The Beast's Virgin Claim

Chapter 2 - First Meeting

"Theia. Where are your manners?" The low deep reprimanding voice of my father slowly creeps its way into my ears.

My head tucked within his neck hands bound around his flesh I remain still as a stubborn mule, uncomfortable with all the mingled scents of the wolves present that I cannot recognize. It is my first time travelling away from my pack and their presence scares me a little.

"Face our hosts." He raises his voice a little and I flinch knowing if I do not adhere to his words I will regret it. I have no fear towards my father for he is always gentle and kind with me yet I respect him for the Alpha he is. He will not allow disobedience in front of others, this I know.

My cheeks burn with my shyness as I slowly turn my body to the side as a sign of my obedience. My father bends down releasing me, my feet landing upon the marble floor. I feel eyes on me and I swiftly try to run and hide behind my mother's skirt but she will have no part in it pushing me gently with her palm forcing me to meet our hosts.

"Hello, Theia." The gentle voice of a female wolf has me perking up to see her. A soft smile on her face eyes shining like the glitters I use in my crafts. Long black hair that flows down like silk, she is beautiful. She looks very different from our females. More poised as she greeted us.

"Hello. T-Thank you for inviting us." I whisper with a small bow my hands clutched in front of me. I speak the words my mother taught me growing up. The energy within the room is not at ease, it is hot as if on fire. I know these wolves are of higher authority for their aura is blazing.

"How old are you, Theia?" Another voice. Not one of a female but a male. Quite different than my father's. It is deeper and stronger. A voice if raised could bring one to the knees. I peek up at my father and he gives me a nod with a smile encouraging me to go ahead.

"F-Five summers, Alpha," I reply unable to meet his eyes keeping my head low. I know he runs this pack and it puts more stress on me to beware of my words and actions.

"I apologize, Alpha Ares, she is very shy." My father chuckles as Alpha Ares lets out a hearty laugh his right palm slapping my father's back as a friend would. Are they close? If so how close? Father never mentioned them being friends only that Alpha Ares was the King, Alpha of Alpha's and I must be on my best behaviour.

"She is just like you when we first met. Timid and shy." Alpha Ares utters peering down to look at me. His eyes frighten me and I quickly take a step back my feet stumbling and quickly falling my flesh meeting that of my brother. He stops my fall holding me up with a gentle smile on his lips as he gazes down at me.

"It is okay, Theia. Do not be in fear for you are safe, just be yourself." His kind words provide me with the strength I need. My biggest supporter and protector. He always has my back.

"This is my son, Cronus." My father introduces my brother to the two wolves present. Spine straight, head held high chest puffed. My father's pride. The future of our pack. The one who would bring growth and prosperity as my father says.

Alpha Ares looks down to greet my brother. A fiery glance intimidation he gives him yet my brother remains calm. He stretches his hand forward which my brother quickly clasps without hesitation meeting the Alpha's eyes head-on. My brother is of the same age as me yet he is highly mature. My father trained him since he was born for he is the next heir.

"It is great to finally meet you." Alpha Ares says giving my brother a curt nod of acknowledgement. Perhaps he had tested my brother in undiscoverable ways as all Alpha's do and my brother might have succeeded looking at the acceptance in Alpha Ares's eyes.

"Likewise, Alpha Ares." My brother replies giving a short bow. His hands meet behind his back head bent as he shows his respect.

"Deimos!" Alpha Ares's sudden loud voice booms across the walls and I shudder flinching, pulling down the hem of my father's shirt begging him to carry me. This wolf is so fearful. "Stop hiding behind the curtain and come introduce yourself." He commands voice loud, tone dominant.

The curtain is pulled back slowly by tiny hands like mine to reveal a young male who then strides forward with confidence. Black polished shoes tap upon the tiles the sound striking through the silence. He walks until he stands right in front of my brother and me.

"My name is Deimos. I am your age as well." He says making eye contact with us. His first greeting not for my parents but for us. His eyes remind me of the trees in our pack, such a glorious green. He might be a bad wolf to play with, my brother takes his stance behind me showing me he thinks the same thing.

