The Beast's Virgin Claim

Chapter 15 - Hell - Part【1】

Deafening blares of our pack alarms have me arise from my tranquil state in the balcony whilst I close my book shut my eyes swelling to its abruptness that terrifies me.

I believed that our pack will perpetually be secure from malicious ravenous wolves and that I shall never hear these dreadful bells. But they say hopes are always meant to be stomped upon for it has ultimately arrived unconditionally.

"Theia!" Ismena shoves the door open with a fierceness her chest heaving whilst she meets my hysteric atwitter orbs.

"The pups first!" I holler lugging up the hem of my flowy lucent nightgown dashing towards her with my bare feet.

"Alpha Cronus has instructed for me to make you my priority." She responds grasping my hand steering me down the stairway hastily in a trial to flee before the invaders win their way inside these shielding walls.

"The pregnant females and the elders Ismena. I can persevere, they will not."

"Listen to me, Theia. There are a mere few wolves who have infiltrated our lands but they seem as though they could annihilate all of us in a matter of minutes. We do not own time." Her eyes possess a look of absolute fright as she recalls those wolves, what has she seen?

"Which pack is it? What do they want with us?" I question as I strive to keep up with her rapid pace.

"I do not know I could not recognize them. They are distinct from us, Theia. They resembled..."

"They resembled what?" I whisper my heart clobbering beneath my rib cage to the way her optics suffocate with the grim terror of what she witnessed.

"Wild beasts." A sharp intake of breath is taken in by me to her unforeseen words. Perhaps they are rogues? Rogue attacks are quite frequent primarily if packs are prosperous and are thriving.

This is the very first time such imperilment has befallen us, how could these wolves facilely traverse over our exceptional scouts and defenders. We are known to possess the best of the best.

"Do they want war with us?"

"That is what appeared ominous to me, it felt as though they came to take what rightfully belonged to them." She mutters whilst she escorts me down the obscure side trail away from the open fields to take us beneath to the underground shelter. It is still a gamble for we must cross the front gates of our pack.

"We need to rescue our wolves, Ismena. It is not moral of me to defend myself first."

"Orien and Zina are managing it with numerous others, do not worry. You will see them when we arrive there." She utters her eyes analysing our surroundings with a keenness auditing to see if we have been discovered.

"And what of Cronus, Ismena? I must go to him, I cannot leave him alone." I begin drawing my hand from her tight grip yet she does not uncork me as though her life depends on it.

"He is the Alpha Theia, he has trained all his life for this. He shall be able to prevail against them, trust me." She eases my apprehension with her words of assurance as she hauls me to the place remote from my home.

"But I-"

"Theia, get down." Before I could protest she alerts with a celerity promptly sinking to the ground behind a dense bush steering me with her. Her palm clamps against my mouth whilst she settles a finger to her lips indicating to be quiet as I meekly nod at her behest.

My breathing staggers as I contemplate the truth of what she discerns. My back is thrust further into the shrub, I cannot see anything but her petrified globes. She views the front gates with befuddlement as though she does not understand what is transpiring.

"Ismena," I whisper shaking her flesh weakly to garner her attention. What is it? What is she seeing?

"Hush, Theia." She moues as her eyes scrutinize the situation whilst her breathing shifts to an uneasy rapidness adding to my impatience.

"Tell me what is happening."

"This is so uncanny. Alpha Cronus is conversing with them, it is as though they are scouring for something or..."

"Or what?"

"Or someone." She tells her chaotic globes engaging with my widened ones. Whom are they seeking to capture? A female of theirs perhaps one of them has recognized their mate here. But why would they trespass without Cronus's consent?

"Let me see," I murmur altering my position with a faint grunt to peep up at the ongoing crisis taking cover from the leaves. Indeed as she has stated, Cronus calmly discourses with them his hands held firmly behind his back head propped high, he shows no trepidation or restlessness. He carries a familiarity in the way he addresses them.

"Where is their Alpha? Is that him masked by the hood?" Ismena questions with inquisitiveness.

"Yes, I suppose so. I feel the dominion emitting from his being."

"I have never beheld such a bulky male before. How can one be that towering?" Her eyes broaden with wonderment as she regards the male who stands in front of Cronus as though he owned these lands with no care in the world of the blunder he has committed of trespassing and provoking panic.

"I cannot see his face," I say squinting my eyes essaying to get a more meticulous inspection of his features that seem bashful to reveal themselves.

