.

Phobos is very important to me. Perhaps it has been merely nothing but a year since we have known each other yet he has grown to become like my brother. Perhaps even a friend. My dearest friend.

Growing up father placed almost the entirety of his attention on Cronus. His training only meant for my brother whilst I was pushed to my mother's side. I am to learn the art of sewing, languages, history and culture.

I am to learn the things I have no interest in. I want to learn to be like my brother. Why is it that he is the next heir yet I have to learn things that possess no value?

"What are you thinking about?" Phobos questions whilst patting down the crumpled mattress calming its frills.

"Why cannot I be trained as my brother? Why cannot I be the next heir instead of him? We are of the same age after all." I ask.

His eyes plunge into mine and he regards me for a few seconds as if I was uttering complete nonsense. As if I didn't know what I was talking about.

"Do you know the meaning that title holds? The severity rather the complexity of it? It is not a simple matter, Theia." He says with a shake of his head shutting his eyes close leaning back on his palms as if these two words themselves strikes his soul.

"Whatever of it. I am prepared I want what I want. I wish to be trained." I strike back with my words.

He offers me a sudden sweet smile. "I am here aren't I? I will grant your wishes."

"Thank you, Phobos," I whisper my genuine thanks. I have learnt so much the past year and it excites me further to see how far I will go.

"Let's head down now, shall we? Our brothers must be waiting, no?" He asks getting up eyes peering down at me.

"Yes, I suppose," I reply following him whilst he shuts the door to his room and heads down to the living room.

As we reach the living room the servants stand outside the arched entrance, heads bowed eyes glued to the floor. There is an eerie cold silence that follows and I frown not understanding where the happy morning has disappeared so quickly.

As I peep into the living room the presence of Phobos's parents takes me by surprise. I usually do not see them when I visit yet here they are.

My brother stands spine straight behind the sofa hands held behind his back as he watches what is happening in front of him.

"Which hand threw the ball to shatter the windows and broke your mother's vase?" Alpha Ares questions Deimos who stands in front of him shivering slightly hands clenched to his sides. "I will not ask again! Right or left?" Alpha Ares demands his eyes blazing.

"R-Right." Deimos stutters. His voice is nothing but a frightened whisper.

"It's all right, Ares. It was an accident. Must you punish our son like this?" Luna pushes herself into Alpha Ares's side a palm on his back sliding down with softness.

"Hush my Aphrodite. As the next heir of this pack, he must be disciplined." Alpha Ares gently pushes her away from him, his attention back on Deimos. "Fold." He instructs.

Deimos refuses with a slow shake of his head. His body shives as if he were standing bare in the winter's snow.

"Fold!" Alpha Ares screams his voice booming across the walls. The servants' whimper their heads bowed. My heart pounds in my chest as I hide behind the protection of the wall scared to show myself thinking I might be the next to acquire the Alpha's anger despite being innocent.

Deimos folds his right hand into a fist his knuckles bare to his father and shuts his eyes close. Alpha Ares moves to the fireplace to retrieve and stick. A stick? What for? I frown for I have never witnessed such a scene before. Is Deimos going to be punished?

My eyes snap to my brother who merely watches the situation with no fear of any sort. "Cronus! Cronus!" I whisper trying to get his attention so he could come to hide with me instead of being out in the open.

"You will receive ten hits. I hope you will not repeat this for if you did so I will punish you in another way. One that you still haven't experienced before. Do you understand me?" Alpha Ares asks raising the stick above his head.

Luna Aphrodite rushes out the other entrance her lips wobbling tears dripping down her cheeks.

A small scream leaves my lips as the sound of a harsh hit sinks into my ears. Alpha Ares smacks Deimos on his knuckles with the stick whilst he takes it without any opposition.

My breath is caught in my throat as I take several steps back. Phobos holds me in place his palm placed upon my back.

With every thrash, Deimos lets out small whimpers tears streaming down his cheeks. My brother stands still without a single flinch as if... as if he has experienced this himself before.

I have been so naughty and done worse things than this at home yet I have never been punished in such a way. Yes, perhaps I did not get dinner or could not leave my room for a few hours yet I have never experienced such punishment before.

With every smack of Alpha Ares and every cry of Deimos, I struggle to breathe. Deimos's whimpers turn into painful screams. Stop. Stop. I do not want to see this anymore.

I take several steps back tears streaming down my cheeks. My breath coming out in short puffs unable to regenerate my breathing. The garden, I need to go... I need to go out into the garden.

Phobos holds me in place not allowing me to take another step backwards. He does not allow me to escape rather he bends down closer to my ear to whisper as I bawl my eyes out.

"Watch, Theia. Watch. For this is what it means to be the next heir." He whispers voice low whilst his breath fans my wet cheek.

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