Deimos thrusts his hand into his right pocket rummaging through it and my heart pounds. Is he going to throw a spider upon me? Or perhaps wet sand? The young males in my pack do it often with me. Cronus always fought them in revenge. Tumbling on the floor fists punching, he would take them on no matter how many were against him. No one touches his sister he says.

Before a scream of terror could surge through my throat he opens his palm for me to see. "I heard you like candy so I stole some for you from the kitchen." He says waiting for me to take it. I look back and forth from the candy to his eyes to see his truth.

My brother calms behind me the pace of his heartbeat sinking back to normal. He sees no threat. With trembling fingers, I pluck it from his grasp taking it from him. Deimos takes another candy from his left pocket and hands it to my brother who takes it without hesitation and offers a smile of acknowledgement in return.

A sign of a budding friendship. Our parents look down at us with pride whilst Alpha Ares ruffles Deimos's hair with a softness in his eyes. He appreciates his act of friendship despite the candy being stolen.

"Our oldest is out, he will be here soon. We had informed him earlier of your arrival but he had to finish his training first." The female wolf speaks eyes meeting those of my parents whilst coming back down to peer at me showing she has taken an interest in me.

"It's quite all right. We are humbled to be in your presence." Father whispers with a small curt bow followed by mother.

"Do not be so formal with us. We have known you both since birth, have we not?" Alpha Ares offers a gentle smile to my parents who nod in acknowledgement of his words.

As they lead us towards the living room my astonished eyes take in the beauty of the high ceilings in the castle they reside in. Chandeliers, marble floors, sculptures, and servants with golden platters. The luxury they live in is shown without shyness and it surprises me when compared to my abode.

"Theia," Deimos speaks creeping up behind me. I turn around swiftly my dress swirling to the sudden movement. His hands are held behind his back as he regards me.

"Y-Yes?" I ask.

"Would you like to play out in the garden?" He questions with a tilt of his head. A sign of patience to my answer showing me he wouldn't force me if I apposed.

I look towards my parents who give me a look of affirmation. They like him for they wouldn't have let me play if they hadn't approved of his character. Well, he is more behaved and well kept compared to the other males I know. He is very similar to my brother, Cronus.

"Only if my brother can join us." I have begun a small negotiation my head tilted upward watching his reaction waiting for his answer.

His eyes widen in surprise at my counterattack yet a gentle smile graces his lips after. He seems to be amused by my demand. A demand for his friendly offer.

"Of course. He was invited before you." He whispers with a hint of a tease playing with his words.

He guides my brother and me towards the open garden. There is a reason I agreed to play with him for I love gardens merely because they possess something I grew up with. Flowers.

"What games do you both like to play?" Deimos questions. Servants bow to him with respect along the way to which he doesn't reply. Some smile at me and I look away my cheeks burning. I do not like much attention for severe shyness is something I cannot cut my ties with.

"Tag." My brother is quick to reply.

"Tag?" Deimos asks frowning opening the doors to the garden. My heart beats with the excitement of the view that lays waiting for me to perhaps praise and fall in love with.

"Yes, tag. Have you never played it before?" My brother asks.

"Not quite. The only game I play is chess." Deimos utters under his breath and gazes at us as if we were from another planet.

"Chess? Are you not too young to play chess?" I ask surprised. Father always played it with mother the bounds of his candlelit office room, it seemed something very sophisticated even when played by adults.

"Rather quite old. I am still learning to play it. My brother learned to master it when he was our age." Deimos sighs as if he was disappointed in himself.

His brother? Why haven't I seen him yet? Well, he must be quite smart to master that game at such a young age. I cannot even play tag well for my feet are too small to run with the males. This ignites a curiosity within me to meet his brother.

"Would you like me to teach you? It is quite fun." Cronus asks whilst I prance around looking at the variety of flowers present, kneeling upon the grass floor to inspect the colors and touch the petals. Deimos is quite lucky for he gets to play in such vast scented lands.

As Cronus teaches Deimos the game of tag I begin to explore the garden hopping about hoping to find hidden treats that might be a discovery for me. Perhaps this is very ill-mannered of me to do so but it doesn't matter. I can be very convincing when I need to be.