"Neither can I."

The male in the midst of the other two explicates to me that he is the Alpha, yet why does he seem so familiar to me as though something within me remembers him. The wolf is quite large both in height and structure and the way he carries himself with that esteem and confidence I find undeniably alluring.

Teeth sink into my lower lip as I regard him with interest, I cannot decipher his features yet I find him to be so blisteringly captivating. I have never once felt this way for any wolf before except for Phobos. He was the only male my core moistened to, the only male who could entice me with one of his feverish looks.

As though he had learned of my inner thoughts his orbs fleetly shift to where I hide penetrating my widening blues with his. Ismena and I both exhale with startlement in unison and instantly duck once more caching ourselves from the Alpha. "He looked right at us. How is this possible?"

"I-I do not know," I reply gawping up at her with an immediate dread that slams me down.

"Goddess, Theia we need to run on the count of three, do you understand?"

I nod to her in compliance with her terms. It is arduous to acquire their foreign scents for it is all mixed collectively as one, I cannot determine their background.

"One. Two. Thr-" She commences but her plan is torn off by his roaring sonorous voice.

"Theia!" Cronus beckons me with an intenseness that wills me immobile as I stay still Ismena and I gawking at each other with broad startled eyes.

"He is calling you, Theia." She swoops down to whisper of her astonishment to me. Why is he summoning me, for what purpose?

"Come, Theia. Your male is here for you."

My heart ceases to beat as Ismena gasps capping her open mouth with her palm in shock. His words seem to endlessly echo within the depths of my mind. I find it hard to believe. My chest heaves with the magnitude of his truth, I hadn't expected this. I...I do not want this.

"Theia you must go." Ismena smiles uneasily with incitation for me as my eyes brim with tears. She does not understand, she does not know of my tribulation.

"I do not wish to." I whimper continuously shaking my head in dismissal creeping backwards hoping that the bush would consume me whole or ensconce me underneath its invisible cloak.

"What? You must go, he is here for you. Is this not what you yearned for?" She frowns with discombobulation at my dismay at his unanticipated presence.

"No, this is what I bled for." My raw grievous words are flung at her tenaciously as she is seized off guard by my antics. My glare of mounting fury shot for her to witness.

"Theia. I will not ask you again. Come here." Cronus's words seem to spit out with betrayal. Treachery of what I had kept buried from him that has now arisen to light. He is unsettled with me.

I timidly raise, my eyes adhered to my feet as I take floundering steps towards the main gates abiding by his demand. The ardency of Phobos's smouldering gaze burns me with the intensity of his attentiveness as I choke on my breath to belatedly meet with the one whom my soul ached for years, I am being torn apart with every step I take towards his ocean blues.

I do not wish to leave, I do not wish to go with him. You bring me pain, Phobos. I am terrorized by you.

I can sense it, the sweltering but gentle caresses of his eyes that drives sensually upward from my bare ankles to my quivering flesh. Every inch of my being he feeds on unabashed. No, this is not like when we were eighteen. This is untamed, wilder more excruciatingly lascivious and sinful. I cannot breathe well as I grapple to keep wandering towards him.

Tiny steps I take with my bare feet that imprint on the delicate drenched soil, my mind turns dreich and sombre just as the enlarged grey clouds brewing to birth another storm. Uncertainty of what is to come shackles me with a profound atrociousness. I am knowingly entering the beast's den and I know for sure that I shall be pitilessly gorged for that...that is Phobos.

My spine broils with unruly tremors to the way he examines the fullness of my being. As I near him the more ardent it becomes as though I am nearing the sun, I melt to the radiation he beholds. Clutching my outrageously trembling hands to conceal my emotions that wish to bare themselves to his piercing blues, I persist by Cronus's side retaining my eyes to the earth.

Not once do I meet his galvanic and hypnotically lethal gaze.

Cronus is silent beside me as though he were sealing the words of rage he wished to hurl at my moon blessed for he has finally realised the truth of it all. He has finally learned of the prime cause behind the brutal relentless years of my anguish.

I swallow harshly as my male takes an impassioned step towards me. A large hardened palm is brought forth to seize my jaw with impatient gluttony that confines him as he hoists my face up to meet his zealous awaiting globes.

Timorous nordic blues meet beastly ocean blues.

With a meek bewildered gasp, I am spellbound by him as I gawp into his voracious predatory orbs.. How is it possible? Our eyes meet and I find myself to be home.

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