Looking back at the two males they are pretty far from where I stand, seated upon the grass indulged in a deep conversation the topic of games long forgotten. Well, I expected this for they have similar interests and are alike in manners.

Continuing on the stone path I spot a metal cage painted in crystal white from the rods to the soles of its feet. Wishing to see the life held caged within I take slow steps towards the calmness that beckons me.

Squinting my eyes trying to see what resides in there, I squeal when I find white doves within the barrier. They don't chirp or rattle the cage when I approach rather stay as they are and stare at me with their black jewels.

Birds are quite timid creatures like me I have never seen such that are calm as if they have no care in the world. But should birds be kept in cages? Should they not be free to roam the skies as they were born to?

My thoughts are broken apart by the sound of fresh water flowing which makes me perk up amazed. Another place for me to explore! This place is magical. Bidding farewell to the birds I follow the same path to find the source. I keep walking deeper and deeper into the maze-like garden.

It pulls me to find the hidden jewel that awaits for me to discover it. The sound of the water seems closer to me and I know I have reached my destination. A small pond with a waterfall that gushes down streams of water with heavy force.

The pond swallows it whole and calms the anger of the waterfall with peace. I should bring Cronus here, he would love this place. We always discussed visiting a foreign land that held varieties of waterfalls one day but this is quite beautiful as well. It is dazzling and glitters as the waves meet the sun's rays.

With a wide smile and an excited chuckle, I turn swiftly to run back to him. But my smile drops abruptly when I see what lays in front of me. Two paths. Two different stone paths. This felt like the quizzes I took at him. Which one did I come from? The first? I turn to look towards the second path. Was it the second? They both looked unbelievably the same. It takes me a few seconds to register within my mind that I was utterly los-

"Lost." A voice strikes from within the shadows. I turn swiftly my heart-pounding eyes widening searching, scanning the area to find the source. "You are lost." The male speaks again. The only muddle is that I cannot see him.

"S-Show yourself!" I whisper meekly. Mother warned me not to run off on my own but I always do it and face consequences. My curiosity never seems to be at ease.

"I am not hiding. I am in plain sight. Perhaps you are blind?" He questions. Such a fullness it possesses but without the rocky edges pure smoothness as silk when he speaks. His tone is playful as if he found this situation quite funny.

"I am not. I can see you." I speak a discernable lie whilst I stomp my foot on the ground a small annoyed pout on my lips. He angers me for he plays as if I were a toy. A female is not a toy! My eyes do not stop searching for this hidden male who thinks teasing me is fun scouring every nook and corner.

"Is that so? Then answer me this. What colour do my eyes hold?" Another question but asked from a different direction. I turn again to where his voice comes from. How is he moving like that? I neither saw nor felt a change of atmosphere. I didn't hear anything either.

I take quick steps backwards my heart thundering with fear. Perhaps I am not dealing with a wolf, perhaps I am in immense danger. I... I am scared. I stumble keeping my eyes to the front sweeping the area in case this creature plans to pounce upon me. My ears try to catch any signs of movement as my father taught me yet I fail for the waterfall takes over my senses.

Without a sense of direction, I move hastily only to lose my balance, hands flailing trying to get hold of something I fall with no rescue. If my brother were here he would have caught me.

The ground breaks my fall my bum landing with a thud on the harsh stony ground whilst my knee bleeds flesh split on the sharp rocks. I regard the fresh wound and the sight upsets me. Lips wobbling the wall breaks open as tears stream down my cheeks and I begin to sob.

Clutching my knee to my chest the dress my mother bought me is completely filthy with wet muddy dirt. Knowing that I will be taught a lesson for this I sob harder the creature hiding forgotten. Loud whimpers and whines leave my lips. A few minutes pass and I do not halt my wails for it worsens with time. The pain of my wound signifying blood not stopping.

A soft crunch plunges through my sobs and I peer up towards the source. Hands move the tree branches to give way to light and a male walks forward with confidence. My blurry eyes regard him, snot running down my nose.

He is not of my age he is a juvenile male who walks forward. Hair the colour of the sand upon the seashore and eyes like the vast...oceans. I had blue eyes yet his was different more electric, for it had the power to trap you.

He comes towards me as I crawl a few steps back afraid of this unknown male. He kneels at my feet and scans my features. His eyes drop to my knee and with no warning, his right hand shoots out to clutch my ankle and drag my body to him.

I scream as my body slides forward swiftly and I am in close contact with him. His eyes look up at me again and I push my head back uncomfortable with the unforeseen closeness. I have never been this close with any male but my brother.

The colour of his eyes change quickly from an electric blue to obsidian and I shriek again alarmed by this instant change. His eyes a midnight black, brother told me this occurs when in the presence of a beast. I struggle to free myself from his grasp yet his hold on me merely tightens. He yanks my ankle again so that my knee is close to his face.

Bending down he opens his mouth, tongue peeking out to lick my wound. The more he licks the stinging sensations die and he frees me of my pain. My struggling stops, my cries turning into soft hiccups and I lay still waiting for him to finish. He licks until the blood dries and the wound closes.

My eyes widen as I look at the wound for mother told me bandages healed the wounds but I never knew there were other ways. Did wolves have the ability to do this? I peer back at him as he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand removing the traces of my blood.

"Does it still hurt?" He asks however this time his voice hold a softness to it.

"N-No," I whisper shaking my head. With a soft sigh, his fingers clamp around my hips and he lifts me with ease so I can stand on my two feet. He waits patiently till I regain my balance.

"Did I scare you?" He asks again and I meekly nod my head. "I apologize for that." He expresses regret.

"Thank you," I whisper looking at my feet.

"For what?" He queries whilst patting down his jeans dusting off the dirt that clung to them.

"For healing my wound," I reply peering up to look at him. Noticing that his eyes are on me I look away quickly only to receive a playful scoff from him.

"What is your name?" He questions whilst his fingers scour the flesh of his hands cleaning it off the mud.

"Theia," I reply. When I am met by nothing but silence I gain my courage to ask him his. "W-What is yours?" My voice quivers and I stutter. My hands meeting in front of my stomach I show him my manners.

"Phobos." He replies.

I finally muster the courage to meet his eyes and when I do his eyes light up as the stars do at night. His cheeks pull in and he offers me a wide smile with teeth. "Finally you looked at me. I was waiting you know?" He questions followed by a chuckle.

Seeing him smile as if he had no care in this world and that he meant no harm I smile with him showing him my teeth that are still in the process of growth.

The soft wind blows through the garden the cherry blossom petals raining down on us whilst the leaves dance to the music of the breeze. We gaze at each other with our big smiles and dirty clothes.

As our smiles turned into chuckles and finally into laughter the moon who hid that day clapped her hands for the two mates who were unaware that this was their very first meeting.



Here are some somethings you need to know:

1. From this chappy onwards you will be able to understand the childhood connection of the main leads, you shall be able to see their bond flourish. These chappies are crucial to truly feel their connection when they turn to adults and meet as true mates. Please do not confuse Phobos's adoration in the upcoming chappies for Theia as romantic feelings, follow and analyse their conversations thoroughly and you will see he adores her as one would adore a child.

2. Juveniles go through a physical and emotional process of transforming into wolves at the age of 16-18. But Phobos is not a regular male, he is very special for his wolf came alive within him very earlier on.

3. He doesn't recognize Theia as his mate yet because he has his wolf only emotionally and it is still growing with him. Only when he goes through the physical transformation he will recognize Theia as his mate.

4. Phobos is very different from normal werewolves as he and his wolf will grow to be equal whilst he grows. What this means is that usually the human part of werewolves tend to have more control over their beasts and can bring them to the surface or push them back easily. However, Phobos and his wolf will have equal power which means they both will not have control over the other. And for this reason, he will be feared.

5. Phobos his current age is 14 and there is a 9-year age gap between him and Theia.

**CAUTION: ** This book will be an emotional rollercoaster but it will grow to become an addiction you cannot relieve yourself of 🙂